Dominate the world

Chapter 517 The Monster Beast Strikes, Jiang Xiaobai Exits

While the two emperor-level powerhouses were discussing in Los Angeles, the lion king and sea-hunting bird demon king set off from Mount Tai, and rushed towards Los Angeles with all the lord-level monsters.

The idea of ​​the two demon emperors is very simple, to use their own strength to force Luocheng to hand over Jiang Xiaobai, and take back the body of the golden giant ape.

This was suggested by the Lion King, and after hearing this, the hunting bird nodded in agreement.

Monster beasts want to gain a foothold in this world, and blindly occupying it can make all humans fear monsters, occupy human territory, and multiply and grow stronger, but this is not a long-term solution, so while they are expanding, more often It is continuing to strengthen and strengthen oneself.

Use absolute force to oppress human beings, admit the existence of monsters, and then rule human beings.

Countless monsters flew across the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, and soon came to the vicinity of Luo City.

After arriving in Los Angeles, they did not directly attack, but stayed in front of the gate of Los Angeles.

"Taishan Demon Emperor invites the Lord of Luocheng to show up!"


When the Taishan Demon King left Mount Tai with his elite, Jiang Xiaobai's Taiyue true understanding was at the last moment, and he was only one step away from raising his proficiency to more than [-]%.

Boom boom boom!

Booms erupted from Jiang Xiaobai's body, his muscles and bones roared, and the sea of ​​Qi was transpiring. The spherical sea of ​​Qi has now turned into a cyclone, and the vitality is constantly surrounding it.

Collision, blending, bursts of powerful voices.

The vitality in the body circulates through the meridians, and according to the running route of Taiyue's true understanding, after running in the body for a week, it stopped.

Two 10 minutes!

In just a few days, Jiang Xiaobai shortened the one-week time of Taiyue's true understanding to 10 minutes, which is already a terrifying progress for anyone.

Taiyue true solution, proficiency 10%

After Jiang Xiaobai turned it on, he immediately checked his attributes. When he saw the numbers above, he smiled knowingly.

It's time to get started!

It seems that Jiang Xiaobai only took less than a month to achieve [-]% proficiency, but it took Jiang Xiaobai a lot of mind, and it was only with the support of Taiyue Heart Sutra that this time achievement.

"Congratulations to the testers. After passing the assessment, Taiyue's true understanding has been cultivated to the entry level, and it takes eleven days in total!"

Jiang Xiaobai had just rested for a while, when a melodious voice came from around again.

Pass the test?

Sure enough, [-]% passed the assessment!

However, after that?

No rewards?

Generally speaking, isn't there a reward for passing the assessment?

Why not here?


Before Jiang Xiaobai could start complaining, the stone wall in front of him suddenly exploded, and the handwriting on the wall instantly turned into powder. Directly opposite Jiang Xiaobai, a gap appeared in front of him, and bright lights suddenly appeared.

Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously walked towards the cracked passage in front, only to realize that the walls were inlaid with primordial stones the size of a fist, shining with brilliance.

"Essence stone?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked towards the wall, completely attracted by the primordial stones around him.

The primordial stones on the wall were much better in size and quality than the ones he got from hundreds of masters.

The reason why primordial stones are precious is that they contain extremely pure vitality. If the primordial stones are of good quality, they can be used to arrange formations or practice.

In terms of cultivation, using primordial stones to practice is much faster than absorbing the vitality of the world. A pure primordial stone is enough for other warriors to practice for half a year or even a year. This is one of the reasons why primordial stones are so precious.

The next moment, Jiang Xiaobai leaned close to the wall, and began to hold the primordial stone with both hands, trying to pick it off the wall.

However, after Jiang Xiaobai tried it, he found that the Yuan stone seemed to be tightly embedded in the wall. No matter how Jiang Xiaobai tried his actual combat skills, the Yuan still did not loosen at all.

"Is this guy so hard?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Yuanshi on the wall, his teeth itching with hatred.

He was already at the realm of a master, but facing the primeval stone on the wall, he was at a loss what to do.

It has to be said that this was a blow to Jiang Xiaobai.

The dignified master was unable to break through the wall, which made people itch.

"There are so many polystones, and I can't take them away?" Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly, putting away Thorn Hong and Thorn Star.

If it is possible to bring these primordial stones back, how much wealth would it be?

Jiang Xiaobai changed a few soldiers, but he felt that there was no way to remove the primordial stone, so he gave up helplessly.

Fist-sized primordial stones could be seen almost every few steps along the long and narrow corridor. In the end, Jiang Xiaobai simply closed his eyes and stopped looking at the surrounding primordial stones.

It hurts just to look at it.

When Jiang Xiaobai walked out, he found himself in front of the stone carving of the Five Sacred Mountains again, and nothing changed around him.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai's true understanding of Taiyue in his mind, he would definitely think that he was just having a dream.

"This Mount Tai is really miraculous, no wonder it can become the only one of the Five Sacred Mountains, the number one resort in Qilu Province." Jiang Xiaobai said flatly.

Even now that Jiang Xiaobai is already a strong man in the realm of a master, he still cannot really see Mount Tai clearly. The mystery of Mount Tai is beyond Jiang Xiaobai's guess.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai has not yet entered the legendary Jade Emperor's Peak. If he enters it, it will be another scene.

"Every time you think you are at the top, the reality will always give you a slap." Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly.

When he was a martial artist, he wanted to become a master, but after becoming a master, he was beaten by kings and emperors.

It is too difficult.

Jiang Xiaobai walked carefully on Mount Tai. Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai became very confused.

There is not a single lord-level monster on Mount Tai, nor is there any aura of a demon king, let alone a demon king.

Isn't Mount Tai a gathering of monsters?

How come now, the powerful monsters are no longer Taishan?

what on earth is it?

At first, Jiang Xiaobai thought that the monsters were hiding on purpose, but after walking for a certain distance and beheading a few monsters, he found nothing abnormal.

"Where did those powerful monsters go?" Jiang Xiaobai was skeptical, and tentatively walked towards the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is the place where the demon king practiced. If you want to know if the other party is there, you can find out if you go to find out.

Along the way, there were still no lord-level monsters, and the most powerful ones were only level-[-] monsters. These monsters were not worth mentioning in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and they were easily dealt with by Jiang Xiaobai.

The cultivator's place of the Demon King was in front of him, and Jiang Xiaobai quickly released his mental power.

The demon king is not here?

The Demon Emperor is not there either?

There is actually a powerful magic weapon in it?

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