Dominate the world

Chapter 580 Dragon Slayer

The dozen or so fighters around the stand had hideous and terrifying faces, their eyes were scarlet, and when they bared their teeth, they showed a mouthful of sharp teeth that resembled a crocodile.

"Damn! What is this!"

The warriors who robbed the treasure suddenly turned pale with fright, put away their storage equipment one after another, mobilized their vitality, sacrificed their soldiers, and stepped forward to fight.

The strength of this group of warriors is very strong, and the person leading the team turned out to be a fifth-order peak master. In his hand, he swung a huge warhammer into a circle, and rushed into the crowd of monster warriors, chopping melons and vegetables Generally, he beat those monsters upside down, and monsters flew out from time to time.

"Hahaha..." The martial artist laughed triumphantly, and the crowd around him was full of flattery, and quickly wiped out the monsters. Only two people were slightly injured, and their combat power was not damaged: "Ours, it's all ours." That's it, brothers, hurry up, hurry up..."

"It's mine, it's all mine, it's all mine."

"It's done, it's done! You won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life..."

"So weak? I thought there would be a fisherman's profit, these monsters are too bad, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai hid behind the stone pillar, only showing half of his face, and pointed at Ma Huayun, who shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know, it was 200 meters away from the stands, and their five senses couldn't detect it. Here, it's safe for the time being, let's see.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded in agreement.


The fifth-level peak master was still laughing loudly, he gradually panted like a cow, clutching the treasure, "Mine, it's all mine."

"It's mine, it's all mine."

The fifth-level peak master and a teammate grabbed a large piece of primeval stone at the same time. They looked at each other, neither of them let go, and repeated in their mouths: "Mine, it's all mine..."

The fifth-order peak master suddenly slapped his teammate's Tianling Gai with his palm. The teammate just parried halfway before his head was smashed by the slap, and he fell limply to the ground, his hand holding Yuanshi was abnormally tight.

"Crack, click." The fifth-level peak grandmaster broke off his fingers one by one, and put the primordial stone in his pocket, with a greedy and satisfied smile on his face, "It's all mine, mine, haha !"

Beside him, those team members began to kill each other, and he turned a blind eye. Only those who affected his collection progress would get angry. After a while, he was the only one left alive.

"Strange! These treasures have monster power." Jiang Xiaobai's scalp was numb. If he hadn't been cautious in the past and let him look at it for a while, I'm afraid he and the others would fall into such a situation!

The four of them couldn't help looking at each other. Ma Huayun and Qin Chumo exchanged eye contact for a few times, and finally made sure that his wife would not act rashly, so she spit out the primordial stone from her mouth, and she caught it with her hands, but when she thought it was Jiang Xiao Bai stuffed it in, threw it away with his hands, and Ma Huayun raised his hand to catch it, put it in his waist, and frowned slightly.

Qin Chumo could only grin silently at Jiang Xiaobai, obviously he had nothing good to say.

Jiang Xiaobai could only pretend he didn't see it. After all, although Cai Cai's actions were not rash, they were somewhat offensive.

Li Chan cast the Wuji Cloud Hand, and the entanglement force lifted up a primordial stone on the ground. She observed carefully for a moment, but she couldn't see anything unusual, so she could only shake her head.


Suddenly, the body of the fifth-level peak master flew upside down and landed directly on the arena in the middle of the main hall, but it was Ye Fan who made the move.

The claws of the Flood Dragon Fish Demon reached forward and directly pierced into the chest of the fifth-level peak grandmaster, tearing the fifth-level peak grandmaster into pieces like tearing a roast chicken with his hands.

Like peeling a banana, it peeled off the clothes outside the body, and then ate it piece by piece. The sound of chewing the bones made people's teeth ache, and the blood from the corner of the mouth was licked back by its tongue, not willing to drop a drop.

It raised its head and inhaled vigorously, and the life and vitality of those warriors who had just died were sucked into its belly like smoking at the moment it dissipated.


With an almost invisible sound, a fish scale on the lower body of the dragon fish monster transformed into a dragon scale. It looked down with satisfaction, and then continued to fight against the warrior named Ye Fan.

There was another sound of praise in the audience.

The companion of the fifth-level peak master stood up unsteadily, surrounded the stands, and the damaged parts of his body recovered instantly. He said the same words as the others, and the warhammer fell to the ground, becoming a new member of this treasure-filled place .

Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded, Flood Dragon Fish Demon and Ye Fan, in Shuanghuang?Their strength... terrifying!


There was another exclamation, and then someone roared: "Don't move, don't touch these treasures!"

Feng Baili hurried over, seeing those treasures, his eyes changed, but he muttered something silently, and his mind regained his stability. He grabbed the companion who wanted to pick up the primordial stone, lifted it up, and shouted at the others. Roar: "Don't move, don't move if you want to survive."

"I said Feng Baili, we have regarded you as the leader all the way, we have worked hard all the way, and flattered a few baskets, no credit but hard work, right? Now it is finally the time to reap, but you won't let us move, could it be? Do you want to eat it all by yourself? With so much, you are not afraid of breaking your stomach?"

"It's just..."

"You know what a fart!" Feng Baili swears, pointing to the surrounding stands a hundred meters away: "See if there is anyone you know? Be careful not to look into their eyes!"

"Are you trying to divert our attention for a sneak attack?" The man said, quickly turned his head and glanced, and then turned back again, "Huh? Didn't those guys just chase us down!"

"Yeah, why don't they talk?"

"Where's the fifth-order peak master? The pieces of clothes on your stand..."

Feng Bai's face also became gloomy. He remembered the appearance of the fifth-level peak master very clearly. It was because he chased him too hard just now, and he almost killed him several times. Fortunately, he was a little aware of the surrounding environment. Familiarity, using the terrain can be regarded as barely escaping.

That fifth-order pinnacle grandmaster had his clothes turned into pieces, so what about people?

Feng Baili inspected it carefully, and suddenly his face was startled. He felt that the monster smiled at him. He shook his head and found nothing abnormal.

"Those people, why did they turn a blind eye to our arrival?"

"That's right, we don't pay attention to what we say."

"They are all dead." Feng Baili gave the answer, "There is a forbidden curse in it, as long as you take any piece of treasure from the main hall, you will be cursed by the forbidden curse, which will lead to pursuit and kill, and will also arouse Demons, kill each other, and then they will all become like them."

"how do you know?"

Feng Baili looked at the questioning team member, and said expressionlessly: "Because of this, my family became the only one. A dozen of them entered here, and only one second-tier grandmaster escaped. , After telling me something, I died. That’s why I took you to avoid the pursuit of that fifth-order peak grandmaster.”

"You came here again, there must be a way, right?" the man said again.

"Of course..." Feng Baili's eyes flashed coldly, and just as he was about to make a move, a figure flew towards him suddenly.

"Feng Baili, I will kill you!"

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