Dominate the world

Chapter 518 The Innocent Demon Emperor

After Du Pingyuan learned of the Lion King's request outside of Los Angeles, his expression froze.

They haven't gone to Mount Tai, the other party came to the door first?

Could it be that the villain filed a complaint first?

These monsters are vicious!

After Du Pingyuan told the news, everyone immediately started talking.

Everyone agreed that the monsters came this time to provoke trouble, but luckily they already had two emperor-level powerhouses in command, so naturally they would not be afraid of them.

A strong person at the level of ascending to the emperor is enough to compete with the demon emperor, and he will never lose to the opponent.

"Seniors, it's up to you this time!" Du Pingyuan looked at the two emperor-level powerhouses and said with a bow.

"Don't worry, the other party is the Demon Emperor, and I'm also an emperor-level powerhouse, so naturally I won't be afraid of them." Li Wenzheng waved his hand and said decisively, "Wait for me to kill the monsters and scare the world."

"Then let's see who can defeat the opponent and make the opponent bow." Liu Zongyuan said not to be outdone.

The two emperor-level powerhouses refused to give in to each other, and both wanted to defeat the monsters and prove that they were stronger than each other.

The Li family in the Central Plains and the Liu family in the Jiangnan are both famous families in the family, and they have been passed down for a long time. Naturally, they care about reputation very much, especially as they are the strongest in the family, they will naturally not lose to each other.

Whether Liu Zongyuan loses or Li Wenzheng loses, it will naturally attract ridicule from the other party.

"Okay!" Du Pingyuan shook his head helplessly, relying on his current cultivation, naturally he couldn't persuade the two emperor-level powerhouses, so he could only let the two emperor-level powerhouses do their best.


Li Wenzheng and Liu Zongyuan disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Hurry up and get out!" After Du Pingyuan realized it, he directly summoned the surrounding warriors to follow him out.

Li Wenzheng and Liu Zongyuan soared into the sky, went directly to the outside of Luo City, and confronted the Demon Emperor of Mount Tai.

"Who's here!" Li Wenzheng asked from a distance, staying in the air.

"Where is the evildoer!" Liu Zongyuan shouted not to be outdone, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he had already won half a point from this question.

Li Wenzheng glanced at Liu Zongyuan indifferently, and then stared at the monster in front of him.

When he saw the Lion King and the Sea Bird, he was slightly shocked.

Didn't you mean a demon emperor?

Why are there two demon emperors now?

Lion King, and a Bird King?

Not only Li Wenzheng, but also Liu Zongyuan looked over in confusion.

The lion king and the sea bird were also shocked. To be on the safe side, when the lion king came to Los Angeles, he pulled the sea bird together, thinking that he could repel each other with strong combat power.

But unexpectedly, two human emperor-level powerhouses appeared in front of them.


Lion King and Sea Hunting Bird glanced at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Are you the strong human beings in Los Angeles?" the Lion King asked.

"Are you the new demon emperor of Mount Tai?" Li Wenzheng asked instead without answering.

"It's us!" The Lion King replied, "Dare to ask you..."

"Hand over Jiang Xiaobai!" Li Wenzheng shouted coldly before the Lion King could finish speaking.

After the Lion King heard it, he couldn't help but bewildered.

The purpose of their trip was precisely for Jiang Xiaobai, but the other party asked them to hand over Jiang Xiaobai, what is this song about?

If it weren't for the two emperor-level powerhouses on the other side, I'm afraid they would have exploded and crushed them directly.

"Didn't you understand?" Liu Zongyuan emphasized, "Bring Jiang Xiaobai out! Aren't you here to send Jiang Xiaobai?"

"You!" The Lion Demon King said angrily, "You are emperor-level powerhouses, and you did such a thing to protect Jiang Xiaobai."

Liu Zongyuan and Li Wenzheng looked at the Lion King suspiciously.

"What did you say?" Li Wenzheng asked puzzled.

"Jiang Xiaobai led a hundred masters to attack Mount Tai and kill my brothers..." the Lion King said angrily.

"Jiang Xiaobai killed your brother? A demon king?" Liu Zongyuan asked curiously. "You are so weak? By a grandmaster..."

Immediately, the Lion King's face became extremely ugly, and he roared angrily, venting the anger in his heart.

"Okay, okay, you say it!" Seeing the other party's angry look, Liu Zongyuan motioned for the other party to finish speaking.

"Later, Jiang Xiaobai led a hundred masters down the mountain and took away the body of my demon king." The Lion King said angrily, "Now as long as you hand over Jiang Xiaobai and my brother's body, I will take care of this matter." No further pursuit."

"How do you settle the score for attacking my city of Los Angeles?" Du Pingyuan's voice came not far away.

"Thank you two seniors for helping out." Du Pingyuan came to the front, first thanked Li Wenzheng and Liu Zongyuan, and then stared at the Lion King and said, "Not long ago, the golden giant ape besieged my Los Angeles with monsters, and let me More than half of the human race was killed and injured, and many outstanding warriors died in battle. I haven't settled this account with you, and now you come to Los Angeles to ask for someone?"

"Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai is not in Los Angeles, even if he is in Los Angeles, do you think we will hand him over?"

Facing the Demon King of Mount Tai, Du Pingyuan responded tit for tat without any fear.

The golden giant ape attacked Luo City, which was already provoking a war. Luo City thought it was weak and did not have enough strength to fight back, so it could only silently lick its wounds.

Wait until one day, kill Luo City and avenge the people of Luo City.

It's just that they didn't expect that Taishan's monsters were the first to attack.

"Are you going to start a war?" The Lion King stared at Du Pingyuan, and a huge power suddenly attacked Du Pingyuan.

"You are worthy of starting a war!" Li Wenzheng quietly came to Du Pingyuan's side, and the overwhelming coercion was instantly shattered. "If you want to fight, the human race in China will never be afraid to fight."

"As Du Pingyuan said, the demon king who attacked Los Angeles was the golden giant ape who took the lead!"

"It is dead now. If it is not dead, I will kill it with my own hands to comfort the spirits of the people in Los Angeles."

The sea hunting birds next to him were stunned when they heard it. They were originally threatening humans to hand over Jiang Xiaobai, but unexpectedly it turned into giving away the head.

In a small city of Los Angeles, there are actually two emperor-level powerhouses hidden.

These two human emperor-level powerhouses are not weaker than himself at all, and he can feel that there are powerful treasures on the other side, and he is not sure to deal with them.

As for the Lion King, let alone, the Lion King has just been promoted to the level of the Demon King, so naturally he is not their opponent.

"!" The lion demon emperor roared sternly.

"If you want to fight, both of you will die here!" Li Wenzheng stared at the Lion King in front of him, and said contemptuously.

"Even if we die, the monsters behind me will wash Los Angeles with blood." The Lion King threatened.

"Okay, you can try." Li Wenzheng didn't back down. "If I do that, I will avenge them too."

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