Dominate the world

Chapter 556 Planning again

"Hey! Let me warn you, we are from the Cao family in Jiangnan. If you dare to hurt us again today, we will live in your Qilu Wuda from now on."

The high-heeled woman began to be unreasonable: "You Jiang Xiaobai, we can't beat you, but we can beat your students. I saw them beat each other, and I saw a pair of them. If you can protect them every day, I count your patience!"

These words made the eyes of the rest of the people brighten, and they immediately gained confidence, "That is, there is only one dean, but there are so many students, can you protect them?"

"We can't beat you, you're disgusting!"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly when he heard the words: "What you said makes sense, it seems that you have unusual insights, who are you?"

"Me?" The woman raised her neck and said proudly, "I am Cao Ying's cousin, my name is Zhang Liang, and I... slap!"

The woman was speaking with vigor, and with a crisp sound, she spun around three times in place, and after she stopped, she was still facing Jiang Xiaobai.

"You dare to hit me?"

Zhang Liang's eyes widened, her eyes full of disbelief: "How dare you hit me? Even my cousin is not willing to hit me, how dare you hit me?"

"You are finished! I can tell you clearly, you are finished!"

"Cao Ying is my cousin, and my Zhang family is not easy to mess with. If you don't believe me, go to Jiangnan to inquire about the consequences of offending my Zhang family!"

"Who is Cao Ying? I don't know, and I don't want to know." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, showing a mouthful of white teeth: "But I think what you said is right, there are so many students, they must not be able to protect them, so I decided to get rid of you first, so as not to worry about the future."


Zhang Liang was dumbfounded immediately. Is this Jiang Xiaobai out of his mind?

What did he just say, didn't he hear it?

"My Jiangnan Zhang family..."

"Slap!" Jiang Xiaobai swung his hand and slapped Zhang Liang again, causing Zhang Liang's nose to bleed, her hair disheveled, and she staggered and sat on the ground with her ears buzzing.

"In Qilu, you pretended to be forced by Jiangnan, you are so majestic."

Jiang Xiaobai swept his eyes: "You guys, who else did something just now?" Then, he stepped on Cao Jinpeng's wrist.


With a crisp sound, Cao Jinpeng roared and struggled in pain, like a jumping shrimp, immediately rolled his eyes and passed out.

Seeing this scene, several people trembled all over, and quickly stated: "No, we didn't do anything, we just watched from the side."

"Yeah, yeah, Brother Cao did it just now, and we persuaded him, after all, we are all from Huaguo, so if there is any hatred, we can't laugh it off."

Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly: "Who said just now that we can't beat you, and you're disgusting?"

"It's him!" Several people immediately pushed out one person. The person wanted to hide at first, but when he saw Jiang Xiaobai looking at him, he quickly admitted, and he clapped his hands: "I'm cheap, I shouldn't talk nonsense, brother Jiang When I was a fart..."

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand, the guy immediately squatted on the ground, shivering, and liquid flowed out from his crotch, emitting traces of heat in the neon lights of the night.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly: "Well, this is a confession from the bottom of my heart, not pretending. You can get out."

A few people turned their heads and ran away, Jiang Xiaobai said coldly: "Come back, you left this man and woman here, are you planning to have supper?"

Cao Jinpeng was slightly sober at first, he was preparing to fight, and wanted to say some harsh words.

But Jiang Xiaobai sneered with disdain in his eyes, "A trash who can't even hold a punch, dares to come across the region to make troubles, it's simply beyond his control."


Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's face, his disdainful tone, which completely crushed his own strength, Cao Jinpeng was so angry that he couldn't speak to refute.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai raised his foot.

"Ah!" Cao Jinpeng uttered a scream immediately, dodging and crawling backwards, although he was speechless, all his body movements proved that he was scared.

At this time, Cao Jinpeng hadn't noticed that his fighting spirit was gone, and his perseverance as a warrior had been disintegrated.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai ignored them, those people lifted Cao Jinpeng, carried Zhang Liang on their shoulders, and disappeared in a flash.

"Dean." Zhang Helun and the others quickly stood up, although they couldn't say anything, their eyes were full of gratitude.

Although the dean didn't make too many moves today, every move seemed slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. Cao Jinpeng and the others didn't even have a chance to dodge.

In the hands of the headmaster, the peak state of a first-tier master is actually powerless to fight back.

The dean is indeed the most beautiful boy in Qilu Land.

none of them.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I've read all the materials inside, there's nothing wrong with it, let's go."

Although the three people had bruised noses and swollen faces, this was not the injury of failure, but the lottery of victory. They walked into the hotel auction hall with their heads held high.

"It seems that we need to organize more battle training in the future." Jiang Xiaobai blamed himself a little.

Although it is impossible for every warrior to be a genius, since he has become a warrior, it represents potential, which can be explored and practiced.

Even if you may not necessarily go to the battlefield, at least it is good to protect the people around you in times of crisis.

Thinking in his mind, he walked back to Wuhan University and continued to practice.

The time to enter the Yellow River Ancient Road is getting closer.


In a hospital, Cao Jinpeng and Zhang Liang, who had been treated for their injuries, looked at each other silently on the hospital bed.

"Brother Cao, shall we go back to Jiangnan?" Someone suggested.

Cao Jinpeng's eyes became murderous in an instant, and his words leaked: "You want me to go back like this? I don't think it's embarrassing, you don't think it's embarrassing? Huh? Ma Kun, let the news spread that you peed your pants because you are in the south of the Yangtze River. Can you still hold your head up?"

Subconsciously, he still wanted to wait for his dentures to be installed before returning to Jiangnan.

Ma Kun was about to cry: "Then what should I do? I can't beat it. Neither of my hands may be an opponent of Jiang Xiaobai's one finger."

Although Cao Jinpeng spoke harshly, he didn't dare to think back to the moment when he was punched. He always had the feeling of dying, and couldn't help shivering.

Zhang Liang's cheeks were wrapped like rice dumplings, her nostrils were stuffed with cotton, and she spoke in a low voice: "We won't fight Jiang Xiaobai, and we won't beat his students either. We set fire to his Qiluwu University, so we don't have to face him." Jiang Xiaobai, is this the head office?"

Cao Jinpeng's eyes lit up: "It is said that the most poisonous woman's heart, Zhang Liang, you can really do it, why didn't I think of it."

Zhang Liang was slightly taken aback: "Are you complimenting me?"

"It must be a compliment to you." Cao Jinpeng waved his hand: "Ma Kun, you go to buy gasoline, and then build a car. You can't have any status."

Ma Kun couldn't help shivering: "Brother Cao, are you serious?"

Cao Jinpeng pointed to his nose: "Do you think my injury is fake? If it wasn't for the purpose of removing the bridge of my nose for practicing martial arts when I was a child, Jiang Xiaobai's punch would have smashed the bridge of my nose into my brain." .”

"Ma Kun, if you are afraid, you can go back to Jiangnan by yourself, and I will not make things difficult for you." Zhang Liang said with a gloomy expression, "We will still be friends in the future, and we will not mention it."

"Jingliang, you say that, but you don't know me. Is Ma Kun that kind of person?"

When Ma Kun heard this, he straightened his back, "You wait, I'll get it right away!"

Zhang Liang and Cao Jinpeng couldn't help looking at each other and smiling.

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