Dominate the world

Chapter 505 Crit Taunt

The other grandmasters threw themselves into the battle, almost pushing their own strength to the extreme.

But even so, they were nothing more than a tie with the golden giant ape.

If it wasn't for Jiang Xiaobai's improvement of the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, they might have been defeated long ago.

The Scarlet Flame Leopard King and the Golden Giant Ape did not expect that these masters in front of them would be so difficult to deal with, and they could even fight them to a tie.

They are the demon kings who have occupied Mount Tai for many years, and now they are being bullied by several masters.

Whether it is the Scarlet Flame Leopard King or the Golden Giant Ape, they are extremely depressed.

In the eyes of monsters, especially the monster king, human beings are not worth mentioning.

Human beings are weak, but relying on their large numbers, they can gain a foothold in the world after the upheaval.

But now, the human beings they look down on actually have the capital to fight them.

"Looking for death!" A bloody light suddenly burst out from the Scarlet Flame Leopard King, and then a huge ax appeared on his hands.

Black black iron axe!

When Lu Tianming saw the magic weapon in the hands of the Scarlet Flame Leopard King, he immediately recognized it.

Heixuan Iron Ax was once a soldier of a king-level powerhouse in the Martial Arts Department. Later, that king-level powerhouse disappeared, and no one knew where he went.

Now it seems that most of them died in the hands of the demon king in front of him.

"This warrior was obtained by me beheading a human king. Now use it to deal with you!" the Scarlet Flame Demon King said fiercely.

Ever since he got the black black iron axe, he has been tempering this soldier. A few years later, this soldier has become the weapon of the Scarlet Flame Demon King.

After tempering the evil spirit, the black black iron ax became extremely strange, and the evil spirit hovered on the iron axe, unable to dissipate for a long time.


The Scarlet Flame Leopard King swung the black black iron ax towards the grandmaster in front of him, and his vitality swept like a perverted wind blade, with bursts of sound breaking through the air.

Ever since the Scarlet Flame Leopard King used the black black iron axe, Lu Tianming and the others felt great pressure, and the vitality in their bodies surged.

Each of them was running their exercises crazily, and their bodies released powerful brilliance.

The fifth level of grand master, the first level is like a heaven, and after the fifth level of grand master, it is the realm of kings!

As a third-tier grandmaster, Lu Tianming's three viscera shone with strange lights, and the four parts of his body were faintly glowing.

Lu Tianming, who was already at the pinnacle of a third-tier grandmaster, even vaguely broke through to the realm of a fourth-tier grandmaster after going through continuous battles.

Tier [-] Grandmaster!

This is the realm of the late-stage masters. If Lu Tianming can be promoted to the late-stage masters, their chances of winning may be greatly improved.

"Tianming, are you about to be promoted?"

The master next to him saw Lu Tianming's strangeness, and then asked.

"Yes!" Lu Tianming said in a deep voice.

"Then you can concentrate on promotion, and we will hold on to it!" The master who narrated said in a deep voice after hearing Lu Tianming's affirmation.

"Okay!" Lu Tianming didn't refuse, "Let's use the formation!"

"En!" The surrounding masters nodded in agreement.

As the masters of the Martial Arts Department, they have naturally accumulated a lot of experience in fighting monsters all year round, and with the help of the martial arts department's formations, they can unleash their extremely powerful combat power.

Even if Lu Tianming is temporarily missing alone, they can bear it.

Soon, Lu Tianming withdrew from the battle group, and now he is rapidly improving his strength.

It is not an easy task for a third-tier grandmaster to be promoted to fourth-tier. Even Lu Tianming had to accumulate time and time again to achieve today's promotion.

There are only a few third-tier grandmasters this time, most of them are second-tier grandmasters and a small number of first-tier grandmasters. Lu Tianming, as a grandmaster at the peak of third-tier, has been able to advance to fourth-tier after fighting at this time. Grandmaster.

The surrounding vitality rushed towards Lu Tianming one after another, and quickly rushed into his internal organs.

At this time, the exercises in the body turned crazily, and the vitality flowed from the meridians, tempering Lu Tianming's viscera.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai's side was gradually at a disadvantage.

Although the golden giant ape was injured by Du Pingyuan, it can be seen that its strength is slowly recovering after these days of recuperation.

Even if they hadn't recovered to their peak state, Jiang Xiaobai and the others were helpless with the strength of the Demon King.

The king of human beings is the golden body realm, and the demon king of the demon clan is not weaker than the king at all, but a bit stronger.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others were so numerous that they were unable to break through the defense of the golden giant ape for a while.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you can't pose a threat to me like this." The golden giant ape repelled the crowd, and said with a smirk, "I am a demon king, how can you ordinary people be able to defeat me?"

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, staring at the golden giant ape, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Indeed, as the golden giant ape said, even though he was injured, he was still in the realm of the demon king, and he could completely resist their attacks with his physical body.

Is there really no alternative?

Jiang Xiaobai was full of murderous intent. If the golden giant ape escaped this time, it might not be so easy to find him next time.

Bang bang bang!

The surrounding masters attacked the golden giant ape again, and the vitality exploded on the golden giant ape, but it only made the golden giant retreat a few steps, and did not suffer substantial damage.

With this level of attack, trying to break through the defense of the golden giant ape is almost a dream.

To completely defeat the golden giant ape, one must bypass his defenses.

Bypass defense?

How should I go around?

Countless thoughts flashed through Jiang Xiaobai's mind, and when he saw the Tai Chi disc in the sea of ​​consciousness, his thoughts gradually became clear.

A strong man with a golden body, his body defense is extremely amazing.

But what about mental attacks?

Jiang Xiaobai's mental power has always been much stronger than others, not only that, after entering Mount Tai, Jiang Xiaobai felt that his mental power had been elevated to a broader dimension.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not practice the method of spiritual attack. Even if his mental power is strong, he cannot concentrate mental power to attack.


Suddenly a cold voice came from the Tai Chi disc.

"What?" Jiang Xiaobai was obviously taken aback when he heard this voice.

This sound seems to be coming from the Tai Chi Disc.

Tai Chi Disc?

"Brother Pan, are you talking to me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked subconsciously.

Nine days of thunder!

This time, Taiji Yuanpan didn't speak, but four large characters appeared in the sky.

Nine days of thunder?

Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly as he watched Jiu Tian Lei Dong.

Nine Heavens Thunder Movement is a kung fu that I have comprehended based on the Nine Prisons Thunder Knife, and it is a kung fu deduced entirely by relying on my proficiency in the Nine Prisons Thunder Knife.

And now to use it in mental power?

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