Dominate the world

Chapter 543 I, refuse

What do you mean by saying this?

After they heard this, they wished they could beat Jiang Xiaobai hard.

Telling you this, isn't it already obvious?

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are now the head of the Martial Arts Institute, and one of the outstanding martial artists in China." Tang Shanhaiyu said earnestly, "In the future, you will definitely take on the great responsibility of Hua Guo Wu Dao."

"Senior Tang, Senior Miao, I can't afford this!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju helplessly, "Think about it, I, Jiang Xiaobai, am just a grand master, even though I am Qi Lu The head of the Martial Arts Institute of Wuhan University, but his strength is low, and his status is not enough!"

Jiang Xiaobai's words were so earnest that Tang Shanhai and the others had no retaliation at all.

The current Jiang Xiaobai is only in the realm of a master. Although he is considered a relatively powerful existence in Huaguo, if the Sea Clan really invades, a master-level powerhouse is just a barely qualified combat power.

What really decides the outcome of the battle is the king, the emperor-level powerhouse, and even the legendary emperor-level existence.

At that time, the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department will feel the pressure doubled.

Now the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department are deciding to train a hundred Tianjiao, striving to become the strongest fighting force in Huaguo in the shortest possible time.

The starting point of the Hundred Talents is the grandmaster realm, and they must be above the third-tier grandmaster realm to be eligible to be selected.

Not only that, but they also have clear restrictions on age requirements, which must be under 30 years old.

Although warriors say that they are in their prime at the age of 30, warriors under the age of 30 will have higher plasticity. Not only that, warriors under the age of 30 have unlimited potential.

When Miao Ju first saw Jiang Xiaobai, they were discussing this issue.

At that time, they felt that Jiang Xiaobai might not be qualified enough, but after Jiang Xiaobai absorbed the Huashan Gold Essence, they felt that Jiang Xiaobai had the qualifications to become one of the hundred talents.

"Jiang Xiaobai, if our Martial Arts Department organizes Tianjiao warriors to conduct sprint training." Miao Ju asked seriously. "Would you like to participate?"

"I don't want to!" Jiang Xiaobai refused without thinking.

"You, you refused?" Tang Shanhai on the side was suddenly surprised, "Why did you refuse? This is a good thing. You know, this is the experience organized by our Martial Arts Department. Even if you look at the major families in Huaguo, They all sharpen their heads and want to participate."

Indeed, the Ministry of Martial Arts is willing to lead a hundred Tianjiao to practice this time. Naturally, it has invested a lot of money. Since it is going to practice, it will naturally go to some places such as ruins. As for such ruins, there are great opportunities.

Once there was an ordinary person who got lost in the ruins, and when he came out, he was already a king-level powerhouse.

Such examples have appeared endlessly, making all warriors, and even people all over the world yearn for the ruins.

If it was any warrior, he would agree without hesitation.But Jiang Xiaobai...

What's going on with this guy's brain circuit?

He actually refused it outright!

"What should I do if I go to Qilu Wuda University?" Jiang Xiaobai said flatly, "After all, Qilu Wuda University is a good opportunity for me to grow and develop. If I leave, what if someone covets me?"

"Seniors, it's too difficult for me, Qilu Wuda!"

Facing Jiang Xiaobai's cry of poverty, Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju were speechless.

This guy has just exchanged for training resources, and he is still here to cry poorly. In addition to the training resources distributed to the Martial Arts Department, the quota of Qilu Wuda this year has far exceeded that of Kyoto Wuda and Magic Capital Wuda, and has become the cultivation resource of the entire Hua Kingdom. Wuhan University has the most.

Of course, this does not include Jiang Xiaobai's gains in Mount Tai.If counted together, Jiang Xiaobai can be considered a wealthy party.

The background is even richer than the family in Los Angeles before.

A few hundred primordial stones alone are enough to make everyone dumbfounded.

"You kid is really skinny." Tang Shanhai sighed.

The Jiang Xiaobai in front of him was very different from Tang Shanhai when he first met him. Now Jiang Xiaobai is a little more cunning and sophisticated.

"You have to know that if you participate in this Tianjiao experience, it will have infinite benefits for your own cultivation." Tang Shanhai said, "It is very likely that you will skyrocket to ninety thousand miles."

"I know this, but there are many dangers in this." Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly.


Hearing this, Tang Shanhai raised his eyebrows.

"Do you still care about the danger?" Tang Shanhai said speechlessly, "Who asked a hundred masters to fight against Mount Tai?"

Thinking of hundreds of masters conquering Mount Tai, Tang Shanhai was almost stunned by Jiang Xiaobai's aura.

A mere grandmaster wants a hundred grandmasters to conquer Mount Tai. Wouldn't it be laughed out of his mouth if he said it?

But Jiang Xiaobai really did it.

Now Jiang Xiaobai said it was dangerous, but it was just an excuse.

"Back then, I was single and fearless, but it's different now." Jiang Xiaobai said softly, "Now I'm worth a lot. If I encounter any danger, wouldn't it be too much of a loss?"

"You..." Tang Shanhai pointed at Jiang Xiaobai, "Couldn't you be bigger with your layout?"

"Don't just stare at everything in front of you. The pattern should be big. How can you make a big deal like this?"

Regarding Jiang Xiaobai, Tang Shanhai was completely speechless. He really didn't know how to persuade him. After all, Jiang Xiaobai was the pride of a generation. If he missed this opportunity, it might take a long time.

But Jiang Xiaobai's current mind is that Xiaofu is safe, and he doesn't seem to want to participate in the experience or the like.

Tang Shanhai could understand, after all, Jiang Xiaobai is just a grand master now, if he gave Jiang Xiaobai all the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains as Elder Jin Zhi said, Jiang Xiaobai might be able to become a king-level powerhouse.

It is not difficult for Jiang Xiaobai to temper the five internal organs to perfection.

That being the case, there is no need for Jiang Xiaobai to take risks. As for Qilu Wuda, the current resources are completely sufficient, and there is no need for Jiang Xiaobai to take risks.

"Are you really not going?" Miao Ju asked Jiang Xiaobai.

"No!" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head decisively.

Now he only needs to break through to the realm of the king, and to participate in the trial is dangerous and unpredictable, and there is no real benefit for himself.

For example, the current Qilu Wuda University has sufficient resources, and there is no problem in sustaining it for two years. If the resources are exhausted, Qilu Wuda University cannot dominate the country by its own strength, and there is no need to waste so many huge resources. It can be disbanded on the spot .

Tang Shanhai was thinking quietly at the side, his deep eyes seemed to want to see through Jiang Xiaobai, and suddenly he laughed.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, he said softly, "What if, I said, in the ruins, you might get the treasure to restore the soul?"

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