Lang Heyan vaguely felt that he was not at ease just by the feel of his hands. At this time, seeing someone shouting, he shrank his neck in fright, and with a face full of self-blame, he quickly ran over: "Brother, I just wiped it off."

Lang Heyan didn't bring any paper, so he had to tear off a corner of his school uniform, and was about to wipe it off when a young man stopped him.

"What's the matter? Throwing snot on someone's shoes doesn't count, and now you want to take advantage of him?"

"That's not what you said, brother." Lang Heyan was stunned, feeling like he couldn't wash himself off by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Look at what you look like! Don't think I know what you're thinking? Do you know how much this pair of shoes cost? The global limited edition, have you heard of it?" The young man stared blankly, with an angry expression on his face, "Let's do this , you take 100 million, and this matter is over, otherwise, none of you want to leave."

"Isn't this request too outrageous?" Zhang Helun shook his head and stood up.

This request is of course very strange. This young man is none other than Cao Ying's confidant, Cao Jinpeng, who came to Qilu to disgust Jiang Xiaobai. If there is a chance, he will defeat Jiang Xiaobai, it will definitely be a great achievement pieces.

Cao Jinpeng searched for a few days, but there was no sign of Jiang Xiaobai. He knew that it might not be easy to meet Jiang Xiaobai himself, but he could start with his students. They followed for a long time, but there was no chance. If a lump of snot is a blessing, the moment his companion catches it with a shoe, the rhetoric will come.

"Now, you are in my hands."

Cao Jinpeng secretly smiled inwardly, but his brows furrowed: "It's fine if you don't take the money, just blow this lump of snot out somewhere, suck it back for me, and then lick the shoes clean, this matter is over, how about it?"


Not only a few students, but passers-by around felt it was unbelievable. This request was obviously making things difficult.

"That's not good?"

"That's right, there is no such request."


The voices of passers-by buzzed, and Cao Jinpeng became impatient immediately. He turned around and pointed at everyone, "Do you know who I am! Have you heard of the Cao family in Jiangnan? If you force Lai Lai again, I will kill you!"


The high-heeled woman also let out a cold snort, then hugged her shoulders, and stretched out that foot, arbitrarily ordering.

Zhang Helun and the others made trouble and lost money, so they should not participate in the auction, but let the brothers suck their snot back, let alone look at it.

Several people couldn't help but glanced at each other, they were all students of Wuhan University, they were talented and young, so what else could they say?

Do it!

A few Wuhan university students, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they rushed towards Cao Jinpeng like tigers and tigers.

Cao Jinpeng is worthy of being Cao Ying's confidant. He has a gangster look on his face. This is the result of wolf training. It will not only make the trainee aggressive, but also a loyal guard.

And the fist bones of his hands are all flat, covered with calluses, and the joints are thick, which is full of strength at first glance.

He blocked Zhang Helun's flying kick, punched Lang Heyan's bald head with a fist, and immediately swelled up a big bump. Then he made a wrong step, passed between the two, and kicked on the other The student kicked his back and knocked him to the ground.

In just a moment, the clouds flowed smoothly, and it was a mess.

Passers-by were stunned. These students in the uniforms of Wuhan University had all their cultivation, but they didn't have much actual combat experience at all. What they were doing more was hunting monsters and beasts.

And the opponent's body is flexible and strong enough, and only one person can defeat three students in an instant, which shows that the opponent is very experienced.

With his hands behind his back, Cao Jinpeng looked at the three students with disdain, and sneered: "Cut~~ This is a student of Qiluwu University? Don't you pretend to be wearing a school uniform?"

Zhang Helun sternly said: "If you don't want to change your name, you won't change your surname, Zhang Helun, Grand Master of Qilu Wu!"

"Oh?" Cao Jinpeng was surprised: "That's true, but why are you so weak?"

"I..." Zhang Helun was speechless immediately, "We are all students and haven't graduated yet, but we have killed all the monsters around us."

"It seems that you students of Qiluwu University can only kill some local chickens and dogs." Cao Jinpeng snorted, whispered something to the people next to him, and then all laughed loudly.

Zhang Helun and the others blushed, feeling that the other party was too bullying, so they rushed up together again.

However, Cao Jinpeng defeated them all with one hand behind his back, and said condescendingly: "Remember all of you. From now on, whenever I see students from Wuhan University, I will beat one of them, and two of them will make a double."

Then, the woman walked up to Lang Heyan and stretched her feet.

"Lick it off! Otherwise, your tendons will be broken!"

Cao Jinpeng raised one foot and hung it on Lang Heyan's wrist.

But at this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded in the air.

"Hoo Lie Lie..." It seemed as if a flag was waving rapidly in the air.

Cao Jinpeng turned his head suddenly, and saw a figure shuttled at a very high speed in the neon lights of the night sky, and he came to the front almost in the blink of an eye. Before he could see the face clearly, he waved his fist.

In an instant, Cao Jinpeng felt that time slowed down, and he could see the trajectory drawn by that fist in the air. It was not fast, but his physical reaction could not keep up with the opponent's speed.


This fist hit Cao Jinpeng directly in the face.

Amidst the heavy beating sound like a drum, Biao shot a bloody arrow between his fist and his face.

Cao Jinpeng's footsteps slid on the ground, and he was pushed back ten meters away abruptly. His tense body was like crumbling soil, and he immediately sat on the ground.


Cao Jinpeng spat out a cloud of blood, and then seven or eight teeth fell to the ground, clanging.

Cao Jinpeng's companions turned their heads to look. There was a huge fist mark on his entire face, and the bridge of his nose was sunken. It was a miracle that he didn't pass out on the spot.

Cao Ying's confidants, of course, cannot be simple, and they have practiced for more than ten years just for this ability to fight.

Cao Jinpeng's head was full of birds and cars, he quickly took a pill, and the person in front of him, in a trance, finally gradually became clear.

The person who came was very handsome and thin, who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Xiaobai?

But not right?

Before he set off, he had just collected information. Jiang Xiaobai had just entered the first-tier grandmaster, and he was already at the peak of the first-tier grandmaster. Maybe in three to five years, he would be able to enter the second-tier grandmaster.

With the current gap, how could they not be able to take Jiang Xiaobai's punch?

"Dean, we..."

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at a few students with bruised noses and swollen faces, and said: "If you lose, go back and think about how you lost. This is combat experience. No one is born to win, not everyone, but your dean .”

"Yes, Dean." Zhang Helun and the others quickly agreed, feeling that the Dean is really wise and powerful.

Everyone in Cao Jinpeng felt that Jiang Xiaobai was simply a narcissist?However, when they saw Jiang Xiaobai's gaze shifted over, they all shrank their heads. The power of this punch was simply terrifying.

"I heard that you are going to cut off my student's hands and feet?"

Jiang Xiaobai walked up to Cao Jinpeng and said calmly.

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