Dominate the world

Chapter 568 Li Chan's Pride

After failing to fish, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help feeling a pain in his head. Sure enough, none of the fighters who could reach the level of a third-tier master under the age of 30 was easy to deal with.

He instantly released his five senses, and there was no one around him.


Jiang Xiaobai was speechless. Not only did he fail in fishing, he even failed in making nests.

If Li Chan made a move just now, Feng Baili had a [-]% chance of falling here.

"Yes, where is Li Chan?"

Only then did he focus on setting Feng Baili a trap, but he forgot about the eldest lady, so he hurriedly chased after Li Chan in the direction he left.

Before walking a few steps, the names of the three persons on Jiang Xiaobai's information form faded away. They are all the arrogance of Fengtian Province. Whether they had an accident or quit, the information form cannot show that this information from the Ministry of Martial Arts The table only has two functions of map and displaying the names of people within the scope of the ancient road.

Out of the hundred Tianjiao, there are 97 remaining.

Jiang Xiaobai no longer concealed his aura. He bent his knees and squatted slightly, and immediately rose to the ground, chasing after Li Chan in the direction he left.


A thousand meters away from Jiang Xiaobai, Li Chan was still walking. In her five senses, a figure was [-] meters ahead, keeping the distance all the time, like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey.

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she had already sensed the other party's breath, it was Ye Chengfeng, who was once defeated.

In fact, she knew that as long as she teamed up with Jiang Xiaobai, Ye Chengfeng would immediately fall into a certain death situation.

But in her opinion, she came to help Jiang Xiaobai, not to delay and cause trouble, and this was a personal grudge. .

As the jewel of the Li family, Li Chan's strength and pride have crushed many self-proclaimed arrogance, and there are many enemies.

This is why Pang Ji entrusts Jiang Xiaobai to take care of her.

Li Chan stood still, glanced left and right, and sneered, "Didn't you just want to lure me here? Why didn't you show up, Ye Chengfeng?"

Behind a tree, Ye Chengfeng's figure appeared, and he smiled sinisterly: "Li Chan, you are still so proud after all."

Li Chan snorted softly, "You brought me here, wouldn't it be to reminisce about the old days, wouldn't you be defeated?"

Ye Chengfeng's complexion suddenly sank. At the Aristocratic Talent Conference three years ago, Li Chan's Promise Cloud Hand made Ye Chengfeng unable to fight back. The Ye family's Tianjiao was defeated, and Li Chan successfully took away the championship reward—— - Ten-year use rights of [-] hectares of resource land.

Since then, Ye Chengfeng has turned from the hope of countless people in the Ye family to disappointment, and all kinds of ugly words have followed. He is still the heir of the family, but he has changed from the first to the third.

Whether it is resources or status, it can be said that it has plummeted, and all of this comes from Li Chan.

The corners of Ye Chengfeng's eyes narrowed, and a hint of evil appeared on his sinister face, he said: "No need to reminisce about the past, I still need a bed-warming maid, I see you are not bad, if you don't agree, you will die today."

After Ye Chengfeng finished speaking, two people appeared from the dirt behind Li Chan, blocking Li Chan's retreat.

Li Chan smiled coldly, "Ye Chengfeng, with your kind heart, even if the Ye family falls into your hands, it will only fall into ruin."

"I, Ye Chengfeng, need you to show me what to do?" Ye Chengfeng stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void, and a long stick appeared in his palm. He smiled proudly: "Do you recognize it?"

Li Chan's complexion changed slightly, and she could tell at a glance that this was the ultimate king-level soldier, the Wuji stick.

This stick is refined from the spinal cord of a powerful demon beast at the level of the demon emperor. It is extremely tough and has the ability to attack with divine thoughts. My Wuji cloud hand cannot defend against this kind of attack.

It seems that this person took great pains to deal with him.

"I wanted to go to the ancient road to deal with you, but I have been tortured for three years and I can't bear it." Ye Chengfeng pointed his Wuji stick directly at Li Chan: "Now kneel down and call me master, and I will accept it." You, otherwise..."


Li Chan's pretty face was icy cold, the killing intent was condensed in her heart, wisps of vitality arose from her hands, lingering around her body.

However, in silence, the ground under Li Chan's feet, the originally solid loess, suddenly turned into a pot of mud, and her feet fell into it instantly.

In the quagmire, a body full of mud popped up. He grinned, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth, and hugged Li Chan from behind.

Li Chan suddenly became alert, let out a yell, and jumped up from the ground, leaping nimbly like a kite turned over, and immediately avoided the man's bear hug.

The vitality generated by Wuji Cloud's hands wrapped around the Dengtuzi's arms for an instant, a sharp light flashed in her eyes, and those arms were shattered into pieces of flesh, and blood sprayed out from them.

"My hand, ah!"

The muddy man screamed miserably, "Third brother, kill her!"

When Ye Chengfeng was the number one heir, all his peers called him Big Brother.

Now the newcomer replaced the old one and became the third brother, and as the number one heir, there was no need to take risks to enter here. Ye Chengfeng is now just a chess piece to obtain resources for the family, not a chess player anymore.

If he hadn't desperately entered here, he wouldn't even be qualified to touch the Promise Stick.

Ye Chengfeng laughed repeatedly in his heart, but in order to prove himself, he still wanted to fight a bloody road and show everyone that Ye Chengfeng is still the same Ye Chengfeng as before!

Pointing forward with the Wuji stick in his hand, Ye Chengfeng only felt that one-third of his vitality disappeared in an instant, there was a wave in the Wuji stick, and a brilliant light shot out from the top of the stick.

The air suddenly twisted, as if being ravaged by an invisible hand.

At this moment, Li Chan was in mid-air, and it was too late to change direction, so she could only use her strength to resist as much as she could.

An invisible muffled sound appeared in Li Chan's body. Like a kite with a broken string, she flew upside down three meters before falling to the ground.


As soon as Li Chan landed on the ground, she turned over and stood up, guarding her surroundings.

Her mouth, nose, ears, and even the corners of her eyes were bleeding.

Ye Chengfeng laughed, and he was finally relieved, "Hahaha, you still dare to struggle? This is the ultimate manifestation of spiritual attacks and spiritual attacks. As long as warriors who have not cultivated spiritual powers, they cannot resist them at all."

He stepped forward and looked down at Li Chan, "Now, do you know what you should do?"

Li Chan stood up abruptly, but a narrow and long knife was pierced through her shoulder, and the tip of the knife appeared in Li Chan's line of sight.

A short fat man came around from behind her, grabbed the handle of the knife, and forced Li Chan to kneel on the ground with one knee.

Li Chan's beautiful eyes were wide open, and the pain pierced through her heart. Even breathing was very difficult, but she just didn't even utter a sound.

There was fine cold sweat on her forehead, and she glared at Ye Chengfeng, "If you want to be kind, just give me a happy one."

"Is it so easy to want to die?" The corners of Ye Chengfeng's mouth rose, "I was knocked off the altar by you and became the laughing stock of the family. It has been three years. I have to pay back all the hardships I have suffered."

"are you ready?"

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