Dominate the world

Chapter 590 One thought, sword success

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai could no longer care about the sound of Wuyun's swordsmanship proficiency coming from the Taiji disc, and he seemed to be a different person at this moment.

With the divine sword in his hand, a series of sword lights emanated from him, exuding a series of powerful might.

The power and power of the vitality and cheats that have been refined by the Taiji disc are already incomparable.

One sword becomes the wind!

Jiang Xiaobai yelled angrily, and the sword wind that had already been cultivated became even more powerful in his hands, and the sword wind galloped up, ready to go.

Jiang Xiaobai swung a few mysterious moves with the sword in his hand, and a hurricane took shape, whirling forward following his thoughts.


The sword wind swirled the mist, tore it into countless pieces, and gradually dissipated into the invisible, revealing the true face of the fish demon.

This is an incomparably huge...fathead fish.

There are dense fangs on the huge head, stumps and several pale intestines hang from the corners of the mouth, with strings of dark yellow fat rippling on it.

But for some reason, the fat-headed fish's dragon claws were still there, sharp and purple-black, and its huge tail slapped the ground. The figure of the fish demon jumped up, and Li Chan's body was thrown backwards suddenly. Blood sprayed into rain, Jiang Xiaobai whirled around, caught her, pushed her with one palm, a soft force wrapped around Li Chan, flew out, and landed firmly.

"Your sword is stronger, and it should belong to me, to me!" The fish demon was no longer so affectionate, and his voice was male and not male, female and not female, mixed with the sound of iron sand rubbing, "I have become a king!" , you are dead no matter what, if I eat you, maybe there is still a glimmer of life."

The fish demon has broken the rules, and the forbidden power has been triggered. It is not reconciled, and must try its best to increase its strength to fight against the forbidden power. Maybe there is still a chance.

Jiang Xiaobai realized something in his heart, and the murderous aura seemed to have substance, spreading from the body continuously.

He won't talk nonsense with this monster. If he is not careful, and his mind is affected again, then he will die.

The second level of Wuyun swordsmanship, one sword is like rain.

"You don't even have a dragon's beard, but you want to become a dragon?"

Jiang Xiaobai's figure dissipated in place, and he flew up and down around the huge body of the fish demon, surrounded by layers, the sword in his hand seemed to rain down in mid-air, and then shot at the fish demon from all directions.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Jian Yu made countless piercing sounds, followed by an aggressive sound like piercing wood. Although it only pierced half of the sword, in an instant, the fish demon turned into a hedgehog made of swords.

"Based on this, do you really want to hurt me?"

A sarcastic sound sounded, and the body of the fish demon suddenly jumped up, as if it had taken out the energy of jumping through the dragon gate, opened its mouth wide into the air, and took a breath.

Jiang Xiaobai even felt a sense of suffocation, as if the air around him had been squeezed out, and he was stagnant in his original state of controlling the air.

"Really suck the air away?" Jiang Xiaobai quickly released his vitality to make up for the gap in the disappearance of the air. He jumped to one side and stabbed suddenly with the sword in his hand.


Like the sound of a steel plate being torn apart, a long gash appeared on the fish demon's body.

Jiang Xiaobai exerted force with his wrist, trying to cut the wound deeper, deeper, but sparks came out, and the feel of the sword blade let him know that it was not a fishbone, but a fish tendon.

The fish demon smashed through the dome with one head, and shattered a large piece of the dome while turning its huge body. It directed at Jiang Xiaobai, and spit out the breath it had taken in before.

In this tone, there are streaks of green, and it also contains many soldiers' broken armor, and even human bones and skeletons.

"Be careful! This fish demon must have spit out gall, which is highly poisonous!" Li Chan yelled, and then the fish demon spit out his last breath at Li Chan, laughing wildly: "Since we can't get you Wonderful skin, then I will destroy her for you."

Li Chan frantically diverted her vitality and formed a defensive formation layer upon layer in front of her, but the injury just now did not allow her to make more defenses.

The air flow rushed over, blowing away most of the vitality in an instant, and the streaks of green color were stained in the vitality, constantly corroding and burning the vitality, and even followed the path of the vitality, flowing towards Li Chan.

She was stunned for a moment, and if she cut off the supply of vitality, she would let herself face the air current covering a radius of [-] meters. If she didn't cut it off, she would be poisoned again, and a shadow would envelop her.

With a bang, a dense forest belt composed of swords crossed in front of the inside, smashed the air flow, and splashed it on the palace wall beside it. In a burst of transpiration, the palace wall was burned completely, and the ground A melting pothole appeared, she turned her head to look at where Jianshan came from, and saw Jiang Xiaobai's sword was facing her.

She was extremely shocked, "This is the third level of Wuyun swordsmanship, a sword like a forest?"

"But why is it different from what the teacher said? The teacher has described Dean Du's Wuyun swordsmanship, even if Senior Du is at the peak stage of the master, his strength is no more than that."

"It seems that it is right to allow Jiang Xiaobai time to refine soldiers."

She fell to the ground with her head on her back, and the desperate operation of her vitality just now made her injuries worse, she couldn't stand it, and passed out.

How did Li Chan know that Jiang Xiaobai's sword and swordsmanship have been carefully improved by Taiji Yuanpan, coupled with his explosive vitality and desperate determination, his power cannot be underestimated.

In the battlefield, only Jiang Xiaobai faced the fish demon.

The fish monster opened its mouth wide: "I didn't expect that your level is the lowest, but you are the most threatening. Ye Fan should have killed you in the first place."

"My love, I'm here." Ye Fan stood up in a state of embarrassment, and when he saw the huge fish demon, his expression changed: "You...what's the situation? Who am I? Where am I? Where am I? What are you doing?"

"To shut up!"

The two voices sounded at the same time, and the fish demon looked at Jiang Xiaobai in astonishment: "You and I have the same idea, it seems that we should be together."

For a moment, there was a look of sympathy for each other, and then the dragon claw opened and closed, and Ye Fan's body flew towards Jiang Xiaobai, and then he opened his mouth and swallowed it at Jiang Xiaobai.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai's sword has been completed.

Jiang Xiaobai's body is full of swords, as if forming a mountain range, he is both a sword and a mountain.

Jiang Xiaobai's sword is as powerful as a mountain.

Between Jiang Xiaobai and the fish demon, Ye Fan was crushed and fell to the ground in an instant, falling out of a human-shaped pit.

The mouth of the fish demon instantly opened extremely wide, as if it covered the entire sky. Jiang Xiaobai slammed into it, and there was a loud bang. As the fish went deeper, several torn wounds appeared around it. The fish demon curled up in pain, and a tear flowed from its huge eyes: "I thought the mouth was big enough, but I didn't expect it to be bigger and more painful... "

Jiang Xiaobai rushed in and ran forward all the way. The power carried by the sword mountain, overcoming thorns and thorns, went straight into the belly of the fish. With this sword, Jiang Xiaobai really didn't have the confidence to cut even a single intestine.

Jianshan's power was not weakened until it reached his stomach.

The fish demon struggled desperately. It was the first time that its strong body was hit so hard. It kept struggling and jumping on the ground. Its tail and body swept across, smashing and smashing the walls and stone pillars of the main hall. The whole main hall seemed to be Started to falter.

The fifth sword of Jiang Xiaobai's Wuyun swordsmanship has been completed, and the sword is like thunder.

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