Eight o'clock at night.

In the hospital, Ma Kun went back and forth. It took only 10 minutes to get everything done. He looked at Zhang Liang proudly.

"You don't feel at ease when I do things? Anyway, I am a real warrior, and I enjoy the training resources allocated by the Martial Arts Department."

Before he finished speaking, he was startled for a moment: "Yes, I am a martial artist. The Raging Flame Knife I cultivated has been activated with all my strength. It is more powerful than gasoline. How can I ride a donkey to find a donkey? What are you doing? Gasoline?"

Looking at Ma Kun with an upset expression, Zhang Liang suddenly became angry: "I used the Lie Yan Kuang Dao, afraid that others would not know that you did it? Are you stupid?"

The gray-haired young man next to him also said: "Jiang Xiaobai is disgusting, we are serious. It's okay to use his name to make the young master look good. You must separate yourself from the young master for these dirty things, understand Is it?"

Ma Kun scratched his head, "I don't understand your twists and turns."

"Then be obedient. Let's go right away." Zhang Liang got up and began to pack up, picking up the makeup mirror.

When Zhang Liang put down the makeup mirror, several men had already played eight rounds of mahjong, and it was late at night. They got into the car stolen by Ma Kun, and made a detour to the outside of the campus of Qiluwu University. circle, before stopping at the alley opposite the gate.

But how to transport the gasoline barrels in made them difficult.

Zhang Liang had an idea, and said, "Put the car in gear, press the accelerator, then stuff the gasoline barrel with cotton and ignite it, and let the car crash into it by itself."

"That's a good idea." Cao Jinpeng and everyone immediately gave a thumbs up.

In the dean's office, Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes. At the same time, people kept opening their eyes and looking towards the gate.

Cao Jinpeng and the others didn't realize it at all, and they were still working hard on the super big breasts, with smirks all over their faces, "Now you guys look good."

"The news of the fire at the gate of Qiluwu University tomorrow will definitely hit the headlines of every edition."

"Jiang Xiaobai, let's see how much face you have saved this time!"

They were still busy, and someone had already stood up and reached out to grab the soldiers, but a voice rang in their minds, and they couldn't help but startled: "Dean?"

"It's me." Jiang Xiaobai circulated the idea of ​​​​Thunderstorm, and conveyed his words to the minds of everyone who got up with mental power: "This is a rare opportunity to practice. Let's see how the students in the lower grades do it."

"There is a first-order grandmaster and peak martial artist there, I am worried..."

"Don't worry, being beaten is also a kind of experience." Jiang Xiaobai said softly, "I'm here."

All the people smiled and agreed, and then silently appeared on the roof of the teaching building, sitting cross-legged.

Under the moonlight, Zhang Helun and Lang Heyan came out of the training room, stretching their muscles and bones. The former looked satisfied: "The effect of spending a lot of money is different. If I can practice like this every day, I feel that I can enter the training room very soon." Grandmaster realm."

"That's money, and besides, you can't buy it even if you have money." Lang Heyan touched the bag on the top of his head that was gradually calming down, and his face became ruthless: "If I meet that Cao Jin again, look I won't kill him!"

"It's Cao Jinpeng." Zhang Helun corrected: "Calling names indiscriminately, causing trouble, and even the dean can't protect you."

"Yes yes yes." Lang Heyan touched his bald head and smiled humbly, then he patted Zhang Helun on the shoulder: "Lun? Do you believe in fate?"

Zhang Helun turned back to look at him, and said blankly: "At this time, there are only you and me, do you think it's appropriate to say such a thing?"

Lang Heyan quickly pointed at the door: "Look at that guy with gauze wrapped around his head, isn't he Cao?"

The kung fu practiced by Lang Heyan has the ability of night vision, while Zhang Helun needs to use the kung fu deliberately to see the distance in the dark, and his complexion suddenly changed: "Really, what are those guys doing sneakily? Is that a petrol can? Hurry up and call the dean..."

"Are you crazy, have you forgotten what the dean said?"

"But, after all, he is a master of the first-order grandmaster, the two of us..."

"Who said the two of us, this is Qilu Wuda University, our night owl classmates must be secretly working hard to cultivate, I will go find them."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help showing a smile on his face as he watched the two discussing. He really wanted to see what these guys could do.

He stared at Lang Heyan, his chubby body ran out in a wave of flesh, but at a very fast speed, he disappeared into the dormitory building.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his gaze and saw that Zhang Helun was running his kung fu, his figure almost melted into the night, he turned to the door furtively, and approached Cao Jinpeng and the others silently.

"It seems that it is because of the restraint effect, the courage is commendable." Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly.

"Okay, it's time to light the fire." Ma Kun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took out the lighter, pressed it, and the flame jumped out. He was just about to light some cotton when a gust of wind came and the flame went out.

The corner of Ma Kun's mouth moved, but he didn't take it seriously. He pressed it again, and the flames jumped out, and he smiled triumphantly.

"Pfft." The flame went out again.

"What is this thing?" Ma Kun pressed the lighter repeatedly, but there was no problem. It just went out as soon as he went up and ignited. Ghost?"

Cao Jinpeng was slightly stunned, narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately began to perform his exercises. A brilliant light gradually emerged from his body, and he yelled: "Sneaky, you haven't shown yourself yet! Is it you?"

Hua Guang flashed suddenly, Zhang Helun's figure couldn't be hidden, instead, he swept away the previous sneakiness, straightened his waist, and said proudly: "It's me, why?"

Cao Jinpeng smiled disdainfully: "A defeated general dares to make a mistake? Believe it or not, I beat you to the ground?!"

"Hit me? Look for your own teeth first!" Zhang Helun pointed at Cao Jinpeng's mouth and stepped back as he spoke.

"Looking for death!" Cao Jinpeng's face was gloomy after the scar was uncovered, "Since I've arrived at your Qiluwu University, if I don't do something, I'm sorry for myself!"


Cao Jinpeng yelled, and worked hard to run the "Quiet Moon Treasure", his whole body was full of brilliance, and there was a slight crackling sound in the air. He moved his feet again and again, but his right hand had already formed a fist. Suddenly, he punched out.

"I didn't go all out in public before, but now I want to do my best..." Cao Jinpeng had a grim face, and roared, "Put him back!"

This punch, wrapped in a thousand ton of strength, followed Cao Jinpeng's figure, and went straight to Zhang Helun's face.

However, at this moment, a series of figures shot out from the gate, each of them was shining with vitality, and when they cooperated with each other, the brilliance flowed, forming a giant shield.


Like a spear piercing a shield.

Is the spear sharper, or the shield harder?

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