Dominate the world

Chapter 560 Battlefield, start

Yuzhou Wudao Airport.

More than a dozen martial arts fighters landed on the runway one after another, and the sound of roaring was endless.

After the plane entered the apron, people got off the plane continuously. There were people waiting to pick up the plane, and those who knew each other greeted each other.

Jiang Xiaobai walked to the pick-up gate of the Ministry of Martial Arts, and reported his name: "Qilu Province, Jiang Xiaobai."

"Please sign here." The staff of the Martial Arts Department who was in charge of the reception wanted to help Jiang Xiaobai carry his luggage, but he just looked around, not to mention his luggage, he didn't even have an entourage.

"It seems that the impact of monsters before has caused great harm to Qilu Province. The dignified headmaster of the martial arts university can't even match his entourage." The staff felt the same way. , no harm to myself: "Brother Jiang, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time, my name is Liu Xin."

Looking at Liu Xin with a slightly sad expression, Jiang Xiaobai just felt baffled, was he too frugal, making people doubt his strength?

He nodded slightly: "It's something."

"You said, I will do it."

"Can you get the approval slip from the Martial Dao Resources Department?"

"Ah?" Liu Xin was stunned: "How can I have that ability?"

"I'm missing this right now, very much." Jiang Xiaobai was very melancholy, and was about to go to the rest area, when suddenly his mind moved and he heard someone mention Qi Lu.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and saw several young people pointing in his direction.

As the saying goes, you can give me pointers, and you can talk about things, but you can’t give pointers.

Jiang Xiaobai walked over and stood in front of them: "You guys, are you pointing me?"

These people looked at Jiang Xiaobai, froze for three seconds, then shook their heads and smiled, "Oh, no, we are looking at the billboard behind you, that watch is good." Then they turned and left.

"Who are those people?" Jiang Xiaobai pointed out those people to Liu Xin as he walked towards the rest area.

Liu Xinyile: "Those few are from the Martial Arts Institute of Jiangnan Province. They hovered in the sky for a long time before landing. I heard that they were given a goodbye in mid-air. The landing time was delayed, so they can only be ranked behind. landed."

Jiang Xiaobai recalled, his plane has been on schedule all the time, has it not been out of line?

But the heart of guarding against others is indispensable, Jiang Xiaobai knew the ferocity of this trip, so he asked: "Do you know who they are?"

"Of course I know." Liu Xin showed a look of pride on his face: "The black casual dress in front is the chief instructor of Jiangnan Wuda University, named Ma Zhe, and he has reached the stage of a third-tier master at the age of 28, which can be called He is an absolute arrogance."

"The woman in the black sunglasses next to her is Song Rong, the deputy chief instructor, who has just entered the third-tier grandmaster, and is also the wife of the president of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Institute."

"The young man with a flat-inch head is the dean of Jiangnan Martial Arts University, Huang Qiangbao. He has the strongest cultivation and has reached the level of a fourth-tier master. The three of them are from the same group of warriors, and they have a deep friendship."

"Thank you." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, knowing what he knew, and entered the rest hall. The layout inside is very large, and the Ministry of Martial Arts has unified planning, and each province has its own area.

Jiang Xiaobai went directly to the rest area in Qilu Province. It was a three-bedroom layout. The bed was very soft and suitable for lying on it, nourishing the body with water essence and wood essence.


In the rest area of ​​Jiangnan Province.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure appeared in Huang Qiangbao's mind, recalling his every move when he walked, and said: "Jiang Xiaobai from Qilu Province walks steadily, with strong arms and long breath. It's not easy. I don't think it's just It's that simple to be a second-tier grandmaster."

"Yeah, it's brave enough to say goodbye to my martial arts fighter. I'll give him some flair when he enters the ancient Yellow River Road." Ma Zhe chose a few pieces of delicate snacks and put them in Song Rong's bone dish.

Song Rong ate his snacks and said: "This time, the minimum requirement for entering the Yellow River Ancient Road is a third-tier grandmaster, and Jiang Xiaobai is only a second-tier master. It must have taken a lot of effort to be selected. With his strength in Qilu Wuda, I think I'm afraid I'm going to go bankrupt, and this time I'm sure I want to reap the benefits and make up for the emptiness of Qiluwu University."

Ma Zhe smiled: "If you can't do it yourself, just give up your position. If something happens and you lose your life, it won't be worth it."

"The landing order of the planes is determined by the control tower, and has nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai." Huang Qiangbao was still lost in thought: "But in my opinion, this person definitely has unique strength, think about it."

He broke away from his thoughts, reached for the snacks, and found that they had been eaten, so he took a sip of water and continued: "Jiang Xiaobai was only a freshman when he became the dean of Qiluwu University, even if someone asks for help, Take care, it has to be that piece of material."

"Furthermore, the seniors of the Martial Arts Department can't rub the sand in their eyes."

"So, although this Jiang Xiaobai is not the strongest opponent, we can't take it lightly."

Huang Qiangbao looked at his wife and brother very solemnly: "You are all my closest people, and I don't want any accidents to happen to anyone."

Ma Zhe waved his hand: "Don't worry, looking at Jiangnan Province, although we are not the strongest, we are not weak either. If we can't fight, we can always do it."

"That's it." Song Rong stretched his waist: "I'm tired, I need to take a rest."

"Well, I'm going to rent three practice rooms. You guys can go to practice later. It's very important and you can't lose anything." Huang Qiangbao got up and left.


In the rest area next to Jiang Xiaobai, a woman was conducting a video conference with a computer.

The lower half of the man's face in the video occupies the entire screen. It is so dark that it is almost impossible to see his appearance clearly.

The man's voice was slightly hoarse: "Fuling, you are just a casual cultivator with no roots and no one to rely on. It was my family who used huge resources to train you to the peak level of a third-tier master, and it took a lot of money to win this spot. A huge price, you have to pay for it yourself."

"Fuling understands." The woman nodded slightly, her voice soft and waxy.

"It's good to understand. Your task this time is to secretly assist the disciples of the Fan family, and try to gain the greatest benefit after entering the Yellow River Palace. But before that, you must get rid of one person."

"Who?" There was a murderous intent in the woman's soft voice.

"Jiang Xiaobai. After this is done, you will be free, and you can choose any one of the treasures in the Yellow River Palace."

"Understood, Mr. Fancy."



Jiang Xiaobai was nourishing his body, when he heard a knock on the door, he thought to himself that he didn't have any acquaintances here, could it be that Li Chan had arrived?

"The door is unlocked, come in by yourself." He had to stop nourishing his body and shouted.

Fuling pushed the door and entered, stood at the door with a shy expression, and said in a soft voice: "Excuse me, my name is Fuling, my ancestral home is Qilu, and I grew up in Wuyue Province. When I saw my old family here, I wanted to come over to say hello. Excuse me?"

"My fellow, I'm Jiang Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai stood up: "As the saying goes, when a fellow sees a fellow, his eyes are full of tears. I can understand your mood, come in and sit down."

"That's really annoying." Fu Ling's face turned red.

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