Dominate the world

Chapter 507 Buddha Light Glass, Got It

Jiang Xiaobai stayed in front of the golden giant ape for a full 10 minutes before putting away the golden giant ape.

"I took the body of this golden giant ape, do you have any objections?" Jiang Xiaobai said slowly after recovering for a while.

"No!" the masters complained inwardly.

You put all the shit away, and now you come to ask us?

"Are you okay!" At this time, Lu Tianming and others also came over, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with eyes full of excitement and shock.

When he learned that Jiang Xiaobai had used his mental power to attack, his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning. d

Grandmaster can also perform spiritual attacks?

This has completely exceeded his imagination, but it is true.

"It's okay, it's just a little empty." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly. "Where is the Scarlet Flame Leopard King?"

"Run away, didn't catch up!" Lu Tianming replied dejectedly.

When the Scarlet Flame Leopard King saw the golden giant ape being killed, he chose to turn around and leave after fighting for a while.

Lu Tianming and the others didn't sit still, they directly chased after them, but they found that they couldn't catch up with each other at all.

As the realm of the demon king, the opponent's strength is naturally much higher than that of Lu Tianming and the others. Since the opponent wants to escape, Lu Tianming can't catch up with him at all.

Seeing that the pursuit was fruitless, Lu Tianming and the others also came back to look after Jiang Xiaobai.

"Run away?" Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while after hearing this. "We have to leave here quickly. Mount Tai is unfathomable. I heard that there is still a monster at the peak of the Demon King. If he is released..."

The monster at the peak of the demon king!

Hearing this, Lu Tianming was shocked. If he really met the monster at the peak of the Demon King, they would not be opponents at all.

Even with twice as many grandmasters, it may not be able to pose a threat to the peak demon king.

"Okay, then let's evacuate now." Lu Tianming said directly without being greedy.

"Wait!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered something, "Get the Buddha Light Glass first."

Now that he has paid such a terrible price, he just killed a demon king, no matter how he calculates it, he feels a bit of a loss.

If you can take the Buddha Light Glazed away, it will be a big gain.

After all, Foguang Liuli is a ninth-grade elixir, and Jiang Xiaobai can't use it now, so he can sell it for a good price.

"Buddha Light Glass?" Lu Tianming nodded after hearing it. "good!"

Lu Tianming, Jiang Xiaobai and the others stepped out of the Ten Thousand Demon Formation and walked directly towards the location of the Buddha Light Glass.

This time, in order to attract them, the monster directly took out the Buddha Light Glaze, which shows that it has spent a lot of money.

The Buddha's Light Glaze has no effect on monsters, but will have an adverse effect on the cultivation of monsters.

The Buddha's light colored glaze is the inheritance of Buddhist power for hundreds of years. It is already full of Buddha nature and can deter all evil spirits.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others came to a dilapidated temple, the walls were dilapidated, and weeds regenerated in the yard. Many towering ancient trees had been cut down in half, and in the corners, even dusty spider webs could be seen.

"It looks like it's been abandoned for many years!"

Some masters couldn't help sighing.

The temples on Mount Tai were once very prosperous, but now no one cares about them.

Although the monsters have occupied Mount Tai, they have nothing to do with the Buddha Light Glazed Glass. Even the Monster King can't destroy the Buddha Light Glass.

But this time, in order to attract Jiang Xiaobai and the others to take the bait, they let go of the formation.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai perceive the existence of the Buddha Light Glass.

"It should have been abandoned for many years!" Lu Tianming looked around, "I'm afraid this place has been abandoned since the drastic change."

"Foguang Liuli is in the main hall, we will leave as soon as we get it."

"Okay!" The grand master next to him replied, and rushed out quickly.

Not long after, a few pieces of Buddha Light Glaze were held in the hands of several masters.

"You guys did a good job." Lu Tianming looked at the Buddha Light Glass in the master's hand, "Now we should withdraw."


Several masters agreed in a low voice.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what's wrong with you?" Lu Tianming and the others were about to retreat when they found Jiang Xiaobai frozen in place.

"Go back first!" Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly.

"What? Let's go back first?"

"What happened? Let's go together! What's the matter if we go first?"

"What are you going to do, let's do it together."

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, the surrounding masters were not happy.

How could they go first when they came together?

Moreover, they and Jiang Xiaobai are already comrades-in-arms, so it would not be appropriate to leave at this time.

"It's okay, it's my own fault." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the crowd and said seriously, "You should know what kind of exercise I am practicing, but this exercise is incomplete, and I have to find the complete exercise on Mount Tai. Otherwise, it will be a problem for my strength improvement."

"You mean Taiyue Kungfu?" Lu Tianming asked directly.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

"I've also heard about this before. It doesn't matter that we have already killed a demon king. The mission to conquer Mount Tai is almost completed, and it is only natural for you to find exercises for you." Lu Tianming continued. "Many people are powerful, and it is always faster than you looking for it alone."

"I appreciate your kindness." Jiang Xiaobai declined politely. "As the master warriors of the Martial Arts Department, you naturally have more important tasks to perform. If you waste your time with me, wouldn't I be a sinner through the ages?"

Seeing that Lu Tianming continued to speak, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands: "If something bad happens, I will take the lead in fleeing. I don't need you to tell me about it."

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, am very afraid of death. How could I not cherish my own life? What's more, we have already severely injured the Scarlet Flame Leopard King. Even if the other demon kings followed suit, they would naturally think that I went down the mountain with you."

"Although you don't help me, you have helped me a lot invisibly."

"Okay!" Lu Tianming nodded helplessly.

Jiang Xiaobai had already decided on his next move, even if he said anything, Jiang Xiaobai might not agree.

"Then let's go down the mountain in a lively manner to divert your attention." Lu Tianming said.

"Thank you all!" Jiang Xiaobai clasped his fists and said, "Then we will see you later."

"We should thank you!" Lu Tianming expressed the feelings of all the masters.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai, the few of them would have disappeared into the Ten Thousand Monster Formation at this moment, let alone beheading the Monster King, it would be difficult for them to guarantee it.

"There will be a period later!" After Lu Tianming finished speaking, he led the surrounding masters and walked decisively aside.

As for Jiang Xiaobai, he continued to move towards the depths of Mount Tai.

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