Dominate the world

Chapter 561 Monster Race?

Looking at the woman with a soft voice like a yellow oriole, her face would turn red when she said a word, Jiang Xiaobai greeted him enthusiastically, poured a glass of water, and chatted a few words, "Look at you, you don't look like what a warrior should have." ah?"

Fuling smiled slightly, two dimples appeared on the left and right sides of his chin: "I live in the mountains, and I haven't been out much. This time, somehow, I was notified that I had to participate in this operation. I didn't get used to it for a while, and I didn't know how to get along with it. When I arrived at the house number of my old family, I came over, talked and got used to it.”

"There is no other way." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help thinking of himself. He didn't sign his name at the time, and his name appeared on the list. It seems that the Ministry of Martial Arts spent a lot of thought in order to gather a hundred people, even hiding the aristocratic family. Everyone moved out.

After all, there are really not many warriors who agree to the conditions.

But... out of the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, Fuling was dressed in a slim outfit, her hair dripped slightly, and a faint fragrance wafted out. A warrior living in the mountains, she used the extremely high-end bathing facilities in the rest area. Very smooth, such things as perfume and shower gel are even more high-end products.

What purpose does this person have?Jiang Xiaobai touched his cheek, is this handsome face causing trouble again?

You can try it out...

At this time, Fuling got up, "Oh, by the way, I also brought some special products from the mountains, I'll go and get them for you."

"No, no, no." Jiang Xiaobai stood up to stop him, but Fuling insisted on taking it. The distance between the two was shortened to the shortest in that instant.

The moment Jiang Xiaobai got up, Fuling stuck to the tip of the left middle finger of his left leg, and suddenly a bone needle grew out, an inch and a half long and as thick as a toothpick, but there was a pinhole at the tip of the bone needle, and a drop of sticky A gelatinous liquid that hangs over it.

As long as the bone needles pierce the skin, the poison contained in it will instantly flow through the whole body along with the blood, making people's desires high, and the poisoned people often don't know it, and will only die in extreme happiness.

Immortals are hard to save.

"To kill Jiang Xiaobai, all you need to do is stretch your hand forward." Fuling's reserved gaze flashed a venomous look. Worried about being exposed, she lowered her head and pressed the bone needle tightly against her thigh.

"Well, you Jiang Xiaobai, you dare to run first..."

Suddenly, the door was kicked open with a strong kick, and a tall woman appeared at the door, who else could it be if it wasn't Li Chan?

She kicked open the door, and saw Jiang Xiaobai who was flirting with a woman. She was slightly taken aback, "That...excuse me."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly: "Where do you think you are going? Am I that kind of person? This is my fellow villager, here to catch up on the old days."

"Aren't you such a person? Every day, you are still in the office." Li Chan snorted.

"That... I won't bother you." Fuling forced a smile, and walked out with his head down. There was a pinhole in his trousers on his left leg. It turned out that the door Li Chan kicked open hit her hand. She stabbed in, although she quickly stopped her hand, the venom still penetrated into the skin.

Some people may think that the venom produced by their own cultivation, how can they be poisoned?

In fact, it is a cobra. If you bite yourself, you will die if you see blood.

"Don't go, why do you leave as soon as I come, as if I was an unexpected guest." Li Chan hugged her shoulders, her long legs blocked the door, her face was cold, in Fuling's eyes, she looked like a jealous woman.

"I'm sorry, I don't, I don't know." Fuling shook his head again and again, with tears in his eyes.

"Leave if you want." Li Chan let the door open and walked in by herself.

Fuling whimpered and ran back.

Li Chan looked at Jiang Xiaobai up and down, and sneered: "It's ok, believe it or not, I'll tell Liu Douer right now? Huh?"

"Don't make trouble." Jiang Xiaobai closed the door, picked up a small piece of white skin from the place where Fuling had just sat with tweezers, "What do you think this is?"

"Such an obvious snake slough is here to ask, the materials class has missed." Li Chan sneered: "Freshman?"

Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "If you say that this piece of skin fell out of that woman's sleeve while I was watching, do you still think it's a joke?"

"What do you mean? Yaozu? Impossible?" Li Chan was slightly stunned: "The people of the Martial Arts Department, how could they allow Yaozu to participate in this trial? Aren't they just asking for trouble?"

"What if someone replaces the list?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"This..." Li Chan stopped talking.

"The Ministry of Martial Arts organized this trial precisely because of the huge resources contained in it."

Jiang Xiaobai swept all the tableware and water cups he had just used into the trash can, "Since the upheaval, for the sake of resources, even for a piece of primordial stone, such things as cheating and abducting are common, and even life-threatening things often happen. What is it for? Naturally, it is to strengthen oneself, and emperor-level warriors are of course rare, but as long as they can crush others, they can naturally do whatever they want."

"This is the benefit of power, no one will refuse."

"Including you and me."

The corner of Li Chan's mouth twitched: "Speaking so much, it seems that you are the only one who has done the most deceitful things."

"I did it all to save my life." Jiang Xiaobai shrugged innocently, "The list in the Martial Arts Department is correct, but no one can be sure that it must be me, maybe not many, but as long as there is one, Those are variables."

Li Chan didn't want to admit that Jiang Xiaobai was right, but thinking about the teacher entrusting her to take care of him, she endured it.

She took out the information on the Ancient Yellow River Road and the list of participants issued by the Ministry of Martial Arts, and frowned slightly: "Do you want to compare them one by one?"

"Go and see, it can't be wrong." Jiang Xiaobai stood up, took the list, and walked out by himself.

Li Chan was slightly taken aback, gritting her teeth loudly.

"I will endure."


When Fuling returned to the room, he immediately took off his trousers, picked up the trousers, bit them in his mouth, pulled out a sharp knife, and gouged out a large piece of flesh and blood from his left leg.


Black blood flowed out, but at a very slow speed. She jumped into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and desperately rinsed the wound. At the same time, she dug out the antidote and injected it into the muscle.

Although I did everything I could, I still felt that my body was getting hotter and hotter, which was a sign of the onset of poison.

"This damned woman!"

Fuling was in such annoyed state that he kept drawing circles with one hand, and threw all kinds of vicious curses on Li Chan's head like he didn't want money.


"Are you here, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding just now."

There was a knock on the door, and she knew it was Jiang Xiaobai when she heard the sound, and her heart skipped a beat: "What is he doing here?"

"I'm taking a bath, can you change the time?" Fuling shouted hastily, but somehow, hearing Jiang Xiaobai's meaningless voice, her heart beat faster and her heat became more intense.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said politely on the surface: "Ah, I bought some drinks just now. If it's inconvenient for you, then I won't go in."

Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the door opened.

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