Dominate the world

Chapter 539 Purchase Price

Fan Xi was quickly taken down. Since Fan Sixian said that he could dispose of Fan Xi at will, they naturally would not let each other go.

After all, Fan Xi attacked Jiang Xiaobai, which led to the incident.

If Fan Xi doesn't deal with it, what will be the prestige of the Martial Arts Department in the future?

"Xiaobai, don't worry, the Martial Arts Department will make decisions for you in the future. No matter what happens, we have our Martial Arts Department." Miao Ju said solemnly, "The Martial Arts Department is the highest palace for warriors. They run wild."

"Thank you, senior!" Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands in thanks. "Thanks to the two seniors this time, if it weren't for the two seniors, I'm afraid I would have nothing to reason with this time."

"I am Luocheng, I am Qilu Wuda, and I am still waiting for the demon emperor level soldiers to exchange for some good cultivation resources to help warriors cultivate?"

"You also know that our Qilu Wuda University is waiting to be rebuilt, and now we urgently need training resources."

Miao Ju and Tang Shanhai nodded in unison. They are also familiar with the situation in Luocheng, especially the situation of Qilu Wuda University. Among many Wuda universities, it can be regarded as one of the more bloody ones, but because of this, Qiluwu University suffered a great loss. heavy.

"I originally planned to send this demon emperor-level soldier directly to the Martial Arts Department, but Dean Du reminded me about the situation at Qilu Martial Arts University. After thinking about it, Dean Du was right, the demon emperor-level soldier can Send, but we need the support of the Ministry of Martial Arts for the development of Qilu Wuda." Jiang Xiaobai decisively sold Du Pingyuan.

If Du Pingyuan was here, he would definitely strangle Jiang Xiaobai to death. This guy is very good at talking nonsense.

Obviously it was Du Pingyuan who wanted to send it directly to the Martial Arts Department, and it was Jiang Xiaobai who stopped him, but he never expected that Jiang Xiaobai would say something else.

"Our Martial Arts Department will not accept your favors for no reason, and will naturally make corresponding compensation." Before Tang Shanhai could speak, Miao Ju said directly. "We won't treat you badly."

"With your words, I feel relieved." Jiang Xiaobai was moved, "On behalf of the teachers and students of Qiluwu University, I would like to thank Senior Miao."

"No need to thank you, you should practice hard, and it will be good if you can protect your home and country in the future." Miao Ju said seriously, "supporting you now is also to let you have a good cultivation environment, and you will be successful in cultivation in the future. expulsion."

"Well, don't worry, I, Jiang Xiaobai, as the dean of Wuhan University, must make my own contribution to Hua Guo Wu Dao." Jiang Xiaobai said sonorously. "Born to be a warrior, to defend the family and the country."

"That's right, boy, Old Tang is right about you, you are a talent." Miao Ju waved her big hand, and landed heavily on Jiang Xiaobai, "The country of Hua is currently in a precarious state, and it is all supported by warriors from all over the world. "

"Although I have such an idea, these martial artist families like Yanjing can stand up to it now." Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously. "Like family warriors, they can completely compete with Huaguo martial arts."

"They?" Miao Ju said dismissively, "Whether it is the Yanjing family or other families, the country is just a name in their eyes."

"You see, from ancient times to the present, countries have changed dynasties, and it is not uncommon to see changes in dynasties, but what about aristocratic families? They will always be aristocratic families. There is a saying among them that the emperors take turns to do things, and the aristocratic family has been passed down for thousands of years."

The more Miao Ju talked, the angrier she became, even Tang Shanhai who was on the side nodded slightly.

The current situation in Huaguo is indeed the case. Although the Ministry of Martial Arts is the authority of the entire Huaguo, it is the highest authority in Huaguo, and it controls the warriors of the world.

However, it is only in name, the family of Huaguo is enough to leverage the entire Huaguo.

Ever since Jiang Xiaobai came to this world, he also felt that although Huaguo in the world is 90.00% similar to his previous life, there are essential differences. The drastic changes in the world, the recovery of vitality, and the rise of monsters are just appearances.

Like the entire Hua Kingdom, the Ministry of Martial Arts is the highest authority, but it can only mobilize part of the warriors in the Hua Kingdom, such as the warriors of the family, they simply listen to the instructions and do not listen to the announcement.Sometimes more than not listening at all.

If it was the previous life, who would be able to resist in front of the huge state machine?

But this world is not good. The family background is very huge, and the family is intertwined with each other, and various interests are intertwined. Even if the Ministry of Martial Arts wants to suppress the family, it is still very difficult.

Moreover, China's domestic and foreign troubles now are not the time to do it.

The Martial Arts Department also knew something about what happened in Luo City, especially seeing hope from Jiang Xiaobai.

In the current Los Angeles, the family has long since ceased to exist, replaced by Qilu Martial Arts University. The situation in Los Angeles is the scene that the Ministry of Martial Arts most wants to see, and it is also the utopia in their hearts.

Only in this way can the country of Hua stand on the top of the world again.

It is precisely because of this that people like Tang Shanhai and others will take special care of Jiang Xiaobai, and they hope that Jiang Xiaobai can stir up this pool of stagnant water.

"Here is the list of resources, take a look." Miao Ju handed a form to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai took it over and took a look. It really was grand. The resources given by the Ministry of Martial Arts made Jiang Xiaobai feel embarrassed to continue talking.

If these resources are calculated according to the previous ones, they are fully three times the annual cultivation resources of Qilu Wuda University.

Three times, although this is different from the demon emperor level soldiers, but the difference is not much.

"Senior, Qilu Wuda really took good care of me, but there is one more thing I want to add." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Miao Ju and said embarrassedly.

"Add what? Just say it." Miao Ju said decisively, "These resources are definitely not comparable to those of the Demon Emperor-level soldiers. You can also ask for one more."

"Okay! I want the essence of the five mountains!" Jiang Xiaobai said immediately.

Essence of the Five Sacred Mountains?

After hearing this, Miao Ju's expression froze.

The essence of the Five Sacred Mountains, this is a treasure, extremely rare, and can only be found among the Five Sacred Mountains.

"Xiaobai, what do you want the spirit of the Five Sacred Mountains to do?" Tang Shanhai asked puzzled.

"Cultivation!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tang Shanhai and asked, "Isn't the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains very good for the master's cultivation?"

The essence of the Five Sacred Mountains is used for cultivation?

Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju were even more shocked.

Isn't the spirit of the Five Sacred Mountains used to temper soldiers?When can I practice?

Seeing the bewildered expressions of the two, Jiang Xiaobai also became puzzled.

Is not it?

Isn't the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains used for cultivation?

If not, then what did he absorb in Mount Tai?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai's expression changed.

Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju are both emperor-level cultivators, and they are very familiar with cultivation, so they naturally know more than Jiang Xiaobai.

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