Dominate the world

Chapter 583 A group of offal

Ma Huayun's body skills are not fast, but his realm is profound. In the brilliance of vitality, he waved his palms again and again, and almost the entire battle stage was covered by his palms, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

Ye Fan smiled disdainfully, and in a flash, he avoided Ma Huayun's real palm bombardment, stretched out his palm, and took Ma Huayun's Tianling Gai directly.

Ma Huayun frowned secretly. Ye Fan's speed was really too fast. Although he was powerful, he felt like a bear swatting a mosquito, which was really clumsy.

For a martial artist in the realm of a master, the container of the body is strong enough, and what is tempered is the weakest internal organs of the human body. Ma Huayun is a real peak master, and his internal organs have become a golden body. Although Ye Fan is also in the same state, he only needs to use the same moves. To pay back, it only needs Ye Fan's negligence and not to defend, Ma Huayun is confident that he will shatter his internal organs with a palm.

Because Ma Huayun majored in strength.

He has this confidence.

However, in the blink of an eye, after hundreds of rounds, Ma Huayun was hit with more than a dozen palms, but he did not succeed in retaliation. The injury on his body was not serious, but if it continued, he would definitely not be able to retreat completely.

Feng Baili held the long sword and concentrated his attention on guard, his eyes were fixed on the battle platform, in fact, he couldn't tell who was who at all.

Before, he promised to let Jiang Xiaobai go for a fight, but Jiang Xiaobai was blown away, and he didn't see what happened. Now that Ma Huayun played again, he still had nothing to discover.

Everyone is a martial artist, so why should I stand by the stage with a sword in hand, but have nothing to do?

As if he deliberately released Jiang Xiaobai's pigeons.

With a loud roar, he rushed into the battle group with his sword flying, but he kicked him head-on. He stared, and tried his best to slash at that foot with the sword in his hand, but when the black sword was halfway forward, the foot fell away. Precisely and quickly kicked on his face.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Feng Baili and his sword suddenly flew backwards, smashed through the palace wall, and disappeared from sight.

"This second stroke." Li Zhendong really couldn't imagine that Feng Baili was so restless, so he couldn't wait for Ma Huayun to find a flaw?

If Ma Huayun is injured at this time, who else can persist in the field for so long, allowing people like himself to find flaws?

"Pig teammate!" Li Zhendong squinted at the black hole, and he was extremely disgusted, because he had already discovered that Ma Huayun was still at a disadvantage. If the strength of the two sides hadn't been further strengthened, Ma Huayun might have been seriously injured. Without Jiang Xiaobai's body speed, he would have been beaten to death by Ye Fan with a few palms.

But looking at the current state, if the consumption continues, even if there are no dead people, all of them will be seriously injured. At that time, won't the monster beasts usher in a feast of self-help?

Take whoever you want to eat!

I can't eat for a while, so I can help replenish some vitality and cultivate to a higher level...

I don't want to be raised in captivity!

But at this moment of distraction, Li Zhendong suddenly noticed that Ma Huayun's figure suddenly stopped, and he stretched out his palm, but Ye Fan's hands were shining with vitality, and he hit more than a dozen palms on his chest.

"Clap clap clap..."

Ma Huayun staggered back, his abdomen was violently attacked, he let out a scream, and spurted out a large pool of blood from his head, almost turning into a fountain of blood.

"Cloud!" Qin Chumo let out a mournful cry, and his whole body flew forward in an instant, his face full of desperate looks.

However, Ma Huayun stopped her with one hand and stood behind her. That's it. The short blade in Qin Chumo's hand and her short legs continued to attack Ye Fan, only breaking a few feet away.

Ye Fan bombarded Ma Huayun's chest and abdomen with both palms, and finally a palm was printed on Ma Huayun's heart, and he was slapped out of the battle arena.

Ma Huayun fell more than ten meters away, trembling uncontrollably, and opened his mouth to vomit a large amount of blood, which was already mixed with pale golden internal organ fragments.

He couldn't help being a little envious of Jiang Xiaobai's speed. He was also beaten, but Jiang Xiaobai's retreating movements were exquisite, and he only spit out a small mouthful of blood.

"Cloud!" Qin Chumo's tears fell down like a curtain of broken threads, her heart ached and she could hardly breathe, she was reckless, she was playful, he was the one who stood in front of her, occasionally suffered small losses, and her face was bruised He knew that his husband didn't bother to fight those people, but today he went all out and suffered such a serious injury, which made her even more unable to face it.

Ma Huayun forced a grin, and said weakly: "If you press me down again, I will really die."

It was only then that Qin Chumo realized that when he landed, Ma Huayun was worried that she would be hurt by falling, so he forcibly supported himself on him. She quickly moved aside and took out dozens of healing medicines...

Li Zhendong's face was livid, and he knew it was time to fight desperately. He gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "Brothers, let's go together, I don't believe his vitality can last! Form a battle!"

He let out a loud roar, and his subordinates immediately changed their formation into an offensive, one after another jumped onto the battle platform, and started circling around Ye Fan. Those who had soldiers took out all of them, and those who didn't use soldiers either clenched their fists or palms, Hu He Leopard bears vary.

Li Zhendong took out a scarlet long sword, bit the tip of his tongue, and spurted a mouthful of blood from his heart on it. The blood was absorbed by the blood sword in an instant. He put his hands on his chest and started to run the swordsmanship cheats.

Li Zhendong's subordinates were all stunned, not expecting the boss to use the sword of natality.

This sword needs to be charged, and it was never used in the battle against the Yellow River Tienu before, but now it seems that it is really going to be desperate.

Immediately, a look of determination appeared on his face: "Brothers, even if we are desperate, we must hold back this Ye Fan. As long as the boss uses his sword skills, this arrogant person will be killed here!"

Ye Fan looked haughty, and glanced at Li Zhendong's bloody long sword, his expression did not change at all, obviously not to mention the people around him, even Li Zhendong didn't notice it.

"In this age group, there is that Jiang Xiaobai and this Ma Huayun, which really surprises me."

"Maybe you didn't see it clearly. Jiang Xiaobai and I have the shortest time to fight, but his speed is comparable to mine. It's just because of his poor state that he slapped me and stabbed me, but failed to break through my defense. .If time passes, I will definitely not be his opponent."

"This Ma Huayun has fought me the longest. He can persist for such a long time under the suppression of the ban. He is definitely a tough guy, a real man."

"As for you..."

Ye Fan stretched out two fingers, and shook them lightly a few times: "It's just a bunch of bastards, and you still want to beat me, Ye Fan? It's just wishful thinking."

Around this battle platform, whether on or off the stage, who can enter here, which one is not famous in the Martial Arts Department?

Even the worst ones are the most powerful beings in that province. They belong to those who stomp their feet and knock down a group of people, but only with a snap of their fingers.

But now he was slapped in the face by a person who mocked and slapped him face to face. Everyone was a little bit helpless, but they couldn't refute.

Ma Huayun's strength is obvious to all, and Jiang Xiaobai was the first to hit him, but they all retreated. Obviously, the other party has the right to speak like this.

"Go to hell!"

An explosion sounded.

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