Fei Ye Xianzhou, this is an extraordinary soldier, no, he has already broken away from the category of a soldier, and can be regarded as a magic weapon.

This Crimson Leaf Immortal Boat was obtained by the Liu family in a ruin. It was dilapidated when it was first obtained. After several generations of repairs, it is now completely successful.

This seemingly inconspicuous Crimson Leaf Immortal Ark is even more precious than a martial arts fighter.

Martial arts fighters can be manufactured, but the Feiye Xianzhou cannot, at least relying on the current strength of the Hua Kingdom, it is impossible to manufacture such a powerful magic weapon.

The symbols and engravings above are all formations, possessing powerful power. If they burst out with all their strength, even king-level powerhouses cannot resist them.

This is the power of the magic weapon!

Soldiers can be manufactured in batches, but magic weapons cannot.

It needs a powerful refiner to refine. Most of the magic weapons used by the emperor-level powerhouses are not refined by humans, but obtained through the exploration of the ruins. It is these magic weapons that make the emperor-level powerhouses The power of the one is more powerful.

For example, Li Wenzheng also has his own magic weapon, which is an ancient seal. The Li family used to have emperors in the world in ancient times, and that ancient seal is a powerful magic weapon that has been handed down all the time.

Soon, an old man walked out of the Feiye fairy boat, full of vigor, surrounded by faint vitality.

Compared to Li Wenzheng, the old man in front of him seemed more peaceful.

"Liu Zongyuan?" Li Wenzheng saw the old man in front of him, and asked with a cold face, "What are you doing here?"

Liu Zongyuan?

The ancestor of the Liu family?

After Du Pingyuan heard the other party's name, he was very surprised. The other party turned out to be Liu Zongyuan, the patriarch of the Liu family!

The emperor-level powerhouse of the Liu family, Liu Zongyuan!

This is a well-known emperor-level powerhouse in Huaguo. Ten years after the upheaval, Liu Zongyuan was already an emperor-level powerhouse, and he is now more than 100 years old.

More than 100 years old, this is relatively young for an emperor-level powerhouse, after all, the lifespan of an emperor-level powerhouse can be hundreds of years old!

For example, Tang Shanhai and Fei Yuming of the Martial Arts Department are also in their 100s, close to 70 years old, but they look like they are only [-] to [-] years old.

"Old Dog Li, what are you doing here again?" Liu Zongyuan didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

"My junior asks me for help, so I will come naturally." Li Wenzheng replied proudly.

"Coincidentally." Liu Zongyuan smiled lightly, "Me too."

"You too?" Li Wenzheng frowned slightly, "Your southern family, come to my north? Could it be that your descendant is in Qilu Wuda?"

The southern family and the northern family have always been fighting openly and secretly. This did not start recently, but has been passed down for a long time, and it has been like this since ancient times.

The northern families have a long history and profound cultural background, so they naturally look down on the rising families in the south.

And when the families in the south rose up, relying on advanced concepts, their strength has grown by leaps and bounds. Their strength has already left the families in the north behind, so they naturally look down on the families in the south.

"Of course!" Liu Zongyuan said lightly, "Is there any problem?"

"Hehe!" Li Wenzheng sneered, and simply ignored him.

On the side, Du Pingyuan and the others secretly broke into a cold sweat. These are two imperial powerhouses, similar in strength to Tang Shanhai, but they are family emperors, unrestrained, unlike Tang Shanhai and others. restricted everywhere.

Any martial artist, even if he offends a strong man from the Martial Arts Department, dare not offend a strong family member.

The warriors of the Budo Department are bound by rules, while the family warriors act completely according to their preferences.

Unless it's a big deal, they're not bound at all.

"Seniors, please come inside!" Facing the two emperor-level powerhouses, Du Pingyuan did not dare to neglect each other.


The two snorted coldly at each other, and then walked in.

"Li Wen was invited by Li Chan, so what about Liu Zongyuan?" Kong Shang pulled Ladu Plain and asked involuntarily.

"Where am I going?" Du Pingyuan rolled his eyes, "These two great gods, one is the old man of the Li family and the other is the old man of the Liu family. Taste it! Taste it carefully."

Kong Shang fell into contemplation, and racked his brains, but he couldn't figure out why the emperor-level powerhouse of the Liu family appeared here.

However, with the joining of these two emperor-level powerhouses, Kong Shang finally felt relieved.

As long as the two kings do their best to save each other, even if Jiang Xiaobai is captured by a monster, there will be no problem.

After all, the opponent only has one demon emperor, but they have two emperor-level powerhouses.

Two against one, this has an absolute advantage.

Not only that, these two powerful men in the realm of the Demon Emperor each carried a powerful magic weapon, which guaranteed their safety even more.

When Kong Shang walked in, he was dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him.

The two emperor-level powerhouses stood on the main seat, looking at each other.

After coming in, Du Pingyuan resolutely gave up the main position, but Li Wenzheng and Liu Zongyuan would not let anyone else, and they wanted to fight for the main position. Fortunately, they knew that this was in Los Angeles, otherwise they might fight.

In the end, the two refused to give in to each other, neither of them sat down, and each stood on the left and right of the main seat.

Du Pingyuan also had a very headache, but he didn't expect the two old men to secretly compete.

Both of them are high-ranking emperor-level powerhouses, but because of this trivial matter...

Du Pingyuan and the others didn't dare to take a breath. For them, the emperor-level powerhouse came to Los Angeles, which was an honor in itself, so naturally they didn't dare to neglect it.

Even if Du Pingyuan is a king-level powerhouse, he will know that he is not as good as a king-level powerhouse.

The atmosphere became very strange in an instant. Li Wenzheng and Liu Zongyuan did not speak. Li Chan, who was standing beside Li Wenzheng, looked towards the two of them, and then calmly stood aside.

"Ahem!" In the end, Du Pingyuan couldn't help coughing softly, "Seniors, shall we discuss how to help Jiang Xiaobai?"

"No need!" Li Wenzheng said coldly, "When the time comes, I will climb Mount Tai and let them hand over Jiang Xiaobai."

"Is it that troublesome? Wouldn't it be better for us to release our breath and let the initiative come to your door directly?" Liu Zongyuan said not to be outdone.

At this time, the two emperor-level powerhouses did not have the airs of an emperor-level master at all, but looked like two grudge old men.

This is very difficult.

One can hold more than one.

"Seniors, now we are not sure whether the monster has captured Jiang Xiaobai." Du Pingyuan explained.

"Then together?" Liu Zongyuan looked at Li Wenzheng and said, "Let's see who rescues Jiang Xiaobai first?"

"Childish!" Li Wenzheng shouted coldly.

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