Mental power attack, I am afraid that only emperor-level powerhouses can use it, and the opponent is only a hundred grandmasters, when will they be able to use spiritual power attack?

This is very unscientific!

The Lion King's face was stern. He had just been promoted to the realm of the Demon King. It was a great joy, but he heard the news of the death of the golden giant ape just after he came out.

The golden giant ape is not just a demon king of Taishan, but also his brother.

After the drastic change, the three monsters became brothers and dominated Mount Tai. They were promoted from monsters to demon kings until he was promoted to demon emperors.

Although the golden giant ape had its own thoughts and once attacked Luocheng for Lingquan, this was harmless in the eyes of the Lion King, and even sent three powerful lord-level monsters to help.

Now this brother was actually killed by the Grandmaster!

Not only that, but the corpses were all taken away.

This is really infuriating!

Strong human beings are great supplements to monsters, and the same powerful monsters are also great supplements to humans.

However, monsters, like humans, attach great importance to the body of the deceased, especially after being promoted to the realm of the demon king.

It was precisely because of this that when the Lion King heard the news, he was furious.

"Are you sure the other party is just a grandmaster?" The Lion King asked heavily.

"I'm sure!" Chiyan Leopard King responded, "And the other party seems to know Yuan Li. I also heard Yuan Li say that the other party is a warrior from Luo City."

"Warriors from Luo City?" The Lion King frowned, remembering that the golden giant ape had captured Luo City before.

"Yes, he is a student of Qiluwu University. After the death of the dean of Qiluwu University, he was promoted to the master and became the dean of the martial arts academy. His name is Jiang Xiaobai." The Scarlet Flame Demon King said directly, "It is he who released the spirit. Kill him with force."

"For the first time as a master, even if you are a talented monster, you are only a first-order master, but you can kill Yuan Li, how is this possible!" The lion demon emperor has already been promoted to the realm of the demon emperor, and his mental power is even terrifying. Only after being a master can one be able to condense spiritual thoughts. Jiang Xiaobai is just entering the realm of a master, so how could he have spiritual thoughts?

Spiritual thoughts, called demon thoughts in monsters, are actually the same thing, but because the monster race claims to be noble and does not want to be with humans, so it is called demon thoughts.

"I also feel that this matter is a bit strange. We have been fighting against humans for so many years, so we naturally understand human methods, but there is no such thing as Jiang Xiaobai." The Scarlet Flame Leopard King expressed his doubts in his heart, "I used to wonder if there was human power secretly helping Jiang Xiaobai, but I found nothing."

"Oh, this is also his fate." The Lion King sighed.

"Master Demon Emperor, is it possible that we just let them go like this?" Scarlet Flame Leopard King said angrily.

"Let them go?" The Lion King's voice became cold, "Although I have been promoted to the realm of the Demon King, I will always be your elder brother!"

"If we stop like this, how can we save the face of our Taishan monster clan?"

"Then let's go to Luo City now and let them hand over their people!" Scarlet Flame Leopard King said aggressively, "If they don't hand over, we will wash Luo City with blood!"

"Bloodwashing Luocheng?" The Lion King shook his head, "Do you know why Jiang Xiaobai and a hundred masters attacked Mount Tai?"

The Scarlet Flame Leopard King looked at the Lion Demon King in confusion, and then the Lion Demon King said: "This is a human being demonstrating against us."


The Scarlet Flame Leopard King was even more puzzled.

"Yuan Li's attack on Luo City before has already touched the bottom line of human beings. This time, the hundred masters want to tell us that if we do something out of line again, they will send strong human beings to deal with my Mount Tai monster." The Lion King said calmly.

If he was still in the realm of the lion king, he might not have thought so deeply. After being promoted to the realm of the demon emperor, not only his strength has improved, but his spiritual wisdom has become much stronger.

"Then us?" Scarlet Flame Leopard King asked puzzled.

"Now the Demon King powerhouses united in Qilu Province, we have to negotiate with Luo City!" Lion King said directly.

United with the Demon Emperor powerhouse in Qilu Province?

The Scarlet Flame Leopard King couldn't help but stare at the Demon Lion King in front of him: "Are there other powerful Demon Kings in Qilu Province?"

"Yes!" The Lion King said seriously, "After I was promoted to the realm of the Demon Emperor, there was once a demon message passed to me, congratulations on my promotion to the realm of the Demon Emperor, I will give you the address in a while, and you go invite him out of the mountain. "

"Okay!" The Scarlet Flame Leopard King agreed immediately.

It is really explosive news that there is still a strong Demon Emperor in Qilu Province.

Mount Tai is the most powerful group of monsters in Qilu Province. The Scarlet Flame Leopard King once thought that they were in charge of the monsters in Qilu Province, but he didn't expect that there were other powerful monster kings.

When he saw that it was Liu Gongdao, he suddenly became surprised.

Is there a Demon King powerhouse in Liugong Island?


While the Lion King was plotting how to attack Luo City, the powerhouses in Luo City headed by Du Pingyuan felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

It has been a week now, and there is still no news of Jiang Xiaobai.

Both Kong Shang and Du Pingyuan became very anxious.

what on earth is it?

Why is there no news of Jiang Xiaobai yet!

"Dean Du, it's been a week, and there's no news from Jiang Xiaobai!" Kong Shang said anxiously, "Are we going to take action?"

"For seven days, there has been no news from Jiang Xiaobai." Du Pingyuan said in a deep voice, "His communicator has no signal, even if we use satellites, we have not found Jiang Xiaobai."

"In such a situation, there are only two possibilities. One is that Jiang Xiaobai died, and the other is that Jiang Xiaobai is in a mysterious space and blocked the connection of the communicator."

"You mean the secret realm?" At this time, the man in black standing beside Du Pingyuan said.

"Yes!" Du Pingyuan glanced at the other party, "Chang Yue, I called you here this time just for Jiang Xiaobai's comfort."

Chang Yue, the person in charge of the Darknet Qilu Province.

"I know that this guy could have become the minister of the dark net. From the first glance, I could see his superiority, but I didn't expect to be able to toss a hundred masters to conquer Mount Tai." Chang Yue said. Appreciating, "Even when I was his age, I didn't have such courage."

"President Du, don't worry, although I, Chang Yue, am the person in charge of the dark web, I am a warrior first."

"No!" Kong Shang resolutely objected after seeing Chang Yue, "How can the dark net get involved in this matter."

"Are you afraid that I will deal with Jiang Xiaobai?" Chang Yue asked flatly instead of getting angry after hearing this.

"Yes!" Kong Shang replied straightforwardly.

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