Dominate the world

Chapter 575 Seeing the Soul Cultivation Stone for the First Time

"what sound!"

Li Zhendong was very alert this time, feeling the slightest abnormality, he stood still in place, not daring to move forward.

He looked around, but couldn't find anything that could make such a strange sound, and there was not even a monster here, so he couldn't help muttering to himself: "It's strange, did it cost too much energy to deal with the iron ox, and he had auditory hallucinations? "

Jiang Xiaobai blamed himself, blamed himself so much, he never thought that the Soul Cultivation Stone was actually inside Huanghe Tieniu's body!

He was so annoyed that he could hardly forgive himself.I also blame the incomplete information provided by the Budo Ministry.

So, the sound of his clenched teeth came out, alerting Li Zhendong.

"This is the Soul Cultivation Stone?" Li Chan pretended not to know, "What's the use for it?"

Li Zhendong laughed loudly: "It is definitely useless to ordinary people, but it is a priceless treasure for warriors who cultivate spiritual power, because it has the effect of repairing the soul. After all, when cultivating spiritual power, the soul may be damaged at any time. If it cannot be repaired in time , as time goes on, if you don't go crazy, you will fall into an eternal sleep until the last trace of life is exhausted."

"Oh, that's right, but there are very few warriors who cultivate spiritual power. The value of your soul-cultivating stone is not as good as my phoenix eye." Li Chan pointed at the phoenix eye.

The hotness in Li Zhendong's eyes flashed away, he laughed dryly, and teased: "Will you not take good things? Are you afraid to move?"

Li Chan said: "We are trying to figure out a way. We discovered this gem first, and we own it. Don't make random decisions."

"Who stipulates that it belongs to you?" Li Zhendong said slowly: "Here, whoever has the biggest fist belongs to him. You found this gem for me. I don't bother with you about the gate before. Let's go now. In time."

"Let's go." Jiang Xiaobai turned around and left. He had come to his senses and secretly thought that even if he knew the location of the Soul Cultivation Stone, if he tried his best to deal with Tieniu, it was hard to guarantee that he would not be beaten by people like Li Zhendong. Or the number of people, the strength is enough to crush themselves.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai stepping away, Li Chan and the others followed.Qin Chumo looked back three times, but was dragged out by Ma Huayun.

"Goodbye, Ye Chengfeng?"

Li Zhendong waved his hands in embarrassment, and someone beside him quietly said, "Brother Dong, why did you take this opportunity to kill him?"

"It's still useful." Li Zhendong pointed at the gemstone: "Isn't this what they found by exploring the road? We will follow behind them and follow them all the way, which will save a lot of energy."

"Brother Dong is wise, you deserve to be the leader." Everyone gave a thumbs up.


Soul Cultivation Stone, Soul Cultivation Stone...

As soon as he saw the Soul Cultivation Stone, Jiang Xiaobai's heart was completely occupied by the stone that was as black as ink with a little star in it.

As long as there is a way, Jiang Xiaobai will take the treasure and run away, and the big deal will be settled in the future.

But in this environment, the risk is too great, and the result is not something I can afford.

Even Li Chan admired him for being able to hold back on the spot.

"I really searched for him thousands of times in my dream." Jiang Xiaobai showed a smile on his face. No matter what, he finally saw the Soul Cultivation Stone, which already showed that the instructor was saved.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Ma Huayun asked. Although Jiang Xiaobai lied in front of Li Zhendong, he didn't care. If he told the truth to those who threatened him, then he couldn't go far.

"I need the Soul Cultivation Stone, and I must get it." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes glowed with the brilliance that he must get it, which made Qin Chumo feel inferior.

Ma Huayun nodded slightly, and then said: "I understand the importance. If you have a plan, I can assist you and deal with them three or two. I should be fine."

"From the time you walked all the way here, I know that you have extraordinary combat power." Jiang Xiaobai patted Ma Huayun's shoulder in approval.

"That is. How else would I dare to come in here?" Qin Chumo was proud of her husband.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, expressing his affirmation, and then said: "Let's search for other places first. This place is very big, and it may take a long time. It is best to take turns to rest. This place is really exhausting."

"This is the best, let's make a decision while searching." Ma Huayun said simply: "There is a good place, you should rest first, I will not get in the way."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved slightly, as if he still underestimated Ma Huayun's realm.


In another entrance, although Feng Baili and the others were all painted, they had a good harvest. They found a king-level soldier, which was not the best, but it was quite valuable, and some armors And so on, they were all assigned to their respective bodies, and for a while, they were brilliant and their combat power increased greatly.

"Brother Feng, today is thanks to you."

"Yeah, Brother Baili, my little sister has always had a soft spot for you, look..."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Feng Baili swaggered, not too majestic. In fact, the main reason was because of the home field advantage. The ancient Yellow River Road passed through his territory in Yuzhou Province. Doing homework, this is a natural geographical advantage, and others cannot envy it.

Feng Baili said again: "But my Feng Baili's woman, even if she is not a phoenix among men, she must be pretty good. Your sister is only a third-level warrior, can she stand my whip?"

The man grinned: "This kind of thing can be done with both hands and feet, as long as there is harmony."

"What you said makes sense." Feng Baili clicked his lips. It can be said that he has put in a lot of hard work for cultivation these years. For those resources, he dare not stop at all, otherwise if he misses the time, his life will be lost. missed.

But he was 26 years old, at an age of youthful vigor, and with a strong body bestowed by his realm, he was already hungry and thirsty.

"It's time to think about getting married." Feng Baili walked forward, and many interesting things after getting married had already appeared in his mind.


"Wait, who?"

Ye Chengfeng stopped suddenly, and asked Lao Qi beside him: "Did you hear the voice just now?"

Lao Qi frowned: "It seems to be a voice from next door. I heard something about my windy woman."

Ye Chengfeng's eyebrows were twisted into pimples, and he lost the Promise Stick and the family jade pendant. It can be said that he made an irreparable mistake. If he goes back like this, even if he brings treasures with him, he may not be able to escape his responsibility.

"It's just... I don't think the voice sounds the same?" Lao Qi hesitated, not sure.

Ye Chengfeng sneered: "Warriors who have reached the realm of masters, such things as disguise are because of the pride of warriors, they don't bother to do it, but in order to achieve a certain purpose, isn't it easy to change faces?"

"That's for sure." Lao Qi nodded affirmatively.

"Come on, let's go around and have a look, are you, dare to bully me? I, Ye Chengfeng, swear this time, if I can't give you a few knives in the back, I will kill you, and my life will be in vain!"

Ye Chengfeng grinned grimly and quickened his pace.

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