Dominate the world

Chapter 591 The Danger of Electric Fish

In the belly of the fish demon, Jiang Xiaobai hung a sword in front of his body, and his hands kept changing spells.

Wuyun swordsmanship was taught by senior Du Pingyuan a long time ago, but there has been no suitable soldiers, so he has never had the opportunity to display it, but it does not mean that he does not study and ponder it when he is practicing, especially after Brother Pan improved, the fifth level The realm has long been engraved in the heart.

At this time, even in this palace that is unknown how deep underground, the entire hall changed color, the wind and thunder changed, rustling, like mountains and forests shaking, like the power of heaven and earth, all presented at this moment, and immediately condensed in one place.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure pierced through the belly of the fish, and a sword flew in front of him. There were many unidentified liquids hanging on his body, lumps of white pulp, but he was unmoved , and immediately pointed at the fish demon.

All the power between the heaven and the earth, spinning like a hurricane in an instant, poured into that sword, the power boosted the sword, and the sword was wrapped in the power and its owner's thoughts, and charged towards the fish demon.

The fish demon was already seriously injured, but at this moment it struggled like it was fighting for its life, and fled in the opposite direction of Jiang Xiaobai's sword. Suddenly full of despair roar.


A sword passed through the body.

Countless powers of heaven and earth bloomed in the body of the fish demon, and blossomed directly.

Slices of electric current rolled on the surface of the fish demon's body for a moment, and the fish demon turned into burnt paste, and a smell of burnt meat wafted up.

The whole monster is familiar, and the dead can't die anymore.

Jiang Xiaobai landed slowly, the Nine Heavens Thunderbolt before was also the only way to hurt the fish demon. In his previous life, he had heard that the electric fish was more harmful, and now it seems that it is true.

"What smells so good?"

Feng Baili crawled out from nowhere, his limbs were all broken, writhing like a gnat, his desire to survive was extremely strong.

When he saw Jiang Xiaobai and the huge steaming fish demon, he was slightly taken aback for a moment, with a sad smile on his face: "I knew you could win, I'm fine, if you don't save me, I don't complain."

Jiang Xiaobai bared his teeth and smiled: "Then you say a few complaints, let me listen first?"

"No, really." Feng Baili shook his head like a rattle, but it affected the injury, which made his miserable smile more bloody.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward to connect his arm bones, and he could move his hands. Feng Baili hurriedly said: "That's all right, I'll take care of the rest, brother Xiaobai, hurry up and see Li Chan's sister." Bar?"

"That's all right, you take care of it first, and I'll look at the others." Jiang Xiaobai went to help Li Chan up. The injury is still optimistic, but it's just that he can't use his vitality for a while, otherwise the meridian will face the danger of bursting.

Jiang Xiaobai asked himself to put himself in Li Chan's place, to bear all the pressure from the fish demon, he might have turned into a meatloaf by now.

"I think... I can still save it."

From the Soul Cultivation Platform that was shattered into countless pieces, a hand was slowly stretched out. Li Zhendong crawled out, his face covered in blood and dust, looking extremely embarrassed. He could almost only see his forced smile, A row of teeth exposed.

Jiang Xiaobai carried Li Zhendong out, he waved his hand, "Don't, it's broken."

But the waist has been broken, and a left arm is missing.

"Boss!" Two of Li Zhendong's subordinates stood up from the two grave-like bricks and tiles, and ran out almost crazily. .”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, looked around, there were only a few people, and there were some weak voices in the big hole beside him: "You lied to me~~ I just remembered, I don't have a sister at all, you lied to me ..."

Jiang Xiaobai followed the sound and saw Qin Chumo sitting paralyzed on the ground, a figure lying on his back in front of him, surrounded by medicine bottles, Ma Huayun's mouth was stuffed with various pills, but his throat didn't move at all. I can't eat anymore.

Jiang Xiaobai took three steps in parallel, felt for his pulse, and there was still a slight beating, which meant that the heartbeat was still there. After all, he was at the peak of the master, and his internal organs had become a golden body. Anybody would be dead.

"Gather here, there are a lot of people, let's see if we can think of a way." Jiang Xiaobai quickly comforted Qin Chumo, then picked up Ma Huayun, and returned to the main hall with one stride. Ma Huayun was buried in it.

Qin Chumo's crying suddenly sounded: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Jiang Xiaobai said: "This soul-nourishing stone has the effect of nourishing and repairing the soul. Brother Ma's realm is high and his internal organs have become golden. Although the injury is serious, it is not fatal. It's just that the soul is bombarded by the spiritual power of the fish demon. Wait for the soul to repair it." , it may recover."

"How do you know?" Qin Chumo was skeptical, "If it doesn't work, just tell me the truth, I can stand it, and lying to me will only make you sadder."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly: "To tell you the truth, the reason why I came here is because my martial arts instructor needs a soul stone to repair her soul. During the battle in Los Angeles, her soul was scattered by a monster and she became a living creature." dead."

"The big battle in Los Angeles? I've heard about it. You Qilu Wuda are really doing a great job." Li Zhendong gave a thumbs up.

Feng Baili also nodded to indicate that he had connected his limbs, and many bones were broken in his body, so it was still difficult to move.


A stone rolled to the ground, and Jiang Xiaobai turned his head immediately, only to see the fragments of the soul-cultivating stone he placed on Ma Huayun's body, rolling down, and the pile of stones was obviously heaving and breathing.

He hurried forward and pulled away a few stones to reveal Ma Huayun's face. Seeing the latter blinking, Jiang Xiaobai immediately felt relieved. The comrade in arms was saved, and the instructor must be fine.

"Cloud!" Qin Chu Mo Le's snot bubbled up, she quickly covered her face with her hands, and then pointed at the soldiers scattered around: "Which one do you fancy? I'll go and get it for you right away, happy!" .”

Ma Huayun didn't know that this little girl couldn't help but go on a treasure hunt.

"You helped me choose, I like them all." Ma Huayun said in a voice that could only be heard in a whisper, "Brother Xiaobai, you go too, I don't know how long this hall will last." Turning his gaze, he found Jiang Xiaobai Having already taken out the space token, he couldn't help but smile.

Because the fish demon is dead, the soul is blown away by a sword like thunder, and the curse on the utensil is removed, so you don't need to worry about picking it up. The biggest problem is that there are not enough space tokens and the space is not big enough.

Jiang Xiaobai immediately threw the fish demon into the tokens, and then distributed the surplus tokens to let everyone pick them up quickly. If there is any problem, let's go out and talk about it.

At this time, something began to fall from the dome of the main hall.

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