On this side, Jiang Xiaobai and the others hadn't gone far when they heard an exclamation behind them, and he turned around.

Inside the large rusted iron gate, a warrior volunteered to cut off the base of the Eye of the Phoenix with a soldier in his hand. In his mind, the soldier in his hand was a master-level soldier after all, and he had a strong vitality to cut off a piece of the base. , will it be very troublesome?

"Brother Dong, fortunately we arrived in time, otherwise this treasure would have been taken away by Ye Chengfeng." While talking, he went to cut it.

The effect of Jiang Xiaobai's coin tossing appeared on him immediately, and his reaction was also very fast. He pulled away and flew back immediately, but his whole body was still flying backwards, his muscles and muscles were shattered into powder, and his skeleton was still there. Flying upside down, hitting the wall, and falling to the ground, everyone in Li Zhendong was frightened to mobilize their vitality to protect themselves.

"Ding." An idea flashed in Jiang Xiaobai's mind. Only then did he realize that the phoenix eye can incinerate silver coins, destroy steel swords, and even kill people, but the bones will not be damaged.

If you use a weapon like a bone knife to cut it, maybe it will be fine!

Why didn't I think of it long ago!

Jiang Xiaobai slapped his head, causing Li Chan to look sideways, with doubts in his eyes.

"There is a way." Jiang Xiaobai snapped his fingers: "Let's leave here first and continue searching. If they have a way to take the treasure, it's their life, otherwise it's in our pocket."

But on this side, Li Zhendong's face was solemn, his eyes were cramped, and his brother who was talking a moment ago turned into cleaner than a skeleton model in an instant, which was very difficult for him to accept.

Killing the incomparably huge Yellow River Iron Bull was nothing more than suffering, none of them suffered any damage in battle, but they lost one of the treasures right in front of them in an instant.

"Brother Dong, do you think this situation was done on purpose by Ye Chengfeng?" Someone suggested.

Someone immediately echoed: "I have the same feeling. Think about it, why didn't you take such a good thing away right away? I think maybe he arranged it here on purpose, waiting for us to take the bait and consume our manpower." , in the future he will be able to easily obtain the treasure deep in the palace."

"Whether it is or not, we were all cheated by him!"

Everyone's words kept beating on Li Zhendong's heart. Although it was not easy for him to accept the death of a team member, there was not much heartache in his heart.

If one more person shares these treasures, Li Zhendong will lose one point of income.

If all the treasures are obtained by him alone, Li Zhendong can become the head of the family and lead the second-rate family into the category of the first-rate family.

Divide some, and there will be fewer possibilities.

But the attitude of the table should be shown, so as not to make people feel cold, and if it is known in the future, it will become a laughing stock.

"I, Li Zhendong, swear here that no matter what Ye Chengfeng's background is, I will kill him here."

Li Zhendong swears in the way of a warrior.

This made the team members look serious, and they only felt that Dong Ge was really a flesh and blood person, and he followed the wrong person.

"I, Ye Chengfeng, swear again..."

An ethereal voice came from nowhere.


Li Zhendong and the others were all shocked. They looked around. There was no window or door. Could it be the next door?

Li Zhendong stepped forward and knocked on the wall. Ye Chengfeng next door suddenly heard a sound like knocking on the door, and immediately knocked too. The wall is very thick and there are restrictions. He tried to dig through and take a shortcut, but failed, but Sound can come through, just not as clearly.

"Next door, is that Ye Chengfeng?" Li Zhendong Yun Gong shouted.

Ye Chengfeng vaguely felt that this might be some martial artist who had heard of the name of the Ye family, heard his voice, and wanted to take the initiative to make friends.

This kind of thing is very common, after all, the Ye family is a super big family, so the tone became arrogant, "It's me, who are you!"

"I'm grass mud coins!"

Ye Chengfeng: "..."

The roaring sound echoed in the wall, turning into countless voices: "Fuck, shit... Nima Nima...coins."

Ye Chengfeng's pride has only been stepped on by two people in his life, one is Li Chan, the other is Feng Baili, and there has never been a third person. He suddenly became like burning explosives, and his whole body was on fire. He got up, gritted his teeth and cursed back.

The two parties scolded each other and passed it back and forth.

After Ye Chengfeng breathed out, he breathed out and roared, "Who the hell are you? Do you dare to report your name?"

"I, Li Zhendong, is right next door to you."

"You are next door!"

On the other side, Feng Baili poked his ears, "Look, these people really have no quality. Walking with these people really humiliated Feng Baili."

Ye Chengfeng suddenly frowned again: "Feng Baili, I'm so stupid!"

Feng Bai's face darkened, and he immediately grabbed his neck to pay back.

"Who are you! I am Li Zhendong!"

"I'm windy, Li Zhendong is my grass..."

The three sides kept smashing and kicking the wall, and the curses of vitality blessings were layered and alternated, and in the end it was hard to tell who was cursing whom.


Jiang Xiaobai dragged the two bull-headed monsters and shook his head slightly: "These people really have no quality."

Ma Huayun looked at Jiang Xiaobai's figure, thought about the name he had used before, and suddenly laughed in disbelief.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Chumo didn't notice the point of the joke, and asked again.

Li Chan looked at Qin Chumo, and then at Ma Huayun, who was silent. She couldn't help being a little envious of Qin Chumo, because no matter what, she could bravely ask and speak.

Ma Huayun will always tolerate her and take care of her.

Maybe, this is the legendary love.

When Jiang Xiaobai returned to the iron gate, Li Zhendong had disappeared with his people. He raised the bull demon and threw it at the Phoenix Eye. Immediately, he got a perfect skeleton.

He took off a femur bone, which was as huge as an [-] sledgehammer, and he smashed it down towards the Phoenix Eye.


With a bang, the bones shattered, but they didn't turn into powder. He smashed the two skeletons, and the Phoenix Eye finally fell to the ground, rolling aside.

The question arises again, how to pick it up?

"Don't move, I'll take it in and use it after refining."

"Brother Pan?"

Jiang Xiaobai obeyed Brother Pan's words, and the phoenix eye disappeared immediately, and Qin Chumo, whose eyes were shining brightly, jumped up in fright.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "We will try our best to fight for the treasures here. How about the distribution of the harvest in the end?"

"Naturally." Ma Huayun readily agreed.

Jiang Xiaobai had already made a plan in his heart. If he couldn't get the soul-raising stone, he would exchange it with treasures.

For the soul stone, he can give everything he gets.

Li Chan looked at Jiang Xiaobai's very solemn expression, and felt emotional, if it was me lying there, would he be like this?

How can I exchange this friendship?

Li Chan was confused.

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