Dominate the world

Chapter 588 But Your Sister Is Married

The dragon and fish monster is jealous. In the past, she was only jealous of Li Chan's beauty and wanted to take it for herself. Now she is jealous of Li Chan's talent.

Because she knows too well that she has made a breakthrough here. Once she breaks away from the restricted area, the suppressed power will recover. Although the realm cannot be improved, its strength is unmatched by anyone within the same realm.Do you dare to imagine that a martial artist of the same realm, she is not bad in every aspect, but her strength is [-]% higher than yours?The most important thing is that she and that Jiang Xiaobai are in the same group.

Jealousy made her unrecognizable, and the fish demon almost jumped at Li Chan like a mad dog.

This is a war between women.


The huge body of the fish demon rushed into the vitality arranged by Wuji Yunshou, and her ferocious posture suddenly froze, like a big fish crashing into a net. Although her strength is strong, her fetters are getting more and more.

Li Chan's beautiful eyes were icy cold, and she waved her hands again and again, sending vitality into the fish monster's body one after another.

Jiang Xiaobai stood silently by the side, like an air man, but his sharp eyes showed that he had not stopped searching for the fish monster's weakness for a moment.

The disparity in power is too great, and if you want to win, you have to use your brains, otherwise, once they fall into the hands of the fish demon, everyone will not be spared.

He suddenly saw a piece of scale lifted up slightly, the gap was small, but not without.

"Good opportunity!" Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, taking advantage of Li Chan's full power, he silently sacrificed the stabbing moon, his body flew in the opposite direction, and cooperated with Li Chan's Wuji cloud hand, Use Thorn Hung and Thorn Star to stab the fish demon's eyes.

Two points of cold light were reflected in the pupils of the fish monster's eyes. Jiang Xiaobai's figure was flying like a ghost, and the fluctuation of vitality spread throughout the hall. If he couldn't lock his aura, he would definitely not be able to tell which one was the real body.

Under the power of vitality, the invisible cloud circled and twisted above the fish monster's head, and traces of electric fire were generated from it, rolling and moving.

Nine days of thunder.

The eyes of Li Zhendong and the others lit up. This was the first time they had seen the light of hope since they fought against the Fish Demon.


The special sound of electric current release rang out. Flood Dragon Fish Demon has been cultivating for a long time, and its ability to resist external forces has already been blessed, but the vibration generated by this powerful electric current made her shudder all over. The power of Wuji Cloud Hand has decreased a lot.

Wuji Yun's hand retracted instantly, encircling the fish monster like a net, further restricting her movement and energy flow, if not for the strength of the fish monster, the power of Wuji cloud's hand would have entangled her and strangled her to death.

In the line of sight of the fish demon, two cold lights came towards her, but her ferocious and terrifying face showed a look of grievance, and her voice was soft and soft: "Could it be... are you really so cruel? ..."

The voice was intermittent, miserable and helpless, extremely wronged.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart trembled, Fang Xiqiong appeared in his mind, Lan Yingying taught earnestly, Liu Douer looked at him with starry eyes, and his comrades who stood side by side in the defense of Los Angeles died one by one ...

Countless memories were mobilized by an invisible force and presented together in his mind, Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts burst instantly.


Jiang Xiaobai groaned, and his whole body appeared in the air. He was on top of the fish demon's head, his hands were still palms, and he was about to slap on the fish demon's sky cap.

His hands were instinctively covering his head, with a pained look on his face, as if there was a curse on his head, which was tormenting him severely. His body was staggering in mid-air, and he stretched out his hands into palms to slap the fish. The demon, but immediately had to hug his head.

"Ah!" Jiang Xiaobai roared, excruciatingly painful.

"Xiaobai!" Li Chan was extremely worried. She originally thought that this moment would be the beginning of a foregone conclusion, but who would have thought that Jiang Xiaobai would suddenly become so painful.

"It's the charm of spiritual power. This fish demon's mental power is extremely powerful, so be careful!" Li Zhendong shouted for promotion, but blood spurted out of his mouth and nose, and his spirit instantly weakened.

There was a disdainful sneer on the corner of the fish demon's mouth, and then, the fish demon turned his eyes on Li Chan, and the sneer on the corner of his mouth raised again: "Are you proud? Do you think victory is in sight? Tell you, as long as I am here, you Don’t even think about living, I want your skin! Everything here is mine, and I want it all!”

Li Chan was shocked by the mental force, her hands trembled, and the continuous vitality suddenly fluctuated, and she was no longer as firm as before.

"Oops!" Ma Huayun frowned suddenly. Although he didn't know Jiang Xiaobai's secret book, he also concluded from the attack method that it was a mental attack.

In his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai's bombardment was ineffective. In fact, he should have thought that the opponent was either out of his mind or too strong in mental power. Given the huge gap, it was impossible for a mental attack to create miraculous results.

At the same time, he also knew that even if Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, there was nothing he could do. All Xiaobai could do was to look for all murderous opportunities in the field of vitality and softness created by Li Chan.

Regardless of Qin Chumo's objection, Ma Huayun stood up, he looked around blankly, and didn't care about the blood gushing from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, he knew that even though he had partially recovered from his serious injury, it was still difficult to get angry. The power he could exert was only [-]% of the original strength. In conversion, he was only a third-tier grandmaster, and his explosive power was far worse than Jiang Xiaobai's. , even if the fish monster does not move and let him fight, I am afraid that he will be the one who was shocked to death instead.

Among these people, he is the oldest and has the most experience. When he entered the main hall, he was looking for things like organs, but for so long, countless things were broken and broken, but they didn't have any effect.

His eyes moved to the Soul Cultivation Platform. He originally thought that it was the existence of imprisoning the fish demon and Ye Fan. Ye Fan did not dare to leave for a long time, but the fish demon left here for a long time and did not return. His heart trembled and he turned his head. Looking at his wife who was supporting him, "Mo, attack the battlefield with me and go all out."

"There is a restriction on the battle platform, didn't you see it? Your injury..."

"No, the fish demon will only get stronger and stronger. Jiang Xiaobai and Li Chan are our only hope. In any case, if we want to help this hand, helping them is also helping ourselves. Life is earned by ourselves. "

"it is good."

The couple looked at each other, and there was tenderness in each other's eyes. Qin Chumo said: "I have a bad personality and am not a good wife. Why did you choose me?"

Ma Huayun smiled: "When I was homeless and was about to starve to death, a little girl gave me a piece of cake. Since then, I have secretly vowed that if I have the opportunity, I will use my life to protect her for the rest of my life. "

"Is that little girl me? Why can't I remember?"

"It's your sister, but your sister is married."

Qin Chumo: "..."

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