"Go to hell!"

Qin Chumo burst out with shocking strength, Ma Huayun hugged her, she was like Ma Huayun's legs, pushing Ma Huayun to the battle stage.

The moment Ma Huayun approached the soul-cultivating stage, as the distance got closer, he first punched, followed by an elbow, and then committed himself to hitting the stage with a shoulder.


A sound like the collision of mountains was deafening.

Flood Dragon Fish Demon turned his head to look, and found that Ma Huayun bumped into the Soul Cultivation Platform with one shoulder, using his body as a point of strength, a crack spread forward: "Crack la la..."

There was a hint of panic in the huge pupils of the fish monster. She exerted her strength suddenly, broke free from Li Chan's restraint, and flew back to the Soul Cultivation Platform. Two huge claws covered the table, as if to prevent the crack from spreading.

With her huge strength, she closed the Soul Cultivation Platform, her eyes were filled with joy, and as soon as her claws were loosened, the Soul Cultivation Platform shattered into two halves.


The roar was no longer the Dragon Yin, and the rough roar of the monster filled the entire main hall. The palace walls trembled, several weak places collapsed, bricks splashed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

She sticks out a paw.

The bodies of Ma Huayun and Qin Chumo were suddenly thrown backwards, smashed through the palace wall, and disappeared from sight. Along the way, Ma Huayun's soul shattered and drifted away invisible.

Li Zhendong seemed to have discovered a new continent, his eyes widened, and he quietly grabbed the bloody long sword.

Jiang Xiaobai's body fell from mid-air. When he landed, his body turned around. When he raised his head, his eyes were full of blood, which was densely covered like a spider's web.

"Are you okay?" Li Chan hurried over to ask.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that someone was approaching, but he only saw Li Chan's mouth moving, but the voice did not come, but seeing her expression, he knew that she was concerned about him, he shook his head, his mind was in chaos, Head, as if there is slurry shaking in general.

He knew that he almost died just now, and he turned his head to look in the direction where Ma Huayun disappeared, his gratitude cannot be expressed in words.

The Soul Cultivation Platform shattered, and the mental power of the fish demon dissipated rapidly. She had a calm expression on her chest, and she became flustered. The dragon scales on her body gradually turned into fish scales. maintain.


In a roar, full of unwillingness, her huge head shook nervously, and her sharp teeth creaked, full of infinite hatred.

Suddenly, a look of determination appeared in her eyes, and the dragon scales on the entire monster's body instantly turned into fish scales, and all her cultivation was transformed into strength, and a golden light radiated from her body, as if a golden body had descended, and the already huge body seemed to swell like inflated air When he got up, he reached more than ten meters away, and layers of mist exuded from his body, and an aura of a king spread out immediately.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound above the main hall, as if a god was snorting in anger. The sky and the earth shook, and the whole main hall trembled. Bricks and tiles kept falling from the dome, bringing down countless smoke and dust.

Jiang Xiaobai's complexion changed: "Not good, this fish demon has broken through the master and stepped into the realm of king!"

Li Chan's beautiful eyes were slightly flustered, "I'm going to entangle her, you wait for the opportunity."

"This guy is crazy, he's desperate!" Li Zhendong was stunned, then stood up, grabbed the blood-colored long sword, and rushed towards the dragon and fish monster. The speed was almost fleeting, and his shouts along the way were still reverberate.

"Damn! I'm a martial artist after all, and your plan doesn't include me, it's too embarrassing..."

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand anxiously, but Li Zhendong crashed into the mist, but there was no movement or sound.

"Crack clap..."

Immediately, there was the sound of chewing bones.

Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists suddenly, his body soared into the air, and in the afterimages, he kept falling with sword light, as if he wanted to disperse the fog, but like an embroidery needle hitting a stone, all his soldiers Get bumped back.

In a trance, he saw half of the blood-colored long sword. He stretched out his hand and pulled it out. The fish demon roared, and Li Chan's soft vitality had already enveloped him. Although the mist could not see its face, the vitality was shrinking , apparently played a role.

With a sword in hand, Jiang Xiaobai's mind immediately presented the secret book of Wuyun's swordsmanship. His eyes were blood red, and he swung the long sword, but suddenly there was a crisp sound from the blood-colored long sword. This sword could no longer bear his blow. Power, turned into fragments.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly. As far as he could see, there were quite a few swords, but even Li Zhendong's natal sword couldn't bear the strength. Those soldiers at the master level didn't even have to think about it. If so, it can only be regarded as giving himself to the fish demon for nothing.

He looked at the three king-level soldiers hovering around him, and shouted at Li Chan: "Hold on, I want to refine the soldiers!"

"You're crazy! How long will it take to refine soldiers now?" Li Chan almost blurted out. She knew that there was no other way at this time. Although her strength was strong, it was far inferior to the Fish Demon. He is good at killing, but protecting himself is better than those ultimate moves. He nodded immediately: "Don't worry, I can hold on!"

Jiang Xiaobai was still in mid-air, already crossed his legs, and when he gradually fell to the ground, he immediately asked Pan Ge to take away all three soldiers, and the refined materials in it instantly merged with the soldiers. Keep circling up.

Jiang Xiaobai put all the primordial stones in, but felt it wasn't enough, so he grabbed the primordial stone soldiers around him and kept throwing them in. Brother Pan let out a sigh of relief, but didn't say anything.

The Tai Chi disc spun wildly and shook. Jiang Xiaobai kept removing the waste with his mind, and the three king-level soldiers continued to melt. Together.

And on the Soul Cultivation Stage, the huge body of the fish demon was shrouded in a cloud of mist, and the eyes of the rest of the wounded warriors were full of shock. At this time, they lost their boss, as if they had lost the leader of the flock, and they were extremely at a loss.

An invisible force pulled one of them up and flew over suddenly. The man's miserable howl was heard in the air, but it stopped abruptly, and the sound of chewing came out again.

Li Chan felt a little bit of pressure, she struggled to hold on, and as the figure kept flying, she fell short, and blood flowed from her mouth and nose, she licked it back with her tongue, biting the tip of her tongue, Accompanied by this sharp mouthful of blood, it was sprayed into the mist in one gulp.

"Even if I die, I will let your skin off!" Li Chan shouted angrily in a cold and hoarse voice.

Jiang Xiaobai's forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He desperately poured his vitality into the Tai Chi disc. Brother Pan was almost collapsing, and he yelled, "Success!"

The raw materials of the three colors of sun, moon, and star blended together to form a sword shape, and immediately stood upright in the disk. The surrounding house was covered with a layer of residue, and suddenly there was a shock, and the debris splashed, and a sword of color The twisted sword that blends like water and milk is presented in the disc.

Brother Pan couldn't even wait for a compliment, so he had to spit out the sword, and it was silent immediately.

Jiang Xiaobai jumped up suddenly and grabbed the sword.

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