Dominate the world

Chapter 512 Combat Strength Improvement

Jiang Xiaobai originally wanted to cut off all the stone carvings on the front and put them in Luo City.

But I tried many methods, but none of them could separate the words on the stone wall. In desperation, I just had to transcribe them.

More than 3 words, a seemingly easy task, but Jiang Xiaobai spent three hours transcribing it, and finally he was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

After writing down these [-] words, Jiang Xiaobai instantly felt a sense of physical and mental exhaustion, as if his entire body had been emptied.

Even fighting monsters did not consume so much, but just copying these [-] characters made Jiang Xiaobai feel weak for a while.

"It seems that, as recorded in the history books, the exercises condense the spiritual thoughts of the creator." Jiang Xiaobai regained his composure, looked at the writing on the wall, and couldn't help sighing.

This is indeed the case, as Jiang Xiaobai copied these now, if they were not thrown to an ordinary warrior, the other party would definitely not be able to keep reading, and would pass out.

One is because the exercises are so powerful that they are too obscure, and the other is because the exercises copied by Jiang Xiaobai have already condensed his spiritual power, and ordinary warriors cannot control such a powerful spirit at all. force.

"Taiyue's true solution is even more obscure and difficult to understand. If I practice this exercise from the beginning, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete it with the help of the Tai Chi disc." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Taiyue's true solution in front of him, and secretly accepted it. stand up.

Taiyue's true solution can be practiced as an inherited exercise. If Jiang Xiaobai keeps it alone, it can be passed on and become the family's township exercise.

The next moment, Jiang Xiaobai put Taiyue Zhenxie away, and found that there was still no movement around him.

"Why can't we go out now?" Jiang Xiaobai looked around strangely, except for the true explanation of Taiyue on the stone wall, there was no slight change.


While Jiang Xiaobai was thinking hard, a deep voice suddenly came from around him.

"Since I have obtained the true understanding of Taiyue, I need to cultivate this method to the entry level, and then I can leave this cave!"

Cultivated to the entry level?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he showed a faint smile.

It's just getting started, it shouldn't be difficult for him.

Especially after he practiced the Taiyue Heart Sutra, it was too easy for him to achieve the introduction of Taiyue's true understanding, not to mention the help of Tai Chi Yuanpan.

Jiang Xiaobai did not continue to practice, but read Taiyue's true explanation again.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai's character attributes reappeared in Jiang Xiaobai's sea of ​​consciousness.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Boundary: first-order grandmaster

Cultivation method: Taiyue True Solution (proficiency 0%)

Tactics: Wuyun swordsmanship (10% proficiency), Jinghong Youlong (100% proficiency), Nine Hell Thunder Saber (100% proficiency).

Taiyue's true solution proficiency is zero percent?

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai was secretly startled.

Is it possible that the Taiyue Heart Sutra that I have practiced is not the content of Taiyue's true interpretation?

Or because of something else?

Not only that, but Jiang Xiaobai also saw that the Jinghong Youlong and Nine Prison Thunder Swords he practiced were slowly fading away.

Three minutes later, the information of Jinghongyoulong and Jiuyu Leidao completely disappeared from Jiang Xiaobai's attribute panel.

The column of tactics soon became empty, without any skills.

"It seems that this attribute panel only records the exercises he is practicing." Jiang Xiaobai saw the information on the attribute panel, and after confirming that Taiyue's true solution was on the Tai Chi disk, Jiang Xiaobai began to practice.

Since his spiritual power has improved, Jiang Xiaobai's understanding of exercises has also continued to increase.

Soon the entire Taiyue True Explanation clearly emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness. The Taiyue True Explanation was roughly the same as the Taiyue Heart Sutra, but in terms of details, the Taiyue True Explanation was more complicated.

After Jiang Xiaobai really practiced, he discovered that the Taiyue Heart Sutra is not just a part of Taiyue's true understanding, and there are many mistakes in it.

After practicing for an hour, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

"This Taiyue scripture is not a complete exercise at all!" Jiang Xiaobai thought subconsciously.

Many of the mistakes in the operation of the exercises are completely contrary to Taiyue's true understanding. Not only that, but there are many omissions.

"No wonder other people can't cultivate successfully, there are too many loopholes in this technique." Jiang Xiaobai began to complain.

It was Qin Feng who introduced this exercise to him at the beginning. Of course, it is impossible for Qin Feng to harm him. I am afraid that Qin Feng did not succeed in practicing it, so he let himself try it.

Of course, Qin Feng can't be the master alone, and Fang Xiqiong and others must be involved in this.

But now it's useless to care about so much, people are gone.

The exercises of Taiyue's true solution are running in the body, and traces of vitality flow in the meridians. It takes two hours to run each day for a week, and after a week is completed, it feels like running a long and long marathon. hardships.

The feeling of exhaustion filled his whole body, but Jiang Xiaobai knew that this was the discomfort caused by the new exercises, and this feeling would disappear in a short time.

It takes time for every warrior to adapt to new exercises. Although the vitality in Jiang Xiaobai's body is weak at this moment, it is indeed several times stronger than when he was practicing Taiyue Heart Sutra.

"Cultivation begins, for a period of one month!"

When Jiang Xiaobai just came to his senses, he heard such a sentence.

Practice begins?

After running for a week, this is just the beginning?

a month?

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head. If it really takes a month, the daylily might be cold.

If Lu Tianming and others walked out of Mount Tai, Los Angeles would definitely know about him, and if they didn't return for a month, the whole Los Angeles would probably go crazy.

Not to mention Kong Shang, the dean of the Academy of Arts, even Du Pingyuan would attack Mount Tai.

I don't know if they have heard the news that the golden lion king has been promoted to the demon emperor. If they don't know and attack rashly, they may be wiped out.

"I must speed up the time!" Jiang Xiaobai quickly regained his composure.

For him now, time is everything, and he must not let the entire Los Angeles get into trouble because of his own reasons.

When Jiang Xiaobai was practicing, not only Luo City, but the entire Mount Tai was also in a tense atmosphere.

A hundred masters attacked Mount Tai, but a demon king died. This was a heavy blow to Mount Tai.

"The golden giant ape is dead?" After hearing the news, the golden lion demon king erupted into a thunderous rage.

"Big Brother, the Ape King is dead!" the Scarlet Flame Leopard King said with a solemn expression.

"The other party is just a grandmaster, how could he kill Yuan Li?" The Lion King asked sharply. "How could the master injure the demon king's body? My demon clan inherits the luck of heaven and earth, how can those ants be able to contend?"

"The other party used mental power to attack!" Scarlet Flame Leopard King said cautiously.

Psychic attack?

After the Lion King heard it, his face changed suddenly.

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