Jiangnan gardens.

A four-character plaque hangs on the door, stepping into it, there are pavilions, terraces and pavilions, white walls and ink tiles; small bridges and flowing water, secluded orchids and peony flowers.One scene at a time, one scene at a time.

This is the garden of Liu's family, where Liu Dou'er cools off the heat on weekdays.

Since going to Qilu University, Liu Dou'er has rarely come back here, but a few days ago after Jiang Xiaobai went to the Yellow River Ancient Road, Liu Dou'er was actually called back to the family.

At this time, she stared blankly at the distant horizon, and subconsciously snapped her fingers: "It should be almost time, there is probably one, two, three..."

After she checked the number, she stuffed a piece of snacks into her mouth, her cheeks puffed up as she ate, and she stared at her watery eyes.

"Like a little hamster."

Cao Ying came slowly, and didn't say a word about asking his sister to send Yuchai to express his affection.

"Why are you here?" Liu Douer came back to his senses, chewing his mouthful of snacks.

"Look at you." Cao Ying smiled softly, like a warm man.

Liu Douer hummed, turned around, and continued to look at the sky in a daze.

Cao Ying felt very uncomfortable, but he still had to ask: "Are you worried about Jiang Xiaobai?"

Liu Douer suddenly collapsed: "The ancient Yellow River Road, what a dangerous place, but I don't even have the qualifications to go in, so I can only worry here for nothing. Oh, it would be great if I could become stronger. "

Cao Ying said in relief: "Don't worry, Los Angeles was also very dangerous at the time, but didn't Jiang Xiaobai survive it? I think he must be fine."

"That's for sure." Liu Douer regained his energy and made gestures: "You have to know, Brother Xiaobai..."

Seeing Liu Dou'er who instantly turned into a little girl, Cao Ying's heart was sore and painful.

But there was still a gentle smile on his face, and he listened quietly. In fact, in his heart, he wished he could strangle Jiang Xiaobai to death with both hands.

"When there is a chance, I will definitely introduce you to each other." Liu Dou'er said enthusiastically, "You will definitely think what it means to meet each other late."

Cao Ying nodded again and again, and smiled slightly: "I think, it will."


"Before entering the Yellow River Ancient Road, those who stir up trouble, no matter who they are, will be disqualified."

The order issued by the Ministry of Martial Arts has been notified to everyone.

This time, all the rest areas became quiet.

Although they have never seen the danger of the ancient Yellow River Road, they can all guess a thing or two, and it will definitely not be easy.

But no one wants to actually quit.

Risks represent benefits. What's more, they have spent money to find out the news, in order to accurately obtain the treasures they want.

A single demon emperor warrior can make a king-level warrior who has been stagnant for many years break through to the emperor level.

An emperor-level warrior, whose formidable combat power, brought to the family is by no means a simple sense of security.

The guarantee of the family's advancement lies in this point.

So after the Ministry of Martial Arts banned it, no one moved indiscriminately.

"What does it have to do with me?" Jiang Xiaobai lay on the big bed, holding his head in his hands, feeling that he had suffered an innocent disaster.

Li Chan was swinging back and forth on the deck chair, eating fresh fruit, "You can do it, I think it's your protection."

"Are you sure it's protection?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

Li Chan asked back: "Isn't it? I don't believe that Feng Baili, who was humiliated by you, would have given up without this order."


There was a knock on the door, and Li Chan subconsciously asked, "Who?"

"Feng Baili. Didn't bother you?"


Li Chan blinked innocently, as if to say, I am not a crow's mouth.

Feng Baili pushed the door open and entered, holding a fruit basket in his hand, with a gentle smile: "What happened before is indeed my fault. The two adults have a lot of people, so don't take it to heart. A little heart is not a respect."

Then he put down the fruit basket, turned around and left, and gently closed the door.


Looking at the fruit basket full of precious fruits, Li Chan was speechless.

No matter how expensive the fruit is, dare to eat it?

Can only watch but not eat, isn't this disgusting?

"Next time you beat him up, take me with you." Li Chan said viciously.

Jiang Xiaobai just shook his head speechlessly, "Next time, I'm afraid it won't be so simple."


"Who is it?" Li Chan yelled coldly, and it was only when the words came out that she realized that she had lost her composure.

"It's me, it's me, nothing else, just drop by, Ma Zhe."

Ma Zhe walked in and saw the fruit basket, which was just like his hair. He couldn't help being slightly stunned, but he put down the fruit basket and said humbly: "Brother Jiang's previous move, I saw the shadow of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife in it." , but it’s not right, so I want to discuss it.”

Before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, Li Chan pointed at the door: "Get out."

"Okay." Ma Zhe went out obediently, and waved his hand before closing the door, gentle and elegant.

He is really fine, Huang Qiangbao came back from the practice room, he can only go back to his bedroom, it can be said that there is no sleep, just came out disgusting Jiang Xiaobai, anyway, he also knows that the secret books of martial arts, except for the common ones, are No one is willing to tell the truth.

But now he has no chance to listen to lies, which makes him even more depressed. He turned around and looked at the door of Jiang Xiaobai's room, and pointed hard: "Wait, there is still your bitch, Li Chan, In the outside world, your Li family is superior, but in the secret realm, hehe."

When Ma Zhe saw the door open, he quickly turned around and left, but out of the corner of his eye, he still saw the woman named Fuling.

"It's really big and white." Ma Zhe gave a compliment as he recalled the previous glimpse.

Fuling looked at Jiang Xiaobai and Li Chan with shining eyes, and said softly, "Is there anything you want to tell me, you two?"

"..." Li Chan was too lazy to make false claims with the other party, she was silent for a moment, and said straightforwardly: "What is your purpose in sneaking in?"

"Kill the two of you, or be beaten to death by the two of you."

Fuling blinked and said casually.

"We have enmity?" Li Chan felt that even if the other party was a monster, it was inexplicable.

"It was already formed in Los Angeles. Of my bloodline, I am the only one left."

Fuling talked eloquently: "I admit that it was Fan Xi who paid a lot of money to find me and put me in. But it's not so much that he used my combat power, it's not that I used his connections."

Jiang Xiaobai said: "It's the first time I've seen you say that being a gangster is so fresh and refined."

Fuling said indifferently: "You can say whatever you want, anyway, you will set off tomorrow, and when you land on the ground, you may not only face me, and I will not be the first to attack, but as long as someone attacks you, or When you face difficulties, be careful, because I may appear at any time."

"Playing Yangmou? Fuck my mentality?" Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his nose and smiled slightly: "Then you'd better hide it deeper."

"Most definitely."

Fuling smiled, gentle and elegant.


Early the next morning, the huge fighter plane of the Ministry of Martial Arts, carrying a hundred arrogances, set off on the ancient Yellow River Road.

Because of the terrain, the fighter planes could not land here, so they had to parachute and airborne with one airborne bag per person.

Over the Yellow River Ancient Road, umbrella flowers bloomed.

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