Dominate the world

Chapter 582 Wheel Battle

"I believe you ghost! You little boy, you are very bad!"

Feng Baili roared in his heart, he never wanted to see Jiang Xiaobai again in his life.

However, people die for money, and birds die for food.He simply could not stand the temptation of such wealth.

"Perhaps you don't know that just now a peak master warrior died on the stage. Even if we join forces, the chances of winning may not be too great." Feng Bai looked at Li Zhendong with a serious expression.

"I know what you're thinking of. Seeing how strong I am, you want me to test the water first." Li Zhendong smiled and said proudly: "Of course it's no problem, but I'm ugly first, so I'll go up first." Try the water, and when everything is over, I will be the first to pick the good things. Jiang Xiaobai, what do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly: "I think we should leave a new force to deal with unexpected events. You are the strongest, so you should stay at the end instead."

oh?Li Zhendong suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai with admiration. This kid is a little weaker, and he can only make up for it with a stomach full of bad things. Now he is thinking of me?It seems that he still knows how to measure himself in front of the big picture.

He thought for a while, then said, "Then who do you think is the most suitable?"

"I'll go first." Jiang Xiaobai flicked his sleeves, and two soldiers stood beside him: "My speed is the fastest here, and if there is a chance, I have a chance to retreat, so you go ahead rashly, and if you break loss, then the rest of us have no choice but to return without success."

Feng Baili pondered over Jiang Xiaobai's words repeatedly, but he didn't find any suspicion. Instead, they were all golden sincerity. Could it be that his conscience discovered it?

He clasped his sword in both hands and clasped his fists together: "Since this is the case, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman. Jiang Xiaobai, feel free to come on stage, and I will support you. Now, Li Zhendong, you are leading everyone in the rear. If you find a flaw, our The winning rate will be greatly improved. I don't believe that we can't beat them in a round of battle."

"No problem." Li Zhendong's face also became serious, and he asked his subordinates to disperse and form a defensive formation to ensure that other warriors would not be wiped out by the stage.

On the stage, seeing those human warriors discussing strategies, the dragon fish demon couldn't help showing a humane expression on his face, as if seeing the food delivery staff queuing up, salivating from the corners of his mouth, he shook his two huge dragon claws .

"Overestimating one's abilities." The young man named Ye Fan shook his sleeves, and the dragon and fish demon stepped aside.

"Wheel fight, right?" Ye Fan sneered with disdain, stretched out a finger and ticked off the stage: "Come on, it doesn't matter which one of you comes first, I will accompany you one by one to the end!"

Li Chan took a step forward: "Ye Fan, you are obviously a human warrior, why do you want to help the evildoers?"

"Aiding evil?" Ye Fan squinted at Li Chan, raised his hand and pointed around: "Because, these things belong to me. You come to rob me, but instead accuse me? You ugly woman is talking nonsense." !"

Li Chanmei glared: "You are obviously the great-great-grandson of one of the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department, but here you recognize a thief as your father?"

Ye Fan said without any hesitation: "That's all in the past. Now I am the owner of this place. I just want to spend the rest of my life protecting my lover." Then, he turned his head and looked at the dragon and fish demon. , the latter also looked at him, his eyes met with affection.

Li Chan was stunned for a moment, shivering all over her body. Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Xiaobai patted her on the shoulder. Li Chan immediately understood that it was useless to talk too much.

But everyone, at this moment, finally understood a thing or two about why the Martial Arts Department launched this trial.

"Li Chan, I'm sorry I couldn't let you cut Ye Chengfeng." Jiang Xiaobai smiled softly, and immediately a radiant glow of vitality bloomed on his body. In the sky above Taichung, under the influence of his thoughts, the two king-level warriors of Thorn Hong and Thorn Star instantly wiped out all the monsters around the stands.

This move alone made Feng Baili's eyes brighten, and he thought to himself: "Although Jiang Xiaobai is only in the realm of a second-tier grandmaster, his strength is already comparable to that of a third-tier grandmaster. This is his real strength. Of course, There is still one soldier who has not shot."

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai's figure spun rapidly.

"Good time!" Ye Fan smiled proudly, clenching his hands into palms, the air mechanism instantly locked Jiang Xiaobai, and his whole body also spun.

All of a sudden, the brilliance bloomed on the stage, and afterimages were pulled out, entangled and interspersed with each other, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Li Chan didn't have a chance to say what she said, so she could only stare worriedly, but was surprised in her heart.

She knows Jiang Xiaobai's speed best, but the young man named Ye Fan's speed is faster than Jiang Xiaobai's.

Others may not have noticed it, but Li Chan knew that Jiang Xiaobai had already fallen into a disadvantage, and it was only a matter of time before he retreated.

But Li Chan didn't dare to act hastily. Once the dragon and fish demon join the battle group, no one will be able to win.

Suddenly, Ma Huayun's figure stood out from the crowd, and the fiery vitality brilliance enveloped his whole body, making the already tense atmosphere suddenly more aggressive.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Xiaobai groaned in the afterimage, and his figure appeared in the air. Ye Fan was hitting his heart with his palm, and he flew backwards immediately.

Li Chan almost didn't even think about it, and chased Jiang Xiaobai in the direction where Jiang Xiaobai was flying backwards, and appeared 20 meters away in the blink of an eye.

She was still in mid-air, and she cast Wuji Cloud Hand with both hands, bursting out vitality, slowing down the speed of winding Jiang Xiaobai's body, she hugged Jiang Xiaobai's waist with both hands, and rotated her feet on the ground until she retreated more than 30 meters. It was only then that all the strength was finally removed.

Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth to spit out a small mouthful of blood, his face gradually turned red, and the injury could not be effectively suppressed.

"Li Chan, hurry up and heal Jiang Xiaobai's wounds. Otherwise, he will completely lose his fighting strength." Li Zhendong roared anxiously.

Li Chan was much more anxious than Li Zhendong, and had already begun to heal Jiang Xiaobai. He reluctantly said, "Then Ye Fan's combat power is at the peak of a master, but for some reason, he was not suppressed by the restrictions here. The strength is at least [-]% stronger." As soon as he spoke, his mouth was full of blood: "The weakness of Ye Fan is that he cannot leave the battle platform for a long time. The situation is not good, just let them evacuate the battle platform as soon as possible."

"Understood, adjust your breath quickly, and I'll tell them for you." Li Chan took out the healing medicine, and quickly combed Jiang Xiaobai's meridians to get rid of Ye Fan's vitality that had invaded.

On the battle stage, Ma Huayun retreated with one blow. He saw that Jiang Xiaobai was going to be injured, so he shot desperately, but he didn't want Jiang Xiaobai to be injured by Ye Fan, so he frowned immediately, and anger appeared in his voice: "Ye Fan!"

The corners of Ye Fan's mouth raised slightly, and he looked at Ma Huayun with contempt: "Thinking that you have reached the peak of the master and are equal to me, you can snatch people away from me, Ye Fan? You forgot that I am the owner of this place, and the restrictions here , cannot restrain me. When you come up, you will just become a delicacy I make for my lover."

"You'll only know after you've called."

Ma Huayun grasped with both hands, and two vitality bullets formed in his palms, and they struck violently.

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