Dominate the world

Chapter 554 Auction?

Time flies quickly, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Jiang Xiaobai's strength steadily improved after being consolidated.

The strength of Qilu Martial Arts University is also improving at the same time, although the cost of training materials is a bit high.

But a horse has no night grass and no fat, any gain has to pay a price, and getting something for nothing is simply nonsense.

On this day, a ragged beggar appeared in front of Qiluwu's gate. No one would care about a beggar, as long as he didn't ask himself for money.

But the student on duty at the gate couldn't turn a blind eye. Just as he was about to go, the figure of the beggar disappeared in place, making the student's eyes widen, wondering if he was hallucinating.

In the dean's office, Jiang Xiaobai was writing something at his desk when the old beggar appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai silently, looking at what he wrote with great interest.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly became alert, and looked up at Elder Jin Zhi, one of the twelve elders of the martial arts department, who was in front of him, and quickly stood up: "Elder Jin." He was really startled, especially the gaze, as if It is necessary to see through the heart and lungs of people.

"Sit." Elder Jin waved his hand amiably, sat opposite Jiang Xiaobai himself, and joked, "What? Are you writing a diary?"

Jiang Xiaobai quickly regained his composure, and said with a soft smile, "Who is a serious person who keeps a diary? Elder Jin, do you keep a diary?"

"Every warrior has his own secrets, and his experience can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words." Elder Jin Zhi asked: "Write down your experience, is that still called experience?"


The two smiled at each other.

Elder Jin found that Jiang Xiaobai in front of him was even more pleasing to the eye.

He opened a tattered package, and took out two exquisite metal boxes: "Here are Hengshan Water Essence and Hengshan Wood Essence. Since you can refine and improve your strength, I will send them to you. I will keep my word."

Jiang Xiaobai's face became serious. There is no doubt about the value of these two things, but...

He subconsciously licked his lips, imagining that one day he would be tied to the dissecting table, and many experts around him were recording various data...

Elder Jin smiled slightly: "Don't think about it, if you are another country's combat power, don't even think about getting benefits from me in your dreams. A gentleman has the beauty of an adult. Although I am not a gentleman, I am not a villain. As one of the second elders, he still has some integrity."

Sure enough, ginger is old and spicy.Jiang Xiaobai was seen through his thoughts, and he was not at all embarrassed, just like when he first discovered the Tai Chi disc, the vitality would always be absorbed by the disc, and he became an ordinary person without vitality.

Not to mention that the classmates squeezed me out, even the director immediately issued a letter of expulsion.

In a word, what is useful cultivates you.

The world of warriors is that simple.

But Jiang Xiaobai could still tell the difference between the two words of kindness. He expressed his gratitude to Elder Jin, and at the same time gave back some gifts, which were not valuable things, just a token of his heart.

Elder Jin accepted the gift and said with a smile, "You are the first one who dares to give me something this year."

Obedient and listening, Jiang Xiaobai quickly asked: "What about the previous one?"

"He died at the hands of the golden giant ape, and you avenged him." Elder Jin's complexion was slightly gloomy, but he stopped talking, and when he turned to leave, his voice drifted over: "Since you know how to use it, then make good use of it. Don't die on the ancient Yellow River Road, there are not many people who give me gifts."

Jiang Xiaobai got up to see him off, only to find that he had disappeared.

He turned around and looked at the two essences on the table. These two small boxes alone were worth a lot.

He can refine the essence by himself. In the eyes of Elder Jin, human beings are the only ones. Does he really cherish talents, or does he have other ideas?

Are you being too petty?

But with past experience, Jiang Xiaobai had to guard against and think.

After weighing again and again, Jiang Xiaobai decided to refine, because these are exactly what he needs, even if there is no Elder Jin to send them to him, he will find a way to get them.

The appearance of Elder Jin is nothing more than speeding up the process.

So no matter how you think about it, the advantages of refining outweigh the disadvantages.

And Jiang Xiaobai firmly believes that as long as he is strong enough, no matter what he faces in the future, he can easily solve it.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai performed Taiyue's true solution exercises, refining the two essences into his body in turn.

Although it has not yet reached the level of absorption, the essence of water and wood is the most nourishing place for the body, and it can achieve a certain balance invisibly and complement each other.

It is most beneficial to Jiang Xiaobai's current body.

Moreover, continuous operation of Taiyue's true solution exercises to refine the essence has improved Taiyue's true solution. Although it has not yet reached the point of breakthrough, as long as it is practiced frequently, breakthrough is inevitable.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that once Taiyue's true solution was broken through, he would make faster progress in refining Hengshan Water Essence and Hengshan Wood Essence.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai crossed the river by feeling the stones before, and after gaining experience, refining other things would naturally come naturally.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai got up, a student knocked on the door and walked in. After saluting, he said, "Dean, there will be an auction at the Lihua Hotel in the evening. There are some materials for cultivation. The students beg the dean to help you palm the eyes. Don't dare to delay any longer." Dean's time, as long as it is confirmed to be genuine."

"You are?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the student in front of him without any impression.

"Student Zhang Helun!" The student responded respectfully.

"Zhang Helun?" After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, the shadow of a well-known figure in his previous life immediately appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind, "Could it be possible that there is also Lang Heyan?"

"Dean, the students are here!" A student with a shiny forehead stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

Jiang Xiaobai: "..."

Finally, after hearing the introductions of these students, he realized that the students in front of him were all wealthy. They probably pooled their funds and wanted some rare materials that were not available in Wuhan University. They were all for the sake of progress, so Jiang Xiaobai ordered nod.

"Thank you very much." A few students were pleasantly surprised. This is their teacher, and no one else can hire him with money.

Jiang Xiaobai tidied up his desk, closed his eyes on the recliner, and rested his mind, while silently performing exercises to nourish his body.

Time soon arrived in the evening, and the Lihua Hotel was well-known in Qilu, the main place where some large-scale events were held.

Among the few students, Zhang Helun from the Zhang family had the richest net worth. They had saved this money for a long time, and they must have been willing to let go of the eagle if they didn't see a rabbit. At this time, they finally had a chance, and they were all very happy.

"Shhh..." Lang Heyan, the fat man behind Zhang Helun, sniffed his nose forcefully: "I said brothers, who of you brought paper, my nose is somehow broken."

"Have you heard a lot of pollen?" The students knew what was wrong with Lang Heyan, and they knew what the problem was when they saw the flower baskets placed in the hotel.

"But I didn't bring the paper, did you bring it?"

"I came out in a hurry, I forgot."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, Lang Heyan couldn't bear it anymore, pinched his nose with his hand, blew his nose, raised his hand and threw it to the ground.

This lump of snot actually drew a mysterious parabola, and it slapped on a delicate high-heeled shoe.

The owner of the high-heeled shoes subconsciously glanced at it, saw the snot, broke down and screamed, this frightened the surrounding young people, hurried over to ask, saw that it turned out to be a lump of snot, immediately burned with anger, and yelled ,

"Who doesn't have eyes? Stand up!"

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