Dominate the world

Chapter 506 Defeating the Golden Giant Ape

Is the mental power released through the Nine Heavens Thunder?

Jiang Xiaobai's mental power wanted to spread out quickly. Since entering Mount Tai, Jiang Xiaobai's mental power has become easier to manipulate.

The purest spiritual power emanated from Jiang Xiaobai's sea of ​​consciousness, and he seemed extremely cautious at this moment.

Mental power is derived from the power of the soul, if the mental power is damaged, it will be more serious than the damage to the body.

For example, Lan Yingying, it was because her soul was severely injured that she became the living dead.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Xiaobai became more and more cautious.

If it weren't for their inability to blast through the mental power of the golden giant ape, Jiang Xiaobai would not use such a risky existence with such mental power.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what are you going to do?"

The monk standing beside Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but turn pale with shock when he saw Jiang Xiaobai like this.

Mental power attacks are extremely dangerous, although powerful, but for ordinary grandmasters, this is an extremely dangerous thing.

A little carelessness will destroy both body and spirit.

However, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to use mental power to attack.

"Psychic attack? Is Jiang Xiaobai crazy?"

"It's so abnormal, how dare he do this? It's too risky."

"How can a master use mental power attacks? It's too dangerous."

All the masters were stunned after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's attack method.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai launched a mental attack. Although it was a helpless move, it was also an extremely risky thing.

Especially Jiang Xiaobai is still a newcomer to the realm of a master!

"Get out of the way!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly growled.

"Haha, stupid human being!" The golden giant ape couldn't help mocking after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's actions, "Psychic attack? I'm afraid you can't even control things with your mental power, and you still want to gather your mental power to attack me. The attack is really naive and ridiculous!"

It's no wonder that the golden giant ape looks down on Jiang Xiaobai. After all, in the cognition of all humans and monsters, mental power attacks can only be used after reaching the golden body, and Jiang Xiaobai is only a master. An evildoer is nothing more than being able to exert mental power to control things.

Want a psychic attack?

It must be the peak king!

The pinnacle king?

Jiang Xiaobai may still need decades of practice.

The current Jiang Xiaobai's mental attack is just a joke.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't!"

All the masters shouted in unison.

Although they were dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai in various ways, when Jiang Xiaobai broke the Ten Thousand Monsters Formation, these dissatisfaction were all shattered. Facing Jiang Xiaobai, they would no longer have any dissatisfaction.

The current Jiang Xiaobai has already been regarded as a comrade-in-arms by them!

The feelings of warriors are so pure, with clear hatred, even if they looked down on each other before, after experiencing life and death together, all these will be crushed and replaced by brotherhood.

"You think I want to!" Jiang Xiaobai said bitterly, "I can't stop!"

According to the information provided by Tai Chi Yuanpan, Jiang Xiaobai used his mental power to run the Nine Heavens Thunder, and the mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness was almost exhausted in an instant. Jiang Xiaobai was in a trance for a while, and had to bite his tongue to stimulate him with pain. Let him lose his mind.

When Jiang Xiaobai wanted to stop, he found that Jiutian Leidong couldn't stop at all.

"Brother Pan, if you don't help, we'll die together!"

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth and said.

The mental power will soon be exhausted, and Jiang Xiaobai will become an idiot.

A series of mental powers were emptied by the Nine Heavens Thunder, and the Tai Chi disc also began to rotate slightly, and a series of faint breaths poured into the Nine Heavens Thunder that Jiang Xiaobai urged.

"Sure enough, you still love me!"

Jiang Xiaobai felt the power coming from the Tai Chi disc, and the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a satisfied smile.

call out!

With the help of the Tai Chi disc, the Nine Heavens Thunder has gradually formed.

The inconspicuous faint light contained extremely powerful power. As soon as Nine Heavens Thunder appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

"This is?" The golden giant ape's eyes became alert. It was already in the realm of the demon king and had a natural perception of danger.

And the thing Jiang Xiaobai made made the golden giant ape feel threatened.

"It's not true!" the golden giant ape said in a low voice.

Mental power attack, how did he do it?

While the golden giant ape was thinking, Jiutian Leidong, who had condensed spiritual power, had already come in front of the golden giant ape.


The golden giant ape didn't have time to think at all, and was directly hit by the nine-day thunder, and his body lost consciousness for a while.

"Kill him!" Jiang Xiaobai roared with all his might.

The surrounding masters stepped forward one after another, and countless soldiers landed on the body of the golden giant ape, bursting out with a burst of powerful brilliance.


The golden giant ape's body crashed to the ground, its skin ripped apart.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Jiang Xiaobai!"

The surrounding masters shouted anxiously.

When Jiang Xiaobai woke up again, he felt his mind was blank and his body was extremely weak.

This is not physical weakness, but mental weakness.

"Where are the monsters?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Dead!" A master close to Jiang Xiaobai explained, "You killed the demon king!"

"Where's the corpse?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted anxiously.

"In front..." The master had just finished speaking, and saw Jiang Xiaobai staggering towards the golden giant ape, "Xiaobai, we have checked, he is already dead and can't die anymore. "

"You are not allowed to snatch this demon king from me!" Jiang Xiaobai said weakly, lying on the golden giant ape.

Masters: "..."

It's this time, and I still think about the Demon King, this guy...

All the masters kept complaining in their hearts. Shouldn't normal people recover from their injuries first?

There is no one like Jiang Xiaobai, the first thing he does when he wakes up is to find the golden giant ape.

When Jiang Xiaobai was lying on the golden giant ape, he immediately activated the Tai Chi disc.

According to legend, this golden giant ape has the blood of the white ape. According to Jiang Xiaobai's understanding, the white ape has practiced eight or nine mysterious skills, which are against the heavens. If he can practice one or two, he can naturally let himself strength has been greatly improved.

Now the golden giant ape is dead, unless it is to see if there is any gain from the blood of the golden giant ape.

And now the only thing that can help him is Taiji Yuanpan.

Jiang Xiaobai has made great contributions to the Tai Chi Disc along the way, but Jiang Xiaobai still hasn't figured out the function of the Tai Chi Disc.

Now I can only try it.

Sure enough, when Jiang Xiaobai activated the Tai Chi disc, streaks of bloody aura were absorbed by the Tai Chi disc.

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