The Yellow River Palace was shaken. The palace that had existed for countless years was finally unable to continue due to various powerful forces.

Jiang Xiaobai collected very quickly. He used his mental power to keep sweeping the treasures into the space token, but because almost the entire soul-raising platform and fish demon were installed in it, and because of the limited space, the Tai Chi disc was also searched, and It is faster than Jiang Xiaobai's own collection,

This guy is really greedy!

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help sighing, and then shouted loudly: "It's almost there, let's evacuate quickly, and if we pretend to be, we will die!"

Qin Chumo saw that Jiang Xiaobai picked up Li Chan on his back and turned her head to fly away. She was always the most greedy for money, and she took a last look at the treasures that were still too late to collect. There was a look of determination on her small face. Carrying her husband on her back, she set out following Jiang Xiaobai's pace.

Feng Baili only had one token, and the space was already full. He stuffed his pockets with primordial stones. Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, although his face was filled with pain, his figure didn't slow down. It's just that his The injury was very serious, and he did not dare to fly in the air, so he could only run wildly on the ground.

"Hurry up, keep up, keep up, don't be greedy." Li Zhendong pointed to the front, and shouted to the two subordinates. He was still filling his pockets with treasures such as primeval stones, but the pockets couldn't fit in. He tied his belt in and put it in his arms, and then dragged a series of armors of soldiers linked together by him, and flew out.

In the human-shaped pit on the ground, a figure stood up in a daze. He looked around, found a secret passage, and disappeared in it.

The monsters that slipped through the net in the palace all frantically ran towards the gate, but several doors had been sealed, so they tested each door one by one, and finally confirmed that one gate was safe, and the monsters escaped in a row. .

And outside the gate, Liang Chen led his team to lurk, and they had already killed many monsters here.

"These monsters, even when they ran for their lives, they didn't forget to bring their treasures with them. This has made us perfect."

"Liangchen, your idea is really brilliant. We don't go in and take risks, just wait for them to come out and give it away. It's a sure-fire deal!"

"Yeah, those guys have been tossing inside for several days, but we have been hiding in the invisible formation to recuperate and maintain our best condition. When they come out to know each other and hand over their treasures, then forget it. If they don't hand over, hum!"

Seeing that the three subordinates were all gearing up, Liang Chen had a sinister smile on his face: "This is Li Zhendong who inspired my imagination, didn't he collect tolls, and now I will collect them too, and then we will go in and search again. Good things must be indispensable, and even if the lawsuit goes to the Martial Arts Department in the future, we will take advantage of it."

"It's coming, it seems to be the sound of monsters, a lot!"

"Eh? Look at this mountain range, it seems to have turned into a river, with layers of waves..."

"What waves, that is the palace is about to collapse, what the hell, how did these guys make such a big noise?"


Before these people digested the information in front of them, roars came out, and the monsters rushed out of the cage one after another, but what surprised Liangchen was that these monsters didn't hate people like him so much, on the contrary There is a feeling of exhaustion.

At the same time, several figures shot out from the gate, and the leader was none other than Jiang Xiaobai. He was carrying a person on his back, surrounded by a sword, and kept slamming the monsters that rushed out. Beheaded on the spot, he was still shouting: "Try to clean up these monsters, if they run out and occupy the mountain as king, it will be another trouble in the future."

"Don't worry, I'll seal the door now." Feng Baili responded, turned around and lifted a warhammer upside down, his face showed a sense of relief and relaxation as if he finally saw the sun: "Although I have Injury, but with this king-level soldier, these monsters are like drizzle."

He hammered a monster into meat paste, then took two rings from the monster's claws, put them in his pocket, and was satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, the doctor flew out with Li Zhendong's body on his back. Finally, there was the warrior with many warriors hanging on his body. Injured and depleted of vitality, he was exhausted when he saw the gate, but he couldn't let go of his treasures. He grabbed it and threw it out violently, and then he managed to rise up from the air. The hall collapsed, burying his flying figure in an instant .

Feng Baili greeted him with a smile, stretched out his hand and grabbed a bunch of soldiers, the world turned upside down, and that guy could never be seen again.

Sadness appeared on Feng Baili's face. Under this kind of power, not to mention the realm of the master, even the realm of the king is unbearable.

But then he smiled in relief. After so much experience, his thoughts have also sublimated: "Man dies for money, dies for food, brother, you deserve to die."

"Tell you not to be greedy, and you won't listen!" Li Zhendong was in a bad mood, and he hammered the ground with one arm, not only because he lost his subordinates, but also because his subordinates had gone through great battles. In the future, his future will be bright, However, he lost his life because of some treasures. Doesn't he know that he only needs to improve his strength, and he can get more in the future?

Hate that iron is not steel!

In the stealth formation, Liang Chen was stunned. Although Li Zhendong was one-armed, the sword beside him was golden and brilliant, and stars were formed from time to time, and then slowly drifted away.

Feng Baili's war hammer was extremely powerful. It smashed a high-ranking master-level monster into meat paste with one hammer. The power was simply not too great.

What's even more outrageous is that Jiang Xiaobai, who is surrounded by a three-color flowing sword, with dazzling lights flowing out like a rainbow, an absolute magic weapon!

"It's gone! It's completely developed now!" Liang Chen turned his head and looked at the three subordinates, full of excitement.

The four of them nodded silently, and immediately looked at Jiang Xiaobai, with expressions of greed and madness blooming on their faces.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and without making a sound, it flew towards Jiang Xiaobai's vest and flew towards him.

There are still people robbing business?

Liangchen was startled, and suddenly remembered the name that was always bright on the list——Fuling.

But I saw Jiang Xiaobai didn't turn his head back, the divine sword beside him suddenly disappeared, pierced through Fuling's forehead in the next moment, and the fierce vitality was released instantly, Fuling's head exploded into pieces of rotten watermelon, his body It fell to the ground without a sound.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't even look at Fuling, he put the woman on his back on the ground, and then began to heal his wounds. The sword hung in the air like a guard, shining with colorful lights.

That Fuling was a fourth-tier grandmaster, but Jiang Xiaobai casually crushed him to death?

Liang Chen suddenly stuck out his tongue in shock, if he went out just now, would he end up with that Fuling?

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