Dominate the world

Chapter 552 Refining Huashan Gold Essence

Another king-level soldier?

Kong Shang only felt his scalp go numb.

A king-level soldier is already rare, but this Jiang Xiaobai has condensed three king-level soldiers one after another.

"It's really comparing people to people, it's so maddening!"

Kong Shang sighed from the bottom of his heart, but then realized something was wrong. He turned his head and saw that Zhang Chulan was really not well.

Zhang Chulan covered her heart with one hand. This was not jealousy, but the result of intense stimulation.

Everyone wants more advanced soldiers, it's like you have a pistol and I have a rifle, you have a cannon and I have a gun.

Rolling, layer upon layer.

This made Zhang Chulan feel a lot of pressure. The three of them advancing together, are they already so far behind?

The gap gave Zhang Chulan a sense of crisis, which came from his cherishing of friendship.

He never denied that even if he, Zhang Chulan, did nothing after that, neither Jiang Xiaobai nor Zhao Chong would look down on him, and the friendship between them would never change.

But Zhang Chulan couldn't imagine himself like that. The difference in status and status would make him feel inferior, ashamed, and shameless to be friends with them.

"Ciyue, what a name." Zhang Chulan smiled at the practice room to celebrate Jiang Xiaobai's success, and then he said to Kong Shang, "Teacher, I'm about to set off. I congratulate and bid farewell."

"and many more!"

Kong Shang stood up and said with a serious expression, "Do you know what experience means?"

Zhang Chulan stood still, faced the teacher, and said, "It's anxiety, it's crisis, it's unknown, it's losing all protection, just like a newborn lamb wandering alone on the grassland."

"Since you know, why bother yourself." Kong Shang took a deep breath, wanting to say that there are still these old guys, in case something goes wrong, white hair and black hair?

But in the end, I held back. The perseverance of the disciple's thinking is a good thing.He couldn't help laughing at himself secretly: "It's probably the result of seeing too much experience, so this old guy can't help but worry about gains and losses."

Zhang Chulan said: "If I don't force myself, I'm afraid I will never know where my own limit is."

Kong Shang nodded and smiled gratifiedly, "Since you have made a decision, the teacher respects you, but you have to remember that you don't have to do something when you can't do it. It's not something to be ashamed of. Go ahead."

Zhang Chulan saluted deeply, then turned and left without any promises or hypocritical words.

This is Zhang Chulan, who is proud but not arrogant.

Zhang Chulan's back finally disappeared from sight, Kong Shang sat down again, shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I'm old, I'm old."

At this time, the door of the training room opened, and Jiang Xiaobai stepped out. Seeing Kong Shang's expression was not right, he asked, "Principal Kong, what happened? Why do I feel that you are out of your mind?"

Kong Shang shook his head slightly: "It's not that I'm deserting to help you protect the Dharma. Zhang Chulan is gone, and I'm going to practice."

"What?" Jiang Xiaobai's complexion suddenly changed, and he was about to chase after him, but was stopped by Kong Shang: "If he wants to leave, you go after him now, and if you catch him, wouldn't he be very embarrassing?" ?”

"This guy, no wonder I felt the strange atmosphere around me just now..." Jiang Xiaobai sighed, but he knew that there is no banquet in the world that never ends. The kind that stops.

"Have I been too monstrous recently?" Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and asked.

"You are not only an evildoer, you are simply an evildoer!" Kong Shang said jokingly, "I'm so sore."

Jiang Xiaobai also laughed: "Then I have to trouble Dean Kong to be more sour. I want to refine Huashan Gold and improve my strength."

Kong Shang was slightly startled, then shook his head and smiled: "Go, go, if you have the ability, you will make me sour today."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and went back to the practice room, sitting cross-legged on the ground, feeling the Tai Chi disc in his heart, feeling indescribably grateful, without him, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was the kind of character who would not survive the first three chapters.

And after he finished the cross-legged cross, his mind moved, he swept away the complicated, his whole body and mind were immersed, and he silently operated Taiyue's true solution.

Gradually, the exercises of Taiyue's true understanding circulated in the body, and the vitality refined by the exercises gradually enveloped the Huashan Jinjing in the body.

Before, it was just refining the Huashan Gold into the body, but now the Yellow River Ancient Road has to go there no matter what.

Jiang Xiaobai knew very well that at this moment, he had to improve his strength, and tried every means, even if it was to develop insignificantly.

He will not give away the head for nothing.

At this moment, under the influence of vitality, the Huashan Gold Essence was continuously refined into a soft syrup, lingering in the body.

Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts drove his vitality, constantly stretching the Huashan gold essence, making it longer and thinner, just like pulling steel bars in a rolling mill.

The end of the hair-thin golden essence was loaded into the meridians by vitality under Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts.


The golden essence enters the veins, and the powerful and sharp golden energy is like a dragon returning to the sea. The lively energy is not as docile as before.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that this was because the meridians were still too weak compared to the body.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the golden essence hit the meridians, causing Jiang Xiaobai to tremble all over, and straightened his waist involuntarily, as if someone had stabbed his waist and eyes severely with a large needle.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned secretly. If he accidentally broke a meridian at this time, he would end up with a broken meridian.

He quickly ordered his vitality to cut off the gold essence, then held on to his thoughts, clenched his teeth, and struggled to hold on.

The power of the golden essence that entered the meridian was active for a full 3 minutes before it was finally tamed and refined by the vitality, gradually turning into a little bit of golden light.

Like dark clouds turning into rain.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly activated his vitality, carried the power of the refined gold essence, and gradually absorbed it by the meridians.


When Jiang Xiaobai exhaled, he felt that the lungs in his body were obviously strengthened, and his breath was longer. The usual three-breath time, he only used two and a half breaths at this time, which was half a breath longer than the normal data.

And this is only one-tenth of Huashan's gold essence absorbed.

Seeing the remarkable effect, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly refined it again.

It wasn't until three hours later that Jiang Xiaobai completely absorbed all the Huashan Gold Essence and turned it into his own use.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai actually had a little bit of golden light shining around his body.

At this time, he breathed out again, in the past it took three breaths, but now he only needed one breath.

If someone dares to hold their breath against him at this time, Jiang Xiaobai is confident that he can defeat most of them.

And the bigger advantage is that the long breath allows him to better absorb the vitality of the world.


Taking a deep breath, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have a gust of wind blowing all over his body, and the exhaust vents in the training room hummed, as if if he took a few deep breaths, a short vacuum would be formed in the training room.

But before Jiang Xiaobai could do more experiments, his body shook suddenly, as if exhaling a breath in his dantian, and then he took a long breath.


With a whimper, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world suddenly gathered towards Jiang Xiaobai.

The starlight flickered wildly, and then was ignited by the power of heaven and earth, and suddenly brightened with a bang.

It was a breakthrough!

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