Dominate the world

Chapter 519 Lost the wife and lost the army

The lion king flinched, and the human emperor-level powerhouse in front of him didn't flinch at all, but was brave and diligent.

This is different from all the human beings the Lion King has ever seen, and it also gives him a very headache.

He and the two monster kings of the sea hunting bird can completely entangle the human emperor, and then let the lord-level monsters behind him attack Luo City wantonly, slaughter humans, and wash the city with blood.

But in the same way, they will be retaliated by the two demon kings. The sea hunting bird is alone, so he will not have too many estimates, but the lion demon king is different. He is the leader of the monsters of Taishan and is responsible for all the monsters .

If the monster was killed, he would become a loner. At that time, even Mount Tai might be snatched away by humans.

The reason why humans did not capture Mount Tai was not because humans could not capture it, but because the price they paid was too high to take care of it, but if humans were annoyed, they would naturally be enraged.

At that time, it was not something they could resist.

So at this moment, he hesitated, suddenly at a loss.

Now it is a dilemma. The two human emperors are aggressive. If they don't give an explanation, they are afraid that they will be wiped out by the other party.

"The Lion King, after all, you are also the king of monsters on Mount Tai, don't you have any courage?" Liu Zongyuan looked at the Lion King and teased. "It's clear that Jiang Xiaobai is in your Mount Tai, but now you want to bite back, what does that mean?"

"Jiang Xiaobai has already left Mount Tai, what do you mean by that?" The Lion King asked coldly.

"Is he really not in your hands?" Li Wenzheng asked with a more serious tone.

"Of course not!" The Lion King said confidently.

"That is to say, he's still on Mount Tai?" Li Wenzheng looked at the Lion King's appearance, he didn't seem to be telling a lie, so he frowned and said secretly.

"Jiang Xiaobai is still on Mount Tai?" The Lion King's face suddenly changed when he heard the news.

Jiang Xiaobai is still on Mount Tai...

This news was nothing short of shocking to the Lion King. Now the powerful monsters in Mount Tai had already left Mount Tai, and the highest monsters still on Mount Tai were no more than level nine monsters.

"No, I have to go back quickly!" The more the Lion King thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he turned around involuntarily.

"Want to run?" Li Wenzheng came to the Lion King in an instant, blocking his way. "Do you want to go back and deal with Jiang Xiaobai now?"

"Don't you think you think too much?"

"What do you want to do?" The Lion King asked anxiously.

People like Jiang Xiaobai stay in Mount Tai, why not turn Mount Tai upside down?

Relying on the strength of Jiang Xiaobai's master realm, he can do whatever he wants on Mount Tai.

"Don't even think about going back to deal with Jiang Xiaobai alone." Liu Zongyuan also came in front of the Lion King, "We want to go back together, we have to see Jiang Xiaobai come out safe and sound with our own eyes."

"You don't want to bully others too much. Our strength comparison is only five or five. It's not certain who will win." Haihunniao stood near the Lion King as a matter of course, looking coldly at Liu Zongyuan and Li Wenzheng in front of him. "If we want to fight, we are not afraid of you, at worst, we will die!"

Two demon emperors, two human emperors!

At that time, even if the monster loses, Luocheng will cease to exist. After all, it is a battle at the level of an emperor, and a city like Luocheng may be easily destroyed.

"I don't think so!"

When the demon emperor and the human emperor were confronting each other, a cold voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura descended from the sky, and a huge killing aura spread all around.

Dark Emperor?

Liu Zongyuan and others looked up one after another, only to see a middle-aged man wearing a black cloak coming from afar.

Ascending in the void, the murderous aura was released without any disguise.

The royal powerhouse of the dark web!

Li Wenzheng and Liu Zongyuan couldn't help being secretly surprised when they saw the person coming.

Leng Feng, the emperor-level powerhouse of the dark web!

This is a legendary strong man. He lived in a happy family since he was a child. Leng Feng's martial arts were mediocre when he was a child, and he had no intention of going on the road of martial arts.

But all this collapsed when he was six years old, his father was killed, his mother was insulted by a young master of the family, and finally died of shame and anger.

After that, Leng Feng left his hometown and disappeared for more than [-] years. When he reappeared, he wiped out all the families of his former enemies. The killing of several people triggered a nationwide hunt by powerful families.

Later, the founder of the dark net took action and adopted Leng Feng as his adopted son, which protected Leng Feng's Zhouquan.

After that, Leng Feng was promoted all the way, stepped into the master, became the king, and reached the state of emperor.

It is precisely because of this that among the many strong men in the dark net, Leng Feng is honored as the dark emperor.

The family that once wanted to hunt down Leng Feng, after seeing Leng Feng grow to such a terrifying state, all the powerful families also gave up revenge.

It is not a wise thing to take revenge against a powerful emperor.

"He, why is he here?" Kong Shang looked at Leng Feng, his eyelids twitched.

This is the powerhouse of the dark web!

Thinking of this, Kong Shang looked at Chang Yue beside him.

Could it be him?

The moment Chang Yue saw Leng Feng appearing, he immediately came to Leng Feng.

"Master Dark Emperor!" Chang Yue was suspended in the air, kneeling on one knee and said respectfully.

"Get up!" Leng Feng said proudly, and then went straight to the lion king and the sea hunting bird. "It's you guys who dealt with Los Angeles over and over again?"

Lion King and Sea Bird's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at Leng Feng in shock.

The pressure Leng Feng put on them was far greater than that of Li Wenzheng or Liu Zongyuan, and the murderous aura on the other side was fierce and extremely awe-inspiring.

This kind of murderous aura can only be possessed by killing thousands of strong people. It is impossible for ordinary human beings to have such a murderous aura.

Did this guy come out of the Shura field?

"Leng Feng!" Li Wenzheng looked at Leng Feng and greeted him.

Li Wen is an extremely proud person. After all, he comes from a famous family, and there are only a handful of warriors who can enter his eyes.

And the current Leng Feng is undoubtedly the one he admires the most.

Ordinary warriors with low talent and low family background can walk a different path.

Promoted all the way to the realm of imperial masters.

"En!" Leng Feng glanced at Li Wenzheng lightly, and then continued to stare at the Lion King and the Sea Bird.

"You say you want to slaughter all the warriors in Luo City, just try it. I, Leng Feng, are here to watch you slaughter!"

The lion demon king and the sea hunting bird were speechless. Jiang Xiaobai was just a talented master warrior, and he even attracted the protection of these human emperors.

Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai is hiding his identity?Not just a simple warrior?

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