In fact, Jiang Xiaobai is my God!

Liu Dou'er didn't say this sentence, but just said it silently in her heart.

Zhao Chong did not hesitate to leave Qilu Wuda for Lan Yingying, and went deep into Kunlun, just to save Lan Yingying.

Seeing this scene, Liu Douer, who had just begun to love her, couldn't help being touched a little bit. It was also from that time that she decided not to let Jiang Xiaobai suffer any harm.

Knowing that Jiang Xiaobai was in danger and there was no news, Liu Douer directly contacted his family, and then called Liu Zongyuan over.

Although Liu Douer's talent is good, it has not reached the terrifying situation of Li Chan, but Liu Douer's weight in the Liu family is not much lower than that of Li Chan in the Li family, because the Jiangnan Liu family is basically boys, and Liu Douer is The only girl among the children of the Liu family in this generation.

It can be said that she is the apple of the eye of the Liu family, an existence that is loved by thousands of people.

Especially the elders of the Liu family took good care of Liu Dou'er.

"Hey, why did you take advantage of this brat!" Liu Zongyuan didn't know what Liu Douer was thinking when he heard what she said.

Although it was just a classmate relationship, I am afraid that he has fallen in love with Jiang Xiaobai.

However, fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai is also considered a proud boy, and he has already been promoted to the realm of a first-tier grandmaster at the age of 19. If he maintains this speed, he can be promoted to the realm of a king at the age of 40.

With such a cultivation base, one can also enter the gate of the Liu family.

The Liu family didn't pay much attention to family opinion, what's more, there was only one girl in the Liu family, Liu Dou'er, so naturally there was no need to sacrifice her happiness for the stability of the family. These things were what the men of the Liu family should do.

"Grandpa, can you stay here for a few more days this time?" Liu Dou'er asked with her face raised.

"You don't want me to give Jiang Xiaobai advice!" Liu Zongyuan touched Liu Dou'er's head, and he had already guessed what Liu Dou'er was thinking.

"Hee hee, grandpa is the smartest!" Liu Dou'er said with a smile.

"I've convinced you!" Liu Zongyuan looked at Liu Dou'er and said helplessly.

This little girl has been lovable since she was a child, and the entire Liu family basically revolves around her, pampering her to the fullest.

But under such pampering, Liu Dou'er did not show the slightest arrogance, but became more and more obedient.

"Boy, I'll stay here for a week. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Liu Zongyuan said to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Thank you senior!" Jiang Xiaobai bowed and said, "Senior cares about me in Los Angeles, and I am admired by this junior."

"It's just a trivial matter." Liu Zongyuan said lightly. "I'm just doing it for Doudou."

"After that, my warriors in Los Angeles will have to bother Senior Liu." Jiang Xiaobai said softly with a smile on his lips.

"Boy, you have to remember that I am an imperial powerhouse." Liu Zongyuan said seriously.

"Of course I know." Jiang Xiaobai said flatteringly, "You are acting like a real emperor by doing this."

"Although you have a lot of ghost ideas, I prefer talking." Liu Zongyuan smiled, "Warriors above the master level can give advice on three things."

After Du Pingyuan, Kong Shang and others heard it, their eyes showed a different expression.

Advice from an emperor-level powerhouse is an extremely rare good thing not only for the master, but also for Du Pingyuan.

Everyone thanked immediately.

Liu Zongyuan accepted everyone's thanks with peace of mind, and spent a week giving advice to the warriors of Luo City. Douer's safety is also guaranteed.

Afterwards, Du Pingyuan arranged for Liu Zongyuan to rest. In the huge hall, only Jiang Xiaobai and Kong Shangshengle were left.

"Jiang Xiaobai, have you gained something in Mount Tai this time?" Kong Shang asked suspiciously.

"It's a good harvest!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and first took out Taiyue's true solution.

what is this?

Kong Shang and Sheng Le stared wide-eyed at the exercises copied by Jiang Xiaobai.

The two looked at Taiyue's true solution with full concentration, and then everyone showed horror on their faces, and as they watched deeper, the horror became bigger and bigger.

This technique...

Too strong!

After reading it, Kong Shang and Sheng Le looked at each other, and they were shocked by each other's seriousness.

"Where did you get this exercise?" Kong Shang asked tremblingly.

"Principal Kong, don't you think this exercise is very familiar?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Familiar?" Kong Shang glanced again, "You say that, I do have a familiar feeling."

"Taiyue Heart Sutra!" Sheng Le blurted out.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said with a smile, "This is the complete version of Taiyue's Heart Sutra, Taiyue's True Explanation!"

Taiyue's real solution!

The two whispered to each other.

They are all masters. After watching this exercise, they felt that their mental strength seemed to be drained and they were exhausted.

This is just the exercise copied by Jiang Xiaobai, not the original exercise.

This skill is very powerful, not only that, but also makes them feel obscure.

If the exercises are given to them, they may not be able to practice.

"I'm afraid the grade of this skill is immeasurable!"

After a long time, Kong Shang said this.

"This exercise can be used as the town school exercise of Qiluwu University!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Kong Shang and asked softly, "What does Dean Kong think?"

"It's completely enough, not only the town school, but the town and province exercises are more than enough." Kong Shang said excitedly.

"That's right!" Sheng Le praised again and again, "Xiaobai, can warriors from our army practice this exercise?"

Faced with such a powerful technique, Sheng Le was also fascinated. If the warriors in their army practiced it, their combat power would reach a terrifying level.

"That's fine." Jiang Xiaobai didn't hide his secrets, "It's just that he wants to obtain the exercises through the cooperation between the military department and Qilu Wuda University. This exercise comes from Qilu Wuda University."

"That's no problem." Sheng Le agreed without hesitation.

"This exercise is worth it this time!" Kong Shang said with satisfaction.

"Of course it's more than that!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled mysteriously, and took out the elixir he got in the medicine nursery.

Immediately, the vitality of the surroundings filled the room instantly.

Seventh-grade elixir, eighth-grade elixir, and even ninth-grade elixir were placed on the table by Jiang Xiaobai.

"So many elixir? There are also ninth-grade elixir?"

Kong Shang and Sheng Le turned pale with shock, showing expressions of disbelief.

It was as if everything in front of him was not real.

Even they have never seen so many panaceas!

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