It was not until Du Pingyuan came back that Kong Shang and Sheng Le came back to their senses.

This was the first time they had seen so many elixir, and they were all of extremely high quality.

Even if Du Pingyuan just came back, he was extremely shocked after seeing this place.

"This, you brought these back from Mount Tai?" Du Pingyuan asked with his mouth wide open.

"Hmm!" Jiang Xiaobai hummed with a smile.

Whether it is the elixir of Qilu Martial Arts University or the Luocheng Martial Arts Academy, the rank is extremely low, and the highest is only the sixth or seventh rank. It seems that the elixir of the seventh rank has never been seen at all, but now Jiang Xiaobai is directly Taking out so many high-quality elixirs really surprised them.

Especially Du Pingyuan, the surprise in his heart became more and more intense. Jiang Xiaobai conquered Mount Tai to find the elixir, and the first person to know was Du Pingyuan. When Yang Chengbin and others came back with Zhu Yuanguo, Du Pingyuan played has been quite satisfied.

An elixir like Zhu Yuanguo is perfect for the current Luocheng, but now Jiang Xiaobai has brought back so many high-quality elixir again, which is really shocking.

"Could you bring back the medicine garden of the Lion King?" Du Pingyuan asked in shock.

"Not really! It's just a medicine garden!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

It really is!

Kong Shang and Sheng Le looked at Jiang Xiaobai in shock again, this guy is really bold.

The medicine garden of the Lion King can be moved back, no wonder the Lion King let out a roar when they left Mount Tai.

"You are really bold!" Du Pingyuan said after a long time.

"Don't Liu, it's just a normal operation." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and took out a few unknown magic weapons again, and put them on the table, and a sense of coercion came from the table.

Demon Emperor level soldiers!

No, it should be called a magic weapon!

Du Pingyuan and the others were dumbfounded, their eyeballs almost fell off.

The soldiers of the Demon Emperor level are either soldiers used by the Demon Emperor, or they are powerful magic weapons obtained from unknown ruins.

But how could it be in Jiang Xiaobai's hands?

"If my guess is correct, one of them should be a soldier of the Demon Emperor's level." Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the soldier on the table and said.

These soldiers were found by Jiang Xiaobai at the place where the Lion King was practicing. At that time, these magic weapons were just placed on the table.

Even the Lion King couldn't think that there would be humans who would dare to enter his training place to snatch the magic weapon. After seeing this place, any normal person would not dare to step forward, after all, he would offend a powerful Demon King.

Although the warriors are powerful, they must be used with a life. If they are targeted by a demon emperor, even if they get the warriors, they will die because of the demon emperor's pursuit.

Jiang Xiaobai is different. He has a deadly feud with the monsters of Mount Tai. When he sees such a powerful soldier in Mount Tai, he will naturally not let him go.

"One demon emperor-level soldier, two king-level soldiers, both of the highest rank, they are perfect soldiers." Du Pingyuan explained, "I don't know what is left."

A demon emperor-level soldier!

Two king-level warriors!

Jiang Xiaobai nodded lightly, which was similar to what he thought.

"What's your plan next?" Du Pingyuan looked at Jiang Xiaobai. This is a demon emperor-level soldier and a king-level soldier. This is not a small amount of wealth. Not impossible!

This seems to be a bountiful harvest, but here in Du Pingyuan, it is like a hot potato.

"Demon Emperor level soldiers!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the dark iron ring in front of him, "I really don't want to part with it!"

"Have you figured it out?" Du Pingyuan looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked in confusion.

"Well! Give it to the Martial Arts Department!" Jiang Xiaobai said in pain.

This is a demon emperor-level soldier!

It is impossible to say that Jiang Xiaobai will not be tempted. If he is tempered by the Tai Chi disc, his grade will probably be improved a lot.

But now Jiang Xiaobai is only a master-level warrior, so he doesn't need this soldier at all. Even if he keeps it in his hands, it won't be of any use, and he won't be able to play the value of a soldier.

In the entire city of Los Angeles, Du Pingyuan is the most powerful, and his strength is only at the realm of kings. He is not suitable for this demon emperor level soldier.

"I think so too!" Du Pingyuan nodded in agreement. "Giving it to the Ministry of Martial Arts is the best choice. We all understand the truth of the crime of embracing a jade."

"I'm not afraid of the crime of Huaibi, the main reason is that we don't need it now!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't think so much, because he felt that this thing is not needed now, so it's better to send it to the Ministry of Martial Arts.

"Huh?" Du Pingyuan looked at Jiang Xiaobai. Could there be another way to say this?

"Send it to the Martial Arts Department, and then replace it with a master-level soldier." Jiang Xiaobai said directly, "President Du, you don't want to send it directly to the Martial Arts Department, do you?"

"..." Du Pingyuan was quite speechless after hearing this.

Indeed, Du Pingyuan wanted to hand it directly to the Martial Arts Department, but now Jiang Xiaobai wanted to exchange it for soldiers.

Jiang Xiaobai's awareness!

Du Pingyuan didn't know how to refute, after all, Jiang Xiaobai did this to maximize his benefits.

What's more, when Jiang Xiaobai was in danger, the Martial Arts Department didn't directly help. This alone made Jiang Xiaobai feel uncomfortable.

The defense of Los Angeles, the Martial Arts Department dragged its feet!

I was trapped in Mount Tai, and there was no movement from the Martial Arts Department!

It would be uncomfortable for a person, let alone a martial artist with Jiang Xiaobai's personality. Being able to give it to the Martial Arts Department is already the biggest concession he has made.

"I think this is feasible!" Sheng Le also nodded, "If the Martial Arts Department doesn't give you a good price, we can send you to the military department."

"Yeah!" Kong Shang also quite agreed, "It should be like this, and it is reasonable to do so."

"Okay! Since you all said that, let's contact the Martial Arts Department and listen to what they say." Du Pingyuan himself had dissatisfaction in his heart, but he was still a member of the Martial Arts Department, so he could only keep these dissatisfaction in his heart .

There is no problem with the method Jiang Xiaobai gave now.

Of course, if it was me, there would be no reason to send out the Demon Emperor-level soldiers directly, and there was no need for any report.

Because this is the kind of education they received in the Martial Arts Department.

"I'm going to trouble Dean Du again this time." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"It's all trivial matters. With your batch of elixirs, this is a blessing for us in Luocheng." Du Pingyuan comforted, "If my Luocheng rises just like this, you, Jiang Xiaobai, will take the greatest credit. "

Once these elixir are planted, combined with the spiritual spring of Luocheng, in a few years, the strength of Luocheng will rise to a terrifying level, even if it cannot be compared with the capital, even if it can become one of the most powerful cities in the north. one.

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