Dominate the world

Chapter 520 The Feast of the Demon King

Two human emperors can compete with the Lion King and the others!

However, the three human emperors can crush the Lion King and others. Although they have a lot more lord-level monsters than Los Angeles, they are always the weaker side with the human emperor here.

For a while, the atmosphere became oppressive.

The monsters headed by the Lion King didn't dare to move an inch at all, and they also felt such a powerful deterrent force.

Especially the strong human being who just arrived, he is imposing and daunting.

As if a look was enough to break their spirits.

"It's too difficult! I originally wanted to come here to kill the Quartet, but I didn't expect..."

"How could there be such a powerful human being in this small city of Los Angeles?"

"This is too outrageous!"

The lord-level monsters of Mount Tai kept complaining in their hearts.

There are so many monsters, enough to capture a city, but I didn't expect that even Luo City could not be captured.

"Okay, let's compromise!" After a long time, the Lion King shouted helplessly.

Facing a strong enemy, the Lion King had no choice but to bow his head, only in this way could he protect the monsters behind him.

"Then lead the way, we want to see Jiang Xiaobai." Leng Feng stepped aside and said coldly.

"Okay!" The Lion King said bluntly.

Lion King and Leng Feng returned to Mount Tai together, followed by Du Pingyuan, Kong Shang, Li Chan and others.

Almost all the powerful people in Los Angeles were mobilized, just for Jiang Xiaobai to come back safely.

Everyone was silent along the way, and an hour later, they arrived at the foot of Mount Tai.

"Although I have been promoted to the emperor, facing Mount Tai still fascinates me." Liu Zongyuan looked up at Mount Tai and said involuntarily.

"Mount Tai is the place where the emperor enshrined Zen, and the aura of the emperor is concentrated, which is naturally extraordinary." Li Wenzheng said proudly, "At the beginning, the emperor of my Li family used to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai, and some emperors of our Li family entered the place where Mount Tai was enshrined."

Land of Conferred Gods!

The people behind Du Pingyuan looked up together. Mount Tai was the symbol of their Qilu Province, but now it is occupied by monsters.

The once treasure of mankind is no longer in his hands.

"Let's go!" Said the Lion King, "If Jiang Xiaobai is really in Mount Tai, you can welcome him out."

"Go!" After Leng Feng finished speaking in a cold voice, he strode out directly.

Out of respect for Mount Tai, Leng Feng and the others descended from the clouds and climbed to Mount Tai step by step.

Even though they were already in the realm of Demon Emperors, they still felt awe in front of Mount Tai.

It is the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, and it is also the place where the emperor enshrined Zen.

Humans and monsters climbed Mount Tai together without any conflicts, which is also very rare to see.

When they saw Jiang Xiaobai, everyone was stunned!

I saw that Jiang Xiaobai had built a big pot out of nowhere and was cooking meat.

When they approached, bursts of meaty fragrance wafted into the surroundings of the human fighters.

Grumpy Grumpy!

Some human warriors couldn't help swallowing.

Can’t blame them, it’s so delicious!

"Jiang Xiaobai, what are you doing!" The Lion King roared angrily after seeing it, his eyes tearing open.

"Cook the meat!" Jiang Xiaobai responded casually.

When Jiang Xiaobai saw the Lion King, he was startled.

"Holding the grass, the demon emperor?" Jiang Xiaobai stood up in shock, ready to fight. When he took a closer look at the person who came, "There are three human emperors, so don't be afraid."

"Dean Du, are you here too?" Jiang Xiaobai greeted Du Pingyuan enthusiastically.

"What's going on here?" Du Pingyuan was also confused.

I thought Jiang Xiaobai would be trapped in Mount Tai, but I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to cook meat here leisurely.

"What kind of meat did you cook?" Liu Zongyuan sniffed vigorously, "It smells delicious, even better than the smell of the Kyoto Grand Hotel."

"Senior, who are you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked softly.

"I'm Liu Zongyuan from the Liu family!" Liu Zongyuan said with a smile, "You must be Jiang Xiaobai! You really are a wonderful person."

"Senior Liu, you can come and taste it, this is the meat of the demon king." Jiang Xiaobai pulled Liu Zongyuan familiarly, and handed Liu Zongyuan a pair of chopsticks, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious, it's delicious!" After eating a piece, Liu Zongyuan was full of praise, and greeted the others, "You guys also come and taste it, this Jiang Xiaobai's craftsmanship is really good."

"Of course, this is the flesh and blood of the golden giant ape. It is said that he has the blood of Yuan Hong." Jiang Xiaobai explained to Liu Zongyuan with a smile.

Golden giant ape?

Du Pingyuan and the others who were about to step forward stopped suddenly and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in astonishment.

"Golden giant ape?" Liu Zongyuan exclaimed with his flesh in his mouth.

The meat is in the mouth, neither eating nor swallowing.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are bold!" The Lion King roared angrily.

The golden giant ape is his brother, and now he has become Jiang Xiaobai's meat.

"The Lion King, right?" Jiang Xiaobai got up and clapped his hands, "I just stewed the meat, and I didn't eat a bite, only Senior Liu took a bite. If you want revenge, or kill Senior Liu, you want Otherwise, take this pot away!"

"You..." After hearing this, the Lion King became even more angry. "Kill my brother, eat my brother's flesh and blood, I will never finish this matter with you."

"Why don't you know good and bad?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at the Lion King and said, "No, it should be that you, a monster, don't know good and bad? I told you that you didn't understand?"


The aura in the Lion King's body suddenly burst out, blasting towards Jiang Xiaobai.


Before the breath came to Jiang Xiaobai, it was exploded and disappeared without a trace.

"I thought I was farting?" Leng Feng asked, frowning.

"But you humans can't insult my brother like this!" The Lion King retorted angrily.

"Insulting your brother?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered when he heard it, and came to the Lion King fearlessly, "Do you know what your brother did?"

"Back then, was it he who led the monsters into my Los Angeles Demon King?"

"Captured Luo City and killed countless people in Luo City, did he do it?"

"Since that's the case, I'll kill him just for revenge!"


The hatred between humans and monsters has a long history, and no one can explain it clearly.

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai, Leng Feng nodded lightly, while Li Wenzheng frowned slightly, as if he didn't like Jiang Xiaobai's words very much.

"Well said!" Du Pingyuan took the lead in echoing.

What Jiang Xiaobai said was exactly what they thought in their hearts, and it was also what they wanted to do but failed to do.

"Dean Du, if this is the case, then don't be dazed and eat!" After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he greeted Du Pingyuan and the others, "Now Senior Liu has already sampled for us, hurry up!"

"Okay, come and eat!" Liu Zongyuan greeted, "It's just eating a demon king, what's so great about it!"

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