Dominate the world

Chapter 553 Strength Improvement


"Isn't it good to improve your strength, why did you break through again?"

Kong Shangteng, who was drowsy, sat upright suddenly, looking at the practice room in front of him, his inner astonishment could not be added.

At the same time, Du Pingyuan, who was in pajamas, hurried over, and the voice came first: "Who is breaking through! Don't tell me it's Jiang Xiaobai, or I will feel ashamed!"

Kong Shang actually ignored Du Pingyuan, and his whole body was still immersed in shock. He felt that his experience and three views had all been destroyed.

Ruthlessly destroyed.

Sheng Le followed closely behind, watching the surging power emanating from the training room, and the aura between heaven and earth being pulled and absorbed frantically, he felt sore.

It was said before that in time, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely break through to become a second-tier grandmaster.

But how long has passed now?

He looked up at Nebula, it was only five hours, what happened during this time?

Sheng Le racked his brains and couldn't figure out why, then he couldn't help laughing at himself: "If I can figure it out, I'm afraid I won't stop here."

However, the shock of the three was more than shock, and they were more relieved and happy. Will the parents feel fear when the child in front of them grows up?

How guilty that is!

Du Pingyuan simply sat cross-legged and did not leave.

"At this time, I need a cigarette." Sheng Le took out a cigarette out of nowhere, put it in the corner of his mouth, and lit it after several times of lighting.

"Hiss!" Sheng Le took a deep breath and exhaled a thick smoke ring, which made him gradually calm down.

The door of the training room opened again, and Jiang Xiaobai walked out.

"Go back! Go back quickly!" Du Pingyuan yelled: "You have just broken through, what you need to do is to consolidate, and the cultivation base must be as solid as gold."

"There have been too many warriors who failed to consolidate after breaking through, and the realm fell. Go back, we three old guys will protect you, you can strengthen it." Sheng Le also looked serious.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai stepped out, he saw the anxiety of the two old people who had gone back and forth. He smiled softly and had no choice but to nod and go back to consolidate.

Not for anything else, just to reassure them.

"Hey, that's right." Du Pingyuan laughed, an obedient child always looks so pleasing to the eye.

Kong Shang dug his ears and said, "If I told you that he just condensed three king-level soldiers, what would you think?"

"What? How is this possible?"

"Huh? He actually knows how to condense soldiers?"

The surprise of the two was completely within Kong Shang's expectation, which made him feel a lot more comfortable, and at the same time, he was pleased with the first-hand news, " don't know, do you?"

"What's going on? Come and listen!"

"Tell me now!"

Kong Shang kept his mouth shut, and he made the two people's appetite so high that he opened his mouth and said, "When he comes out, you can ask yourself. Haha!"

"Eh? I said you..."

Just as Du Pingyuan was about to think about it, the door of the practice room opened again, and Jiang Xiaobai's figure reappeared. He walked over to the three and sat on the ground.

"Have you broken through to a Tier [-] Grandmaster?"

"Aggregate three king-level soldiers?"

Du Pingyuan and Sheng Le asked questions almost at the same time, which made the two of them look at each other, and said at the same time again: "I'll ask first!"

"I said it myself." Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly: "Yes, I have indeed broken through to the second-tier grandmaster, and the soldiers are also true. All this happened just now. Do you have any doubts?"

How did he do it... Du Pingyuan swallowed the words on his lips. Every warrior has his own secrets. Asking about this kind of thing is just too shameless.

Jiang Xiaobai saw what Du Pingyuan meant, and said with a smile: "It's all my own, it's no big deal. I made a breakthrough after refining the Huashan Gold Essence. Without this, it would definitely take too much time."

He stood up, sacrificed three king-level soldiers, and played a set of Wuyun swordsmanship.

Du Pingyuan nodded frequently. In Jiang Xiaobai's hands, this set of swordsmanship was like flowing water, and the coordination between the three soldiers was extremely ingenious.

Sheng Le stood up and said, "This is the stabbing moon? During your operation, the stabbing star and the stabbing star always have a faint sense of protection for it, which is very strange."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "That's right, this piercing moon came into being when I was refining the piercing moon and piercing star, and they are like mother-in-law swords."

"But the icy meaning contained in it is unique." Du Pingyuan commented.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "It's because of Zhang Bao's halberd and some other materials."

"No wonder." Du Pingyuan nodded, sighed in relief, and suddenly shook his clothes, "Come on, slap me with all your strength."

"Senior wants to make a trial stone for me?" Jiang Xiaobai felt grateful immediately. He is no longer the man he used to be. I can control it, I can definitely control it, but whether I want to control it or not is another matter.

These seniors took good care of themselves, but in this day and age, they are willing to be their own trial stones, which is absolutely rare.

"Be careful." Jiang Xiaobai is not a hypocritical person, he immediately runs the exercises, pours the power into his right arm, and strikes out with a palm.

Du Pingyuan took the palm firmly without any dodge, his footsteps were slightly unsteady, but his face was full of surprise.

"Your cultivation base is already a real Tier [-] Grandmaster, but the explosive power at this moment can completely crush other Tier [-] Grandmasters."

"The power of Huashan's golden essence contained in this, even a third-tier grandmaster, I am afraid that he will be broken on the spot and defeated in an instant."

"Well, even a fourth-tier grandmaster can fight for a fight."

"Even if you can't defeat the fourth-tier grandmaster, you still have the power to fight a battle. If you use it well, you can retreat completely."

Du Pingyuan commented one by one, and the more he talked, the more he was satisfied, "especially this set of swordsmanship, which is beautiful, and some of the dangerous parts, I am afraid that even a fourth-tier grandmaster will be tricked if he is not careful! Well, as expected of my old Du The sword technique taught to you is wonderful!"

Sheng Le rolled his eyes silently, thinking that this is obviously Jiang Xiaobai's strength, but it's something you taught him when he came to you?You still have to be shameless.

When he turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai, a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Not bad, very good, coupled with your three king-level soldiers, oh my god, I'm really worried about those fourth-tier grandmasters. Haha .”

Kong Shang hurriedly booed again and again: "Shh! I say keep your voices down. Although you are in your own territory, I am afraid that the walls have ears. I say Xiaobai, although your strength has improved now, you must not be too public. If you are wary of you, you must be the one who suffers."

" have to worry a little too much, doesn't it?" Sheng Le looked at Kong Shang with a smile and said in a cold voice.

The three of them couldn't help but glance at each other. If it comes to deceiving people, Jiang Xiaobai has a hand.

Jiang Xiaobai put away the soldiers helplessly, "I am in your hearts, it seems like a stomach full of bad water."

"Hahaha..." The three of them laughed heartily, very comfortably.

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