Losing the Promise Stick, the five and the six died tragically, and the situation of a big victory was overthrown in a blink of an eye...

Ye Chengfeng quickly analyzed and reflected in his mind. The person in front of him first attacked and killed the fifth child, which attracted his attention and put him in a passive situation.

Then he used fierce means to coerce the sixth child so that he would not dare to act rashly, and was even more passive.

Only in this way can the person in front of you occupy the situation.

Who is this man?Actually, in the shortest time, all the measures that are beneficial to him have been done?

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Li Chan who was sitting cross-legged. Although the meridians had been partially unblocked, the injuries were serious. It was impossible to fight in a short period of time. If they were not handled well, they would even leave behind indelible wounds.

But now is not the time to blame yourself. The situation in front of him seems stable, but in fact it is not optimistic at all. The two killed are only the lowest in combat power, but there is no way to do it. We can only try to weaken the overall strength of the opponent.

"You rest at ease and recuperate, my people will be here soon."

Jiang Xiaobai was talking to Li Chan, and seemed to have just remembered Ye Chengfeng's question, so he said calmly: "Whether you want to change your name or your surname, it's Feng Baili, it's someone."

Ye Chengfeng clasped his fists slightly: "So it's Brother Feng."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly regretted using this name.

"In Xiaye Chengfeng, the third heir of the Lingnan Ye family. I had some troubles with Miss Li Chan. Today I seriously injured her, but you also killed our two brothers. I have already lost everything. "

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Well, your calculation is quite clear. But my windy woman, is it something you can move if you want?"

Ye Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, isn't the Li family negotiating marriage with that family?

When did she become his charming woman?

However, since this person dared to risk his life to save Li Chan, he must be right.That family has already been cuckolded in advance?

"At this time and here, the most important thing is to preserve our combat power. There is no real conflict between us. As long as Brother Feng returns the Wuji stick to me, we will leave immediately. I can also guarantee that during the time on the Yellow River Ancient Road, we will never fight with Feng." Brother is an enemy, I can guarantee it with my family honor." Ye Chengfeng talked eloquently.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while: "Isn't this bad? You are obviously at a disadvantage. I didn't even notice the people who killed you openly. You are just..." He paused, and then said: "Besides, my people will be here soon. I have a windy city in Yuzhou. Will there be any brothers?"

Ye Chengfeng saw that Jiang Xiaobai's tone was slightly paused, he was considering his words, and he didn't say the word waste, so he knew there was something to talk about, so he took out a piece of Lingyu jade pendant: "This is my Ye family's token, I can buy it in This injection oath, if I break it, I will never be able to return to the Ye Family, I just want to get back the Promise Stick."

Jiang Xiaobai stared at the jade pendant and thought for a while, then finally nodded, "I, Feng Baili, am not someone who makes things difficult for others. Seeing that you are so sincere, well, you throw the Lingyu to your left, and my people will come and get it. How about throwing the Promise Stick to your right and your people going to get it?"

Sure enough, there are people!Ye Chengfeng suppressed the imagination in his heart, cupped his fists and said, "That's very good." After speaking, he threw out the jade pendant.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and the Wuji stick flew out.

Ye Chengfeng had already lost the Promise Stick once, so he was willing to let others touch it. He rushed to the other side with one stride, grabbed the Promise Stick, stomped on his foot, and flew away in an instant.The people around him looked at Ye Chengfeng's figure, and yelled, "Sell me the money, sell me" and then followed suit.

Jiang Xiaobai took back the jade pendant, and cold sweat instantly covered his forehead.

Just now, if Ye Chengfeng was desperate to attack, he could fight or run, but Li Chan would suffer.

He picked up Li Chan and hurried away.

Ye Chengfeng's brother chased after him for a while, saw Ye Chengfeng stop, and said: "Third brother, I know the importance of the Wuji stick to you, but can you give me a signal? Eyes are okay too?!"

Ye Chengfeng looked gloomy, "In the situation just now, I gave you a signal. Do you think Feng Baili is evil? Don't forget how the old five and the sixth died. As long as I get back the Promise Stick, who is the opponent? Go, Come back with me and destroy them."

"But the family jade pendant..."

"Aren't you stupid? You forgot the restriction here? Even if I violate the oath, the fluctuation of the family jade pendant will not be transmitted to the outside!"

The man's eyes lit up.

"What the hell, Feng Baili, dare to go against me, I crossed Li Chan in front of you!" Ye Chengfeng waved the Wuji stick in his hand, "Let's go..."

But before he finished speaking, the Promise Stick trembled suddenly, he couldn't grasp it with one hand, so he quickly hugged it with both hands, he felt like an ant climbing up the stick, being thrown back and forth, and finally couldn't grasp it anymore He stopped, he was thrown into the air, and the Wuji stick fell on his head.


It was the first time for Ye Chengfeng to try the power of a king-level warrior, and he was smashed and fell in the air.

"Feng Baili, you are so mean to me..."

Ye Chengfeng only called out his name, and then smashed into the ground, leaving only the words "Feng Baili" echoing in the air.


In a shoal, Feng Baili was telling his brothers how he had played with Jiang Xiaobai just now, and how miserably he bullied him, when he heard a roar from the air.

Feng Baili pointed at the sky: "Did you hear that? It must be Jiang Xiaobai. Let me tell you, as long as you surround me this time, everything will be beneficial."

"Brother Feng is mighty! You can tell that guy is always aggrieved when you hear it."

"Brother Feng is domineering! Next time I meet him, I have to talk to him properly."

Doesn't this voice sound like Jiang Xiaobai's?

Feng Baili kept drumming in his heart, and waved his hands modestly, "This is nothing."


It is rare to send charcoal in the snow, and you can see it everywhere.

Jiang Xiaobai asked Brother Pan to put away the Promise Stick, and held Li Chan in his arms. He didn't even dare to take a brief moment in the sky, so he could only run wildly in the wild grass on the ground, and finally came across a culvert half-hidden underground. An entrance is also very close.

He burrowed into it, but he didn't expect that there was a otter monster's lair. The monster opened its mouth and pounced on it, but it was pierced through its half-empty mouth and fell to the ground.

The culvert is very deep, a full [-] meters, without light, it is dark, but with Jiang Xiaobai's eyesight, there is no problem, the monster's nest is very good, big and thick, he put Li Chan on it, the young lady Already passed out.

The injury piercing through the shoulder, it is obvious that Ye Chengfeng and others do not intend to keep alive, but this revenge must be avenged by Li Chan himself, the most important thing now is to let Li Chan recover as soon as possible.

Jiang Xiaobai tore off the clothes on Li Chan's shoulders. He controlled the force very well, showing the wound completely without revealing the spring, so as not to fail the trial.

He devoted himself to treating the wound, and occasionally there would be flesh exposed in the crevice, but he looked away after seeing it, and didn't stay on it for even a second.

After cleaning up the wound, he began to push the blood on Li Chan, and white gas gradually emerged from the top of her head, which proved that the vitality had started to run, and the recovery from the injury began to speed up to the maximum.

"There is a cave here, why don't we enter the ancient road after resting here."

A woman's voice came over.

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