Dominate the world

Chapter 544 Yellow River Palace

Repair the treasure of the soul?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

This is real?

If it was true, wouldn't Lan Yingying be saved?

It was Lan Yingying's soul injury that caused her to become a living dead. For this reason, Zhao Chong even went to Kunlun Mountains, and her life and death are unknown until now.

"Is what you said true?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked calmly.

"There should be!" Tang Shanhai thought for a while and said, "I don't know the details, that ruins only exist in legends."

"It's possible!" Jiang Xiaobai stared at Tang Shanhai seriously.

The treasure that restores the soul is rare, but it may be found in Huaguo, but no one is willing to sell it.

After all, the treasure to repair the soul is extremely precious to every warrior, and it is impossible to give it up.

The only way now, one is to find Lan Yingying, an emperor-level powerhouse to help, and the other is to find a treasure that restores the soul.

If there is really a soul treasure to be repaired in this Tianjiao warrior trial, then Jiang Xiaobai has to try it.

"There's a [-]% chance! After all, the trial place we're going to now is extraordinary, and it should be able to improve spiritual power." Tang Shanhai explained.

"Where are we going this time?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suddenly.

"Enter the ancient Yellow River Road." Tang Shanhai said calmly.

The Yellow River Ancient Road?

Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly when he heard the news.

The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the roots of the entire Hua Kingdom. The birthplace of the entire northern civilization is the Yellow River, and most of the south is due to the Yangtze River.

For thousands of years, mountains and rivers have changed, and the only constants are the Yellow River and Yangtze River, which are called natural dragon veins.

After the upheaval, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River became mysterious.

Especially the Yellow River, which made everyone feel in awe.

Now the Ministry of Martial Arts actually let warriors enter the Yellow River Ancient Road for trials.

In history, the Yellow River ancient road broke its embankment more than 500 times, changed its course more than 20 times, overturned the fate of seven dynasties, and annihilated Kaifeng City of Yuzhou six times. This is a water of life full of taboos and mysteries.

Warriors from the north and the south are all in awe of the Yellow River.

The entire Yellow River traverses several provinces and runs through the entire East and West of China. After the drastic changes, the entire Yellow River is filled with a layer of faint mist, which looks extremely mysterious.

"Yes, enter the ancient Yellow River road." Miao Ju echoed, "Through the ancient Yellow River road, enter the Yellow River Palace."

Yellow River Palace?

Jiang Xiaobai stared at Miao Ju with wide eyes, and said in a puzzled way.

Is there a palace under the Yellow River?

what on earth is it?

Jiang Xiaobai didn't think of this at all, he had never learned about the Yellow River, and now hearing the news about Tang Shanhai and others, he couldn't help but open his eyes.

As the peak existence of the entire Hua Kingdom, the Martial Arts Department must have information that other warriors or families cannot match.

"Is there something in the palace that restores the soul?" Jiang Xiaobai asked again.

"Well, that's true." Tang Shanhai took out a piece of information and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai, "This is the information on the ancient Yellow River Road. The warriors of our Martial Arts Department once practiced on the ancient road and discovered a mysterious palace."

"This is the legendary Yellow River Palace. In the Yellow River Palace, it is said that there are soul-raising stones, which are of great benefit to those who are seriously injured. I have never heard Pang Ji say that your martial arts teacher was in Luocheng to guard the battle. His soul was seriously injured, this may be a ray of hope for him."

"I know." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, Lan Yingying's injury kept him in his heart.

The reason why he went to conquer Mount Tai and collect primordial stones was not only to help the rise of Qilu Wuda, but also to help Lan Yingying wake up quickly.

If there is such an opportunity in the Yellow River Palace, Jiang Xiaobai will naturally not miss it.

"Why do you insist on letting me go?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tang Shanhai and asked calmly.

"To enter the Yellow River Palace, one must be a master and a king-level powerhouse." Tang Shanhai took a deep breath, "Once a fighter who has surpassed the king-level peak enters, he will be torn to pieces by the powerful force."

"Not even at the peak king level?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, frowning.

"Yes!" Tang Shanhai nodded and said, "The gate of the Yellow River Palace seems to have a kind of magical power, which can sense the strength of all warriors. Once it exceeds the close point, it will be obliterated."

"That can allow king-level powerhouses to enter, as long as they are not at the peak, I'm just a master, so I'm afraid I can't help much." Jiang Xiaobai said after analyzing.

"We also thought so at first, but this is not the way." Tang Shanhai said, "Warriors over the age of 30 are not allowed to enter. At first we didn't know this, and lost several king-level powerhouses."

"It wasn't until the end that we discovered this rule. In desperation, we can only let young warriors come and enter."

Warriors under the age of 30.

Under the peak of the king!

These two requirements really make all warriors helpless.

There are not many 30-year-old kings even in the martial arts department, and most of the rest are master-level powerhouses.

But even if the entire Martial Arts Department could find a hundred strong men under the age of 30, it would still be difficult.

After all, they set their strength at the beginning of the third-tier grandmaster, and only after reaching this level can they enter the Yellow River Ancient Road.

That's why Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju had such a conversation when they first saw Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai, as the head of the Martial Academy, is also a warrior of their Martial Arts Department after all. If he is allowed to go, getting the treasure is also a gain of the Martial Arts Department.

But if the disciples of the aristocratic family take the majority, it will not help the strength of the Martial Arts Department, but will make the family stronger.

This is not the result that the Martial Arts Department wants to see.

"Everything has been explained to you clearly, and the specific information has been given to you, so it's up to you." Tang Shanhai looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said. "Go or not, we won't force you, but if you want to stand at the pinnacle of martial arts in Huaguo, you have to endure endless hardships."

"The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. If a person wants to become a strong man, he must forge his own path."

"Okay, I'll think about it, after all, it's too risky." Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and said with a smile.

"Think about it." Miao Ju didn't urge Jiang Xiaobai either.

There are still three months before the start of the trial, so there is no rush for this matter.

However, whether Jiang Xiaobai went or not, they would reserve a spot for Jiang Xiaobai, even if Jiang Xiaobai didn't choose to go in the end, they would still reserve it for him.

The two watched Jiang Xiaobai leave, looked at his back, and chatted softly.

"Do you think he will go?"

"This has been decided since he took over the materials."

"However, this time is extremely dangerous, and no one can guarantee a safe return."

"It depends on his good fortune. Once he comes out, he will transform into a dragon and soar to the nine heavens."

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