Dominate the world

Chapter 540 Huashan Gold Essence

After hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju became extremely puzzled.

The essence of Mount Tai was used by Jiang Xiaobai to refine his body?

This guy is too stupid!

"Are you sure?" Miao Ju looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked suspiciously.

"Well, the Earth Essence of Mount Tai that I got in Mount Tai was refined by me, and it is precisely because of this that I was promoted to a first-tier grandmaster." Jiang Xiaobai said truthfully.

"Strange, when the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains is used to temper soldiers, it can improve the quality of the soldiers, but I have never heard of the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains being used for cultivation." Tang Shanhai looked at Jiang Xiaobai, "Your boy is strange, You can use them to cultivate, have you ever felt uncomfortable?"

"No, it feels great." Jiang Xiaobai stretched and said with a smile.

Tang Shanhai was still worried, walked up to Jiang Xiaobai, grabbed his hand, and examined it carefully.

Afterwards, a surprised expression appeared in Tang Shanhai's eyes.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, Miao Ju also stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's other hand.

"It's strange, why is the vitality in his body so much purer than that of ordinary masters? And it also has a thick feeling."

The vitality of ordinary masters is a little more pure than that of warriors, but the vitality in Jiang Xiaobai's body is more pure than that of ordinary masters. It is not an exaggeration to say that the vitality in Jiang Xiaobai's body is now comparable to that of the fourth-order guru.

Jiang Xiaobai, who is only a first-tier master, has such a high purity of vitality in his body.

This is too scary!

"How did you do it?" Miao Ju blurted out.

"Me? I don't know either." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head. Indeed, he didn't know exactly why.

After being promoted to Grandmaster, he led hundreds of Grandmasters to attack Mount Tai, and sensed the existence of the essence of Mount Tai. Later, he found it in the medicine garden of monsters and refined it, all of which seemed logical.

If he wanted to know why, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't tell.

"There are many unspeakable things in the martial arts world. It may be that your blood is different from other people." After a long time, Miao Ju said.


Jiang Xiaobai looked at Miao Ju suspiciously, and asked puzzledly.

blood?How does it look like an online novel from a previous life?

"Yes!" Tang Shanhai also introduced, "The bloodline is not groundless, but a real existence. Some of the current monsters are extremely powerful because they are the bloodlines left by ancient giant beasts. This is true for us. Humans do too."

In ancient times, the human race and the monster race fought, what a brilliant civilization it was.

Jiang Xiaobai also learned about the great battle in the literature, which made him addicted to it for a while.

Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, moving mountains and seas, these are all pediatrics.

However, this only exists in legends.

But since the drastic changes in the world, vitality has been transpiring. If human martial arts develop for hundreds of years, they will definitely reach that level in the future.

"You mean I'm a blood warrior?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"Perhaps! After all, bloodline fighters are extremely rare, especially because you are an ordinary person, which is even rarer." Tang Shanhai said lightly, "Normally speaking, it is impossible for you to be a bloodline warrior, but now it seems that only this One explained."

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

Bloodline warriors don't exist!

Jiang Xiaobai knew his own strength, he was not a blood warrior, he could absorb the essence of Mount Tai, there were only two possibilities, the first was the function of Mount Tai's true understanding, and the second was the function of the Tai Chi disc.

All of this has nothing to do with blood.

"Senior, do you have the spirit of the Five Sacred Mountains here? The spirit of Mount Tai is fine." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Old Miao, do we still have Huashan Gold Essence?" Tang Shanhai suddenly remembered and asked.

"Huashan Gold Essence? Yes, it was brought back by the warriors of our Martial Arts Department last time, but it's not with me." Miao Ju thought for a while and said, "It should be with Lao Jin, who will refine warriors these days .”

"No, we have to go there quickly, it will be bad if we are melted by him."

Having said this, Miao Ju suddenly became anxious.

Lao Jin, Jin Zhi, is one of the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department, and also the elder of the martial arts department. Almost [-]% of the fighters in the Budo Department are made by Jin Zhi, and the weapons made by the elder Jin Zhi are even more powerful. It is sought after by all Kyoto people.

After each fighter gets the materials, they will use Jin Zhi's hands to temper their soldiers.

It's just because of this that Jin Zhi is seriously called Jin Lao by everyone.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to Jin Zhi's refining room, he saw the so-called Jin Lao.

In front of him was a dirty old man with an unshaven beard and slovenly appearance. At first glance, he looked like a beggar.

"Old Jin." Miao Ju came to Jin Zhi and said respectfully.

"Miao Ju? What are you doing here?" Jin Zhi just glanced at it lightly, and then picked out the materials.

"Old Jin, I want to ask if the Huashan Golden Essence sent last time is still there." Miao Ju didn't have any complaints because of Jin Zhi's negligence, and still asked very humbly.

"Huashan Jinjing?" Jin Zhi stopped what he was doing and looked at Miao Ju, "It's still there, what's wrong?"

"I would like to have a piece of Huashan Golden Essence." Miao Ju said truthfully.

"What do you want that thing for? You can refine weapons?" Jin Zhi said without raising his head, "I will need Huashan Gold Essence to refine king-level warriors in a while, so don't make trouble here."

King-level soldiers?

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but glance at the old man in front of him, feeling very puzzled.

Can he refine a king-level soldier?

This guy must be a royal powerhouse!

But if you look at it at a glance, it doesn't look like any emperor-level powerhouse at all.

"Old Jin, I want Huashan Gold Essence, not for myself, but for a younger generation." Miao Ju explained.

"Junior?" Jin Zhi raised his head, and a bright light flashed in his eyes when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

"Who is the junior you are talking about? Is it him?"

"Yes!" Miao Ju admitted.

"First-tier grandmaster, what do you need Huashan Jinjing for?" Jin Zhi glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, and said calmly.

"For cultivation." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Cultivation?" After hearing this, Jin Zhi strode up to Jiang Xiaobai, carefully sizing him up, "You use the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains to cultivate?"

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai replied.

Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju were quite surprised when they heard Jin Zhi's words.

Jin Zhi actually directly thought that Jiang Xiaobai would use the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains to cultivate, which was something they didn't expect.

Could it be that Jin Zhi has seen someone practice with the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains?

The two looked at Jin Zhi and Jiang Xiaobai quietly, wondering how Jin Zhi would open their eyes next.

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