Dominate the world

Chapter 511 Taiyue True Solution

Jiang Xiaobai was still immersed in another world. When he recovered, he found himself in a strange environment.

There are steep rocks all around, uneven, some places suddenly have sharp rocks protruding, but sometimes they are recessed, as if they were hammered out by a powerful monk.

"What is this place?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the unfamiliar environment. A moment ago he was still in front of the stone carving of the Five Sacred Mountains, but now he has come to this strange place.


And there was a strange aura everywhere.

It made Jiang Xiaobai completely confused, and there was no vitality around him, only cold rocky cliffs.

There was a faint chill on the rocky cliffs, almost forbidding.

"Am I still on Mount Tai?" Jiang Xiaobai touched the surrounding stone walls, and the biting coldness instantly filled his nerves.

The next moment, he retracted his hand subconsciously, but found that his palm seemed to be glued to the stone wall, unable to move an inch.


Jiang Xiaobai tugged vigorously, but there was still no sign of loosening.

This is too strange!

It was clearly under the stone carving of the Five Sacred Mountains, but in the blink of an eye, they came to such a magical place.

The main reason is that Jiang Xiaobai himself feels baffled.

This shouldn't be fraudulent!

Jiang Xiaobai looked around, but didn't sense any danger, so he carefully tried to take his palm off the wall.

A few minutes later, Jiang Xiaobai gave up, but he chose a more comfortable posture, so that if a monster attacked, he could attack immediately.

"It's not an option to keep doing this! It's too shameful." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

This posture made him unacceptable for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai stimulated the vitality in his body and instilled it on the stone wall, but it had no effect. Instead, the vitality was absorbed by the stone wall.

Very familiar routine.

Jiang Xiaobai remembered that when he first met Tai Chi Yuanpan, he absorbed his own power so recklessly.

But now it's just replaced with vitality, but this time it's much better than Tai Chi disc.

Back then, at most, he absorbed his own strength without restricting his actions, but this time, he just trapped himself here.

Is it possible to suck yourself dry?

Although Jiang Xiaobai was very anxious, if he sucked himself dry in one place, then he really had no room for maneuver.

The most terrifying thing is that I will starve to death here.

However, when the vitality in Jiang Xiaobai's body reached its limit, the Taiyue Heart Sutra began to spin around again.

With the operation of the Taiyue Heart Sutra, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the stone wall in front of him was a little loose.

"Taiyue Heart Sutra?"

After Jiang Xiaobai saw this, he was overjoyed, and the Taiyue Heart Sutra in his body turned desperately far away.

Dao Dao powerful vitality burst out from the body, and flowed along the meridian to the hand attached to the wall.

Suddenly, a tiny crack emanated from around the palm.

Click, click!

Not long after, the area around Jiang Xiaobai's palm cracked, and a thick layer of stone chips fell down.

As soon as the stone chips fell, a faint golden light emanated from around Jiang Xiaobai's palm. The golden light was still inconspicuous around, but Jiang Xiaobai could clearly capture it.

"This, is this writing?" After all the stone chips fell, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly see the existence on the stone wall.

Words that looked like small letters appeared on the wall one by one, and the handwriting was neat, as if someone had carved them with a knife.

"It's not engraved." Jiang Xiaobai looked closely at the words in front of him, touched them with his hands, and felt all the words.

Is it a knife?

Or a sword?

Jiang Xiaobai felt that each character seemed to be carved by a sharp object, and he could even see the sharp edge left behind each character.

When Jiang Xiaobai saw the front, he found a general outline of these words.

Taiyue's real solution!

These four characters are located on the far left, vigorous and powerful, with silver hooks and iron paintings, penetrating three points into wood.

After the true understanding of Taiyue, it is part of the content of the Taiyue Heart Sutra, which is exactly the Taiyue Heart Sutra practiced by Jiang Xiaobai.

However, after reading this text, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that what he cultivated was not the first half or the second half, but an excerpt from it, or even a part that bypassed the general outline.

This endless stretch of exercises actually allowed me to master it?

The proficiency given by Tai Chi Disc is [-]%!

If he had known this shit earlier, Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't have practiced this technique even if he was killed.

"Taiyue Heart Sutra is the true solution of Taiyue?"

Looking at this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing.

Isn't Taiyue Heart Sutra what I want to find?

Unexpectedly, he found the entire Taiyue Heart Sutra by mistake, which was an unexpected gain for Jiang Xiaobai.

The Taiyue Heart Sutra was handed down from Mount Tai. The whole city of Los Angeles knows this, but no one completes it. It's all because Mount Tai is too large and dangerous. Normal people simply don't have the guts to come to Mount Tai to complete it.

As for king-level powerhouses, or even emperor-level powerhouses, it is even more impossible to enter Mount Tai.

Human beings have passed down to this day, no matter what kind of martial arts, there are inheritances in the Martial Arts Department. Although most of them are incomplete, with the vigorous development of Martial Arts, human beings' arrogance and power are slowly completing them.

But these complementary skills are still not as powerful as the previous skills.

For example, Jiang Xiaobai's Taiyue Heart Sutra, even if he cultivated to the state of Dzogchen, can only exert one percent of its power.

Jiang Xiaobai counted, the whole text of Taiyue True Explanation has a total of more than [-] words, but what about the original Taiyue Heart Sutra?

Less than five thousand words!

"Incomplete exercises are harmful!" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head helplessly and sighed.

The reason why human beings have been unable to develop and grow for a long time is largely due to the cultivation method.

Human beings have been passed down for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and many brilliant civilizations have been submerged in history. Coupled with the crisis of the doomsday era, human beings have abandoned the practice of martial arts until their vitality recovers. stand up.

But by this time it was too late, many classic exercises had been shattered by time, and powerful exercises were burned and discarded as unrealistic evil books, leaving only some exercises for fitness and health.

If it weren't for the recovery of vitality, human beings might not be able to face up to the once brilliant civilization.

Make up for the day!

Such legends probably really existed thousands of years ago.

But it was buried for various reasons later.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai once again thought that the golden giant ape has Yuan Hong's blood, if he can refine the eight or nine profound skills, it will naturally be another classic exercise.

"The prosperity of humanity may arise because of me."

Jiang Xiaobai thought heavily in his heart.

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