Dominate the world

Chapter 564 The Strange Request

"What do you mean?"

Li Chan came over with a plate, "It's true that this is Yuzhou Province, but Jiang Xiaobai is sitting here, so he didn't provoke you, did he? Are you here to find fault?"

"Who are you, you?" Since Feng Baili had already torn his face, he didn't intend to let the matter go like this, otherwise wouldn't it be too shameless?

If it spreads in the future, how to face the elders in my hometown?

Lao Tzu, he is an existence that brings honor to his hometown!

Li Chan put down the plate and looked at Feng Baili: "I am Li Chan."

Feng Baili took a look at Li Chan. She was fair and beautiful, but she was a typical iceberg beauty, but with the surname Li, she was a person who was undergoing trials at this time, and her background...

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Feng Baili stopped looking at Li Chan, stepped on the table, leaned forward, and looked down at Jiang Xiaobai who was sitting upright: "Is it a man, let you be a woman? What are you looking at? Hit me?"

This is the challenge.

There were not many people in the cafeteria, but there were dozens of them. Apart from the Tianjiao from various provinces, most of them were entourages. Even though they couldn't enter the Yellow River Ancient Road, such ostentations of pick-up and drop-off were indispensable.

Moreover, they have to prepare for everything, lest their own Tianjiao return from the secret realm, and they must be prepared for physical discomfort.

At this moment, these people all looked at Jiang Xiaobai, the dean of Qilu Wuda University.

Regarding the rumors about Jiang Xiaobai's rise, there are several versions circulated in various martial arts universities. There is even a version that he is the reincarnation of the monster clan and is good at deceiving people. Of course, these people don't believe it, otherwise it would be tantamount to looking down on the Ministry of Martial Arts up.

But it doesn't prevent these people from using the news as a chat after dinner, and consuming it for free.

And when Jiang Xiaobai succeeded Qilu Wuda, he was just a freshman, not even a first-tier grandmaster, a weak group, which directly shows that Qilu Wuda really has no one left.

What's more, there are people behind Feng Baili who are videotaping, it seems that the male and female are going to be separated.

So, after Feng Baili challenged and threw out provocations, they all wanted to see how Jiang Xiaobai would respond.


Keeping a low profile has always been Jiang Xiaobai's motto.

He smiled slightly, "Look at what he said. We are all Hua Guo warriors, and we are also partners in entering the secret realm this time. We didn't see each other when we looked up and looked down. There is no need to hurt our peace."

Jiang Xiaobai pulled out a folding stool, put it aside, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation: "Sit down, if I'm not doing well, please point it out, Brother Feng, and I'll correct it immediately."

Feng Baili frowned secretly, this Jiang Xiaobai was beyond provocative no matter his tone or attitude, this guy was like a gasped puffer fish, he couldn't say anything!

He stared at Jiang Xiaobai for a full ten seconds. Jiang Xiaobai always looked harmless to humans and animals. He smiled disdainfully and threw two words through his teeth.


Turning back, he looked at the people who were staring at him, and said proudly: "You have all seen that the dean of Qilu Martial Arts University is just a vain name. I stand here and let him beat him, but he dare not beat him. From now on , I think everyone just call him a coward, don’t you?”

Everyone's eyes were a little stunned.

Feng Baili shook his head: "Hey? Let me tell you, can you give me some response? Don't look over there, look at me, I will imitate Jiang Xiaobai's cowardly behavior just now."

Feng Baili pretended to imitate.

But in the eyes of others.

Jiang Xiaobai folded the folding stool just now, holding a stool leg in each of his left and right hands, turned his body slightly to the right, and leaned back. The folding stool was immediately rounded and landed precisely on the back of Feng Baili's head. superior.

"Crooked Wukamu Tu... Crack!"

With a loud bang, the folding stool made of steel exploded on Feng Baili's head. He almost didn't react at all, and was directly beaten to the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped over in two steps, picked up the stool, and smashed it three times.

"Bang bang bang."

Feng Baili instinctively hugged his head, trying to struggle to get up, but he turned his vitality away, and as soon as he tried to get up with his arms, Jiang Xiaobai's vitality also began to linger around his body, and the stool fell down.

When Feng Baili used his vitality, Jiang Xiaobai also used it, but if he didn't use it, Jiang Xiaobai also lost his vitality.

The rhythm is perfect.

Feng Baili held his head and didn't move. He was too passive to be attacked this time, and he couldn't even turn around to face him.

But he didn't have the face to admit cowardice on the spot, so he just stayed still and pretended to be dead to pass the test.

"You all saw it, he asked me to hit him." Jiang Xiaobai threw the stool away, turned his body, and looked at the crowd and said.

Being a low-key person does not hinder high-key work.

Everyone was stunned.

This stool is used like a soldier!

But, is this still a warrior?

What's the difference between this and a street brawl?

However, now the provocateur fell to the ground, while the provocateur sat down and leisurely ate pork stewed vermicelli.

They originally wanted to take this opportunity to see Jiang Xiaobai's true abilities so that they could make preparations in advance.

This time, it fell through.

Li Chan bit her lip, and the arena battle of that day's dean dispute resounded, this scoundrel...

However, this time, seeing Feng Baili's distressed appearance, she suddenly felt very refreshed.

Feng Baili finally got the chance to get up, he stood up, with a fierce face, he raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai: "You are despicable, you are shameless, you are ashamed of the title of warrior."

Jiang Xiaobai took a sip of the vermicelli and said, "If I were you, I would hurry back to recover from my injuries. Maybe after entering the ancient road, my chances of winning would be one or two points higher."

Feng Baili was slightly taken aback, if he entered the ancient road in this state, maybe he would be wiped out by others, and the supplies he carried would be divided.

"You waited to enter the ancient road." Feng Baili said harshly, turned and left.

"Why did you remind him?" Li Chan ate the vegetarian dish angrily.

Jiang Xiaobai said softly: "Anyone who wants to eat a meal will be able to eat a moth. It's not good to let others remember the characteristics of my hair in order to vent my anger. I don't have time to waste with him. You also show your own weaknesses to others. Do you think those people are just watching the show?"

Li Chan, who was chewing green vegetables, suddenly slowed down her teeth. Jiang Xiaobai thought of all of this, and she couldn't help being a little surprised.

And in the distant south of the Yangtze River, in an antique room, Cao Ying was wearing a blue robe, and his whole person looked like ink painting, handsome yet agile, looking at the screen, his brows gradually wrinkled.

"This Feng Baili, is he brainless? You can't do this well."

Cao Ying originally wanted to make a video, and then let Liu Douer see it unintentionally.

"Pig teammate, it is impossible to cooperate with him in this life."

Cao Ying turned off the screen, and seeing his own sister Cao Yunyun hurried back, he asked, "How?"

Cao Yunyun put a jade hairpin on the table, fanned the wind with her hand, and said angrily: "In the future, you must never ask me to give Liu Douer a gift, today she almost turned against me, and my best friend will be lost." Do."

Cao Ying frowned slightly, and then smiled: "Then don't send it away, just maintain your relationship."

"Then this jade hairpin belongs to me." Cao Yunyun knew that this jade hairpin was a good thing. Not only was the quality of jade high and its value high, but it also possessed aura that could nourish the body.

"Okay." Cao Ying nodded, and asked with concern, "Where is Douer?"

"Douer, Douer, you only have Douer in your eyes, and my sister has no status at all." Cao Yunyun wrinkled her nose and said fiercely.

Cao Ying laughed: "You will always be my sister, but if Douer doesn't fight for it, it will be someone else's."

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