Dominate the world

Chapter 587 Breakthroughs one after another

The dragon fish demon is full of power. In her crimson eyes, the soul power of a human warrior is like a ball of light, whether bright or dark, but this warrior named Jiang Xiaobai is the most powerful, as bright as a lamp. After crushing the statue, the bright light trembled, as if extremely angry.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart trembled as he looked at the shattered powder of the Soul-Cultivating Stone. This was the second Soul-Cultivating Stone he had seen with his own eyes, and it shattered unexpectedly.

"Are you angry?" Flood Dragon Fish Demon spat out a series of gentle and soft voices: "If you fight, you will fight. Why get angry? It seems like someone has done something to you..."

"Go to hell!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled, his vitality and brilliance shone like the sun, his figure was flying rapidly in the air, and afterimages folded alternately like phantom sheets.

The three king-level warriors shuttled around like a cruise, making sharp piercing sounds, sparks burst out from the dragon fish monster from time to time, but they couldn't penetrate it.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned secretly, his speed had an absolute advantage, but the fish monster's scales were as strong as gold, and the warriors couldn't break through her defense, it was simply doing useless work.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai used the Nine Heavens Thunder Movement to restrict the actions of the Flood Dragon Fish Demon. He meditated on the idea of ​​​​Thunderbolt in his heart, and when he found the right time, he invaded the fish demon's mind in an instant.

But like a mud cow entering the sea, he failed to get the slightest feedback.

"That's it?" There was a look of sarcasm on the face of the dragon and fish demon, and the bloody mouth opened again: "I have been thinking about the soul stone every day for countless years. It is indeed a treasure, but it can only repair the soul, but cannot create it. Maybe you I don’t understand, but in my opinion, a body without a real soul is just a tool. You are simply out of control when you play the spiritual attack of the soul in front of me.”

Following the voice, the fish demon grabbed Jiang Xiaobai and said coquettishly: "Your soul is huge, I guess, it must be very delicious, are you not willing to give it to others? You see, you are hiding again." It's really annoying."


Jiang Xiaobai's figure kept flying, and he landed on the edge of the Soul Cultivation Platform almost soundlessly, barely avoiding the claw.

He had used all his abilities, but he didn't even hurt a single scale of the fish demon, and the feeling of being powerless to break the game was overwhelmed, which made him very distressed.

"My love, where are you my love..."

Ye Fan woke up leisurely in the corner under the Soul Cultivation Stage, but failed to see his beloved, his eyes immediately fell into a daze, calling out like a child separated from his parents.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his foot, and with a bang, a footprint was imprinted on Ye Fan's face, and he lay on his back, with the back of his head hitting the stone platform, and the powerful force even smashed the stone platform out. With his head sunken, Ye Fan rolled his eyes and passed out again.

Jiang Xiaobai grabbed one of Ye Fan's legs, lifted it upside down, and shouted at the fish demon: "Your little baby is in my hands. If you let us leave here, he will be safe and sound, otherwise..."

"You, do you believe in love at first sight?" The fish demon didn't even look at Ye Fan, and kept blinking at Jiang Xiaobai. The autumn spinach almost buried Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai understood that Ye Fan was useless, and at the same time, it also meant that the fish monster was about to break through, and she would not let go of people like herself no matter what.

Seeing the wounded all over the ground, only Li Chan and Qin Chumo were there as guards, Jiang Xiaobai realized that he had done a complete mistake by using Ye Fan to blackmail the fish demon.

Li Chan's beautiful eyes were full of guard, and she had a cold face: "What is love at first sight, you are just greedy for his body, you are low."

"I'm just greedy for his body, I'm just mean, what's the matter?" The fish demon turned to look at Li Chan, his eyes the size of ostrich eggs blinked, and the erect pupils glistened with blood, "Unexpectedly, in the world, such a It is really rare to have a beauty like you. Give me your skin, and I will fascinate people all over the world in the future, and your family will also be proud of me in the future."

Li Chan really felt horrible just thinking about this scene, she sneered: "You want to use my identity to fulfill your dream? It's just wishful thinking, even if I destroy it, I won't let you succeed."

The fish demon's expression darkened: "If none of you are obedient, then all of you are going to die."

She poked her claws forward, and a warrior who was meditating cross-legged and recovering from a distance of [-] meters was grabbed by the volley. After that, he was caught dead by Void, crushed into a ball of meat, discarded mercilessly by the fish demon, and then greedily absorbed.

Li Chan's beautiful eyes were frosted, but the fish demon in her sight had already charged over, she used Wuji cloud hand to release vitality around her, suddenly she glanced at her lower abdomen, and felt something in her heart.

At the same time, Li Chan's vigorous energy rose and fell one after another, and the entire hall trembled with the fluctuation of her vitality.


Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback. Li Chan's body fluctuated not just once, but twice. Could it be... He shuddered all over, terrified, breaking through twice in a row, it was simply too terrifying, no wonder he was selected by Pang Ji Accepting as a student, this kind of talent is rare in the world.

Ma Huayun was already able to sit up and heal his injuries. After all, he was a peak master. As long as his cultivation was not damaged, it would be a matter of time before he recovered from his injuries.

At this time, he was stunned. He is 29 years old this year, and he has cultivated to the peak of a master in the past few months. This is because he is a visiting son-in-law. Although his father-in-law often beats him, he has never lacked in cultivation resources. More than half of the points, and even gave himself his daughter's share.

The old man said: "Momo's temperament is not suitable for being a warrior. I am old, and I will leave it to you to protect her in the future."

Only then did he finally accumulate his realm, but how old is Li Chan?Is she 20 years old?

A peak master in his twenties?What about ten years from now?

It was hard for Ma Huayun to imagine, and he secretly rejoiced that he didn't listen to his wife's words when he landed, and went to hit their autumn wind, otherwise he would not be able to witness this miraculous moment with his own eyes.

Li Zhendong's subordinates glanced at him in astonishment, and were stunned: "Boss, why are you kneeling down?"

Li Zhendong didn't even look at him, and said softly: "I, Li Zhendong, don't admire many people in my life, and Li Chan is definitely one of the people I admire the most."

"Boss, didn't you say that if you marry a wife, you must marry Li..."

"Shut up, are you trying to kill me!"

Feng Baili, who was lying paralyzed on the ground, glanced at Li Zhendong and sneered: "What blessing does he have?"

The shock in Flood Dragon Fish Demon's heart is stronger than anyone else's, because she knows the restrictions here best. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai broke through the first level, and this beauty broke through the second level, and has already reached the fifth level. The oppressive feeling of power has come oncoming.

Her upside-down pupils shrank, and her claws suddenly stretched out towards Li Chan.

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