"You guys are too mean. I know that each martial artist's realm and practice secrets are his own secrets. But no matter what, you should let me have a mental preparation?"

Jiang Xiaobai kept shaking his head, with a feeling that the whole world knew and only he was the last to know, and his face was very frustrated.

Qin Chumo actively cleaned the battlefield, turning a blind eye to Jiang Xiaobai's expressions and words, as if nothing in this world could stop her from collecting materials except for the threat of death.

Seeing Qin Chumo put away the bags of materials, Jiang Xiaobai's heart was bleeding. The Fan family's children are not only rich, but also cheated on others. It can be said that they are extremely fat, but Qin Chumo's hands are so fast. He was so fast and skilled that Jiang Xiaobai didn't believe that she had been married for many years.

It's the hand speed of being single for more than 20 years!

Anyway, Jiang Xiaobai is also a big man, so he won't be able to rob this sister-in-law, right?

Jiang Xiaobai touched Fan Quan's body inside and out. This is the poorest way to deal with him. Could it be that he is the weakest, so he can only enjoy this treatment?

Ma Huayun threw two small cloth bags at Jiang Xiaobai, "I have a lot here."

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and grabbed it. One bag contained ten primeval stones, and the other contained some grandmaster-level warrior wrist armors and the like, all of which could be sold for a good price.

"I can't put it here anymore, you help me put it away." Li Chan also threw a lot of things over, including seven or eight yuan stones, and a top-grade master-level soldier.

Even in the major martial arts colleges, the best master-level fighters are all quite high-level fighters, but at this time they are picking and choosing like buying vegetables in a vegetable market.

A wave of fat!

"This... how bad! Hehe." Except for Li Chan's equipment, Jiang Xiaobai handed over everything else to Brother Pan for processing and refining into materials.

"Continue to set off when it's almost done." Ma Huayun held a primordial stone in each of his hands, and he didn't feel any pain in consuming it.

"Well, this saves the rest time." Jiang Xiaobai also grabbed a Yuanshi and absorbed Yuanqi as he walked. Although his heart was about to move, he still didn't ask Ma Huayun what state he was in.

Going forward, there are more lamps and lanterns arranged, and there is almost no darkness except for the dead corners.

"Those people are moving so fast!" Ma Huayun frowned slightly, looking around, seeing that everything he could see was a mess.

Cracks on the ground, traces of vitality bombarding the walls, and the smell of monster blood and internal organs made this space turbid. Some monster corpses were as big as trucks, and some were like rabbits.

Occasionally, I can see the corpses of warriors, which are badly damaged. For some reason, no one collects them.

"Hurry up, we have to get to the main hall as soon as possible, if we are late, we may be too late."

Before Ma Huayun could finish his sentence, the four of them mobilized their vitality one after another, and displayed their body skills, and their bodies shot out like lightning.

There are only a few places along the way that have not been searched and cleared, but there is no one around.

Just as Ma Huayun was about to urge him again, he found that Jiang Xiaobai's figure beside him disappeared suddenly. Looking forward, there were only afterimages, which gradually dissipated in the air, and it was a mess quickly. Yes, explosive power."

After driving at full speed for about 10 minutes, there were waves of applause in the air, accompanied by the roar of monsters.

"Ye Fan's palm is good! He is indeed the direct descendant of the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department!"

"Elder Ye is in charge of the Mysterious Palace, so of course he has great means. Can his descendants be any worse?"

"I think this dragon and fish demon can last at most another 10 minutes, and the winner will be decided."

"Yeah, I don't know what the dragon and fish monster guarded!"

Jiang Xiaobai heard these words from a distance, with that relaxed tone of watching the excitement and not being afraid of big troubles, if he hadn't been sure that this place was the Yellow River Palace, he would have thought it was Wu Dali playing the arena.

Turning a corner, the main hall of the Yellow River Palace appears in front of you, brightly lit and suddenly enlightened.

A dozen warriors stood aside, pointing at the middle of the main hall.

Jiang Xiaobai cast his gaze over, and saw gold, silver and jewels scattered on the ground in the large main hall, pieces of primordial stone exuding seductive brilliance, all kinds of soldiers criss-crossing, dazzling, the scene was even comparable to that of the Martial Arts Department As rich as a treasure house.

The most important thing is that there are a few brick-sized Soul Cultivation Stones scattered among them, with a little bit of starlight, which especially attracts Jiang Xiaobai's attention. He can't help but look at those warriors warily. They are all unfamiliar faces. It can be said that they have never seen.

Jiang Xiaobai's index finger moved wildly, and he couldn't help grabbing the extremely fast soul-raising stone, but his previous caution prevented him from acting rashly, and he retreated behind the stone pillar and hid it.

At the same time, the three of Ma Huayun also stopped.

All of a sudden, Qin Chumo's eyes burst into starlight, shining with golden brilliance, and he walked forward involuntarily.

Ma Huayun hugged Qin Chumo, her feet dangling in the air, struggling desperately, trying to shout, but Jiang Xiaobai blocked her with the primordial stone in his hand.

Ma Huayun was still worried and covered Qin Chumo's mouth.

He didn't speak, but just by looking at his face, he knew that something was wrong.

With such a large amount of materials, if any warrior gets it, no matter how poor his talent is, he may be able to accumulate it to the emperor level, or even higher.

When converted into wealth, it is countless, and these are not banknotes printed on paper, but real precious metals and materials. No matter how many years the world develops, whether it is war or peace, these will always be the most valuable The presence.

No one can resist these temptations!

There was no reason for Jiang Xiaobai's disturbance, and Ma Huayun also guessed that it was the warriors in the distance, who seemed to turn a blind eye to this, and only the warrior named Ye Fan was in their eyes.

What Ye Fan was fighting against was a dragon fish monster with a dragon body and a fish tail. For some reason, the fish tail was not removed, so it could not transform into a real dragon.

Half dragon and half carp tail, upper body dragon claws, lower body fins, three to four meters tall, looks hideous and terrifying, with strong demon power.

The martial artist named Ye Fan has fought back and forth with him, but he is obviously stronger. Flood dragon and fish monsters are often teased and can't stop roaring, but there is nothing they can do.


Just at this time, the scene on the battlefield in the main hall suddenly changed, and the applause came again: "Ye Fan's palm is good! You are worthy of being the direct descendants of the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department!"

"Elder Ye is in charge of the Mysterious Palace, so of course he has great means. Can his descendants be any worse?"

"I think this dragon and fish demon can last at most another 10 minutes, and the winner will be decided."

"Yeah, I don't know what the dragon and fish monster guarded!"

Exactly the same as just now.

Is it hallucination?Ye Fan couldn't help trembling, and turned his head to look at Ma Huayun. He also noticed something unusual, but he shook his head in a daze. Obviously, he couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

"Wow! Got rich!"

"Yo ho! We're the first ones to arrive, hurry up, brothers, don't let those bastards take advantage of you, hurry up!"

On the side of the main hall, a group of warriors rushed here. As soon as they saw the scene, they shouted excitedly, quickly opened all kinds of storage equipment, and frantically stuffed them inside.

But at this moment, the warriors surrounding the stands slowly turned their heads.

Seeing the movements of those warriors, scales gradually grew on their faces, and their eyes turned blood red.

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