After hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, the golden giant ape was instantly furious, and his eyes widened.

"Are you provoking me?" The golden giant ape yelled angrily, "At the beginning, your king was barely supporting me. If you don't have a master, you still want to deal with us?"

"We are two demon kings. How can the power of kings be something you can shake?"

The Scarlet Flame Leopard King didn't speak, but instead looked at Jiang Xiaobai and was vigilant about his surroundings.

When Jiang Xiaobai said that the formation was broken, the Scarlet Flame Demon King didn't believe it at all. He knew better than anyone else what kind of existence the Ten Thousand Demon Formation was. How could it be broken by a fledgling child?

This is simply incredible.

Not only the Scarlet Flame Leopard King would not believe it, but anyone with a brain would not believe it.

"Jiang Xiaobai, there's no need to talk nonsense with them, just kill them!" Lu Tianming walked out from Jiang Xiaobai's side, staring fiercely at the two demon kings in front of him.

In front of him, there were two genuine Demon King contestants.

And after occupying Mount Tai for many years, he doesn't look like an ordinary demon king.

Normally, if faced with such a demon king, they would not dare to act rashly.

However, the golden giant ape was the initiator of the attack on Los Angeles, so they had no reason to stop.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai agreed without hesitation.

Killing monsters does not require any reason!

At the beginning of the upheaval, some people used to defend the monsters, thinking that not all monsters are vicious and brutal, and even advocated peaceful coexistence with monsters, but when the monsters showed their fangs later, cities one by one were destroyed by monsters. When the city was conquered or even massacred, no one stood up to speak for the monsters.

The cruelty of monsters is not as simple as described by humans, but that monsters are really committing atrocities.

For example, Jiang Xiaobai and others today have personally experienced the ferocity of monsters, so when facing the monster king, Jiang Xiaobai directly attacked without any hesitation.

Of the hundred grandmasters, there are only about 80 left now, but the remaining dozens of grandmasters are mostly the elite of the elite.

Dozens of grandmasters divided into two teams and blasted directly at the Scarlet Flame Leopard King and the Golden Giant Ape.

This is the way they have thought of long ago. Divide into two teams to deal with the two demon kings. If there are three demon kings, they will concentrate on dealing with one of the demon kings. Regardless of success or failure, they will flee at the most dangerous time.

"A mere guru, dare to do something to me?" Scarlet Flame Leopard King saw Lu Tianming rushing towards him, his body was full of monster aura.


Lu Tianming led dozens of masters to rush towards the Scarlet Flame Leopard King. The two fought against each other, and there was a powerful sound.

Although the Scarlet Flame Leopard King is in the realm of the demon king, he also feels strong pressure in the face of so many attacks from the masters.

The demonic energy in the Scarlet Flame Leopard King's body was rampant, and the huge demonic energy shot out in all directions, attacking the grandmaster in front of him.

The forty masters stood in random positions, urging the power in their bodies, and the mighty vitality blasted towards the Scarlet Flame Demon King.

Boom boom boom!

The surrounding vitality hammered the ground, smashing the ground to pieces immediately.

Countless warriors were held in the hands of the masters, and they rushed towards the Scarlet Flame Leopard King. The huge power poured out, causing a huge earthquake.

More than 30 disciples led by Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards the golden giant ape.

The golden giant ape was the chief culprit in the attack on Los Angeles, causing the city of Los Angeles to suffer.

All of this was caused by the golden giant ape.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai directly chose the golden giant ape as his opponent.

Thorn Hong and Thorn Star hovered around Jiang Xiaobai, their energy flowing across the sky like a rainbow.


Jiang Xiaobai found the right time, and punched out with a little thunder, and blasted towards the golden giant ape.

"A mere guru, dare to attack me?" The golden giant ape saw Jiang Xiaobai attacking, and said with a sneer. "You haven't even reached the first-order grandmaster, who gave you the courage!"

The golden giant ape didn't even look at it, and directly used its body to bear Jiang Xiaobai's attack.


Jiang Xiaobai attacked the golden giant ape, and a huge counter-shock force suddenly struck, causing Jiang Xiaobai to fly backwards in an instant.

"It's too difficult for a strong man at the demon king level!"

Jiang Xiaobai struggled to get up from the ground. He was just entering the realm of a master, but the golden giant ape opposite him was a whole realm higher than him.

If there are no other grandmasters to help share the pressure, the golden giant ape would have no trouble dealing with him.

Even so, it was obvious that he took the initiative to attack just now, but he was the one who was injured in the end.

This is enough to see how big the difference is.

And a third-tier grandmaster like Lu Tianming is much better.

"Xiao Bai, are you alright!"

Seeing this, the surrounding masters immediately sent out a person to support Jiang Xiaobai, and stood beside him to protect him.

"It's okay." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, "You don't have to worry about me, keep this guy around, as long as we are in the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, we are relatively safe."

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Monster Formation has been changed, from strong monster energy to vitality.

Fighting here, if a human warrior suffers a serious injury, he can replenish it by absorbing vitality.

Dozens of masters joined forces to fight the demon king!

There was once a case where the masters joined forces to fight the king, and in the end dozens of masters joined forces to defeat the king.

It is precisely because of previous successful cases that Lu Tianming and others dare to challenge the Demon King.

Normally speaking, beheading a few lord-level monsters is enough to show the success of their operation.

But they are not satisfied with this, only by beheading the demon king can they truly succeed.

After all, the demon king is the center of gravity of Mount Tai.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was just a newcomer to the Grandmaster, he did not give up after one blow.

Instead, he used Wuyun swordsmanship to deal with the golden giant ape in front of him.

Sword wind!

Jiang Xiaobai urged Cihong and Cixing to use Wuyun swordsmanship and blast the golden giant ape with sword wind.


The sword energy exploded on the golden giant ape, causing waves of aftermath to disperse.

The golden giant ape is very angry at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai is just a little grandmaster, but every attack will fall on himself.

Although the attack would not seriously injure or kill him, it seemed like a provocation, making it unbearable.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are courting death!"

The golden giant ape let out a roar, and the demonic energy in his body shot out in all directions, and countless streams of evil energy spread like chains.

The demonic aura instantly bound towards the surrounding grandmasters. Seeing this, the grandmasters brandished their soldiers one after another and attacked brutally.


The soldiers smashed the demonic energy and blasted towards the golden giant ape again.

Jiang Xiaobai on the side was dodging the evil spirit, and only at this time did he feel that his strength was too insufficient.

Even if the golden giant ape stood still and let him attack, he probably didn't have the capital to kill it.

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