Feng Baili turned his head abruptly, seeing a stranger shooting towards him in the air, his vitality that had been quietly circulating just now was activated immediately.

Although he didn't know him, and even though he had never dealt with him face-to-face, Feng Baili recognized this person as soon as he heard the voice. It must be Ye Chengfeng, and he immediately breathed out the fragrance.

Sure enough, Ye Chengfeng opened his mouth to curse at the same time, Feng Baili secretly thought that if he took half a step at night, he would fall into a passive position.

"You dare to trick me?!" Ye Chengfeng cursed: "*((&%¥¥#..."

"I *...%¥¥##" Feng Baili did not show any weakness: "Ye Chengfeng, you scold me first..."

Behind the [-]-meter stone pillar obliquely opposite them, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but secretly thought that it was a pity that he should be in trouble and couldn't fight anymore.

"do not move."

Suddenly, a cold voice appeared behind Ye Chengfeng.

Feng Baili's eyes lit up, and when he turned his head, he didn't recognize him, so he cupped his fists slightly: "Brother, thank you for your help, but I don't know what to do..."

"Don't move." Ye Chengfeng put a top-grade master-level soldier on Feng Baili's neck. He was also very helpless. He originally planned to kill Feng Baili, but the person who suddenly appeared behind him , so that he is extremely passive, one bad thing is that he is attacked by the enemy, and he will undoubtedly die.

So, when Feng Baili said hello, Ye Chengfeng took the opportunity to succeed.

"..." A sneer appeared on the corner of Feng Baili's mouth: "Ye Chengfeng, if you want to kill me, you have to die too. If you don't believe me, ask the brother behind you. What should I call this brother?"

"Li Zhendong."

"I*...%¥" Feng Baili's eyes were red, and desperately, he pressed the black sword in his hand on Li Zhendong's neck: "I'm so fucking Feng Baili!"

"What the hell are you Feng Baili? I*&..." At this moment, even Li Zhendong didn't expect that he met a few people on the road and asked about Ye Chengfeng's route. He happened to meet someone, so he chased after him , Seeing Ye Chengfeng's back, he made a move without even thinking about it. He thought he could ask for favors by the way, but he didn't expect that guy to be Feng Baili!

"Try to move." Feng Baili grinned at Li Zhendong.

"Move!" Li Zhendong pointed the finger at Ye Chengfeng after being sluggish here in Feng Baili.

Where did Ye Chengfeng suffer from such a disadvantage, the shuriken pressed hard on Feng Baili's neck.

Their respective teammates were stunned when they arrived and confronted each other.

"Do it!" Feng Baili's teammates yelled at Ye Chengfeng.

"Move him!" Ye Chengfeng's lonely teammate Lao Qi was not to be outdone.

Li Zhendong is not willing to suffer: "If you move again, I will move!"

"Move, move, move, do you dare, I bet you don't dare, I will hold back even if I die, rely on..."

The three of them didn't dare to make a real move against each other, but they didn't want to suffer, so they turned around like a windmill, yelling and threatening at the same time, and the confrontation was extremely chilling.

"Do it? Why don't you do it?"

A voice broke the balance.

People like Li Zhendong want to see but dare not, so they can only look from the corner of their eyes. Feng Baili has taken advantage of it. He has a unique skill, that is, he looks ahead with one eye and looks to the side with the other. Xiaobai, he suddenly became more nervous. That Jiang Xiaobai is holding a list in his hand, is he counting the number of people?

Jiang Xiaobai checked one by one, and found that there were only so many people present, and one or two missing was harmless. It seemed that many people died here, and perhaps a lot were eaten by the dragon and fish monster.

Jiang Xiaobai has already noticed that among these people, Li Zhendong has the most people, and there are about a dozen more, but when his family is held hostage, how dare he really do it, otherwise he will be the first to be cleaned up when he goes back.

Although there is a lot of wealth here, if Jiang Xiaobai joins forces with Ma Huayun to kill these people, plus Li Chan and Qin Chumo, it is actually possible, but there is nothing he can do about the wealth.

Feng Baili knows some details, Li Zhendong and Ye Chengfeng's people didn't do anything, it seems that they also know the pros and cons.

So, he stood up.

Although there are many treasures, what he wants most is the soul stone.

Of course, if you can get other treasures safely, the more the better.

Jiang Xiaobai put away the list, clapped his hands at everyone, and sighed: "If we are all dead, who can benefit? You have to understand this, don't you?"

"Feng Baili?" Ye Chengfeng was startled.

"Ye Chengfeng?" Li Zhendong was taken aback.

"Jiang Xiaobai?" Feng Baili blurted out.

After finishing speaking, the three of them couldn't help but looked at each other, in a trance, as if they understood something.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, and said: "There may be some misunderstandings here, but I also have no choice but to do it. Trials are not about beatings and killings. Trials are sophistication! I hope Haihan will!"

"You dare to bully me!" Li Zhendong withdrew his soldiers and glared at Jiang Xiaobai.

"What do you see in your eyes?" Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the ground and shouted, "Money! Money! Do you want it!"

Li Zhendong was startled, this question touched his soul, and he nodded honestly: "Yes, I definitely want the money!"

"Want money? Then don't think about the past." Jiang Xiaobai pointed at Ye Chengfeng and Feng Baili: "Do you want money? Tell me!"

"Yes, definitely!" Feng Baili replied honestly.

Ye Chengfeng's eyeballs rolled around, Li Chan's beautiful eyes were full of murderous intent, he was very unsure, with Li Chan's personality, he might not be able to let himself go in this life.

He hesitated a little, and suddenly his eyes glared, his vest was cold, he subconsciously tilted his head to look, and saw Jiang Xiaobai appearing from behind him at some point, when he lowered his head, a thorn protruded from his chest, that A thorn was piercing his heart.

"Ah?" Lao Qi roared in shock, and passed a sword to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Pfft!" Lao Qi's head immediately flew up, Li Zhendong shook the blood beads on the sword, and said disdainfully: "Hesitant, you can't be sincere at first glance, right?"

Feng Baili was stunned for a moment, and then he stabbed Ye Chengfeng's heart with a sword, "That's right, I don't think he is a good person."

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Zhendong looked at each other and smiled, seeming to be sincere.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two of them squarely, and said, "If you hand over some of these treasures to the Martial Arts Department, your status and reputation will follow. The rest will be enough for each of us to practice at least for three years."

Li Zhendong and Feng Baili nodded slightly. Jiang Xiaobai was telling the truth. They were not from aristocratic families, and they could not develop without the support and approval of the Ministry of Martial Arts.

"The question now is how we can take these things out." Li Zhendong said: "The things here can't be moved."

"I only know that all the problems come from that monster." Feng Baili said.

"That's why I stood up to avoid too many casualties."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly.

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