Jiang Xiaobai has come to a strange place, and everything around him is very strange.

In front of him, there is only a huge stone tens of feet high, engraved with the four characters of "Five Sacred Mountains".

The Five Sacred Mountains are the only ones!

This is Taishan Stone Carvings?

Jiang Xiaobai did not expect that he would come to such a place.

The Five Sacred Mountains are the only ones. I have forgotten when and who carved the big characters here.

It looks domineering and done in one go.

It's not just that, these four words have a profound artistic conception, and very people can write them.

"This kind of aura, I'm afraid even the emperor-level powerhouse can't show it!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the words "Five Mountains Sovereign", feeling awe.

Emperor level powerhouse?

Perhaps only an emperor-level powerhouse can have such an aura of looking down on the world.

Is the legend true?

Is there really an emperor-level powerhouse who came to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen?

But, why do monsters occupy the entire Mount Tai!

There is no reason for this to be connected in series. According to the legend, Mount Tai is one of the most important places in the entire Hua Kingdom.

But Huaguo did not send powerful warriors to guard Mount Tai, but relied on the human king to resist the monsters.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward and stroked the Mount Tai stone carving in front of him. Suddenly, a domineering yet soft light rushed into Jiang Xiaobai's body.

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai lost his mind!

But at this time in Los Angeles, Du Pingyuan and others were frowning.

They had already heard the news about Mount Tai, the demon king was promoted to the realm of the demon emperor, and the demonic aura permeated the entire Mount Tai, Lu Tianming and others managed to escape.

However, there are less than 70 of the hundred grandmasters left!

"What did you say? Jiang Xiaobai is still on Mount Tai?" Kong Shang couldn't help but raise a few pitches when he heard this.

"Yeah!" Lu Tianming nodded solemnly, "That's true. Jiang Xiaobai is still on Mount Tai. Before leaving, we tried our best to make noise. The monsters probably didn't notice him."

"Should? You said yes." Kong Shanghong focused his eyes, "He is just entering the realm of a master. Isn't staying in Mount Tai looking for death?"

"Old Kong, don't say a few words." Du Pingyuan persuaded, "You also know Jiang Xiaobai's virtues. If he wants to do something, neither you nor I can stop him, let alone Lu Tianming and the others?"

"Tianming, thanks to you this time!" Du Pingyuan turned to Lu Tianming and said, "All the gains this time, let's get fifty-five points! You should report back to the Ministry of Martial Arts as soon as possible, so as not to make the elders worry about your affairs. "

"President Du, we only need a part of Zhu Yuanguo this time, and the rest is left to Luocheng by Jiang Xiaobai." Lu Tianming insisted, "What's more, if there is no Jiang Xiaobai this time, we might not be able to leave. come out."

"That's right!" said a master standing beside Lu Tianming, "This time, thanks to Dean Jiang Xiaobai, five to five points is too much for him."

"Alright then!" Du Pingyuan waved his hand.

He was not hypocritical in this matter. After all, Jiang Xiaobai was still on Mount Tai, and his life and death were uncertain.

"President Du, we will report the matter about Jiang Xiaobai truthfully. If Jiang Xiaobai has not come back in the past few days, please let us know." Lu Tianming said seriously, "If he is really in danger , we will bring the strong men from the Martial Arts Department to Mount Tai again."

"Well! You guys go back! Be careful on the road." Du Pingyuan said lightly.

"Okay!" Lu Tianming and the others responded.

Yang Chengbin stepped out from the side, and handed over Zhu Yuanguo who had been allocated with both hands.

It was obvious that Yang Chengbin's eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

Lu Tianming took over Zhu Yuanguo: "The Martial Arts Department that distributes the Buddha's Light Glass will be replaced by resources of the same level."

"Okay!" Du Pingyuan said, "Let the Martial Arts Department assign these."

Because Jiang Xiaobai was still on Mount Tai, they had no time to think about anything else.

After Lu Tianming finished speaking, he walked directly outside.

"President Du, Jiang Xiaobai is still on Mount Tai!" Kong Shang said impatiently after Lu Tianming left.

"Well, I know, old Fang, Dean Fang!" Du Pingyuan looked at Kong Shang and said seriously, "I know you are worried about Jiang Xiaobai's comfort, but now that Jiang Xiaobai and Lu Tianming are making trouble, the whole Mount Tai It’s probably a mess, now we can’t go up the mountain to deal with them.”

"Now we have to think long-term and we have to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"How to plan in the long run?" Kong Shang panicked in his heart.

Back then when Fang Xiqiong was alone, Kong Shang thought that he must protect Jiang Xiaobai. After all, Jiang Xiaobai is not just a warrior, but also the dean of the Qiluwu University Martial Arts Academy. Can't live.

If Jiang Xiaobai is in danger, they will lose two deans one after another in Qilu Wu University.

"Now is the time when the monsters are furious, and we heard that the Golden Retriever Lion King has broken through to the realm of the monster emperor, we will definitely lose more than the gain if we attack rashly." Du Pingyuan comforted, "And now the monsters don't know that Jiang Xiaobai is still in Mount Tai. Now, if we make a move, and the monsters react, they will definitely attack Jiang Xiaobai."

"So, the best way for us now is to stand still?" Kong Shang stared at Du Pingyuan and said word by word.

"That's right!" Du Pingyuan nodded, "Stand still, wait for news from Jiang Xiaobai, and at the same time pay attention to the situation of Mount Tai."

"I have already applied to the Ministry of Martial Arts for the right to use the satellite. If there is any change in the monster beast, we must attack."

Hearing what Du Pingyuan said, Kong Shang was relieved.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos, Kong Shang didn't think about this at all, he just kept thinking about how to save Jiang Xiaobai, but ignored the surrounding situation.

After he calmed down, he realized that his thinking was a bit simple.

"I'm a little anxious."

Kong Shang said to Du Pingyuan with an apologetic face.

"It's okay, this is human nature. In fact, I am more anxious. Jiang Xiaobai is more important to Qilu University and Luocheng than me." Du Pingyuan said seriously, "If Jiang Xiaobai is really in danger, even It was me who was smashed to pieces, and I wanted to save Jiang Xiaobai's life."

Kong Shang and the others turned cold when they heard this, they never expected Du Pingyuan to have such an idea.

I would rather risk my life than save Jiang Xiaobai.

As the dean of the Los Angeles Martial Arts Institute, and in name the Lord of the Los Angeles City, he would pay such a price for a young man.

Value or not?

Kong Shang and others couldn't estimate it, but Du Pingyuan probably made a decision in his heart.

There is no value or not, only whether to do it or not.

This kind of value is not something other people can see through, only the decider himself has a steelyard in his heart.

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