Dominate the world

Chapter 596 Joint Healing

Sitting on the reclining chair, Li Chan watched Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Chong, writing and drawing on a piece of paper, occasionally discussing, occasionally having heated debates, and finally decided on the next implementation method in half a day.

"Zhao Chong, are you sure? Is this okay?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned when he heard Zhao Chong's method for the first time.

"It shouldn't be a problem, this is the secret method I learned in Kunlun Mountain." Zhao Chong nodded, "What's more, I won't make fun of Sister Lan's life."

When talking about Lan Yingying, Zhao Chong's eyes flashed with tenderness, as if he was looking at a lover, but then there was a flash of reluctance, and he let out a melancholy sigh.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't pay attention to Zhao Chong's expression, his whole mind was already on Lan Yingying.

"It's not too late, let's go!" Zhao Chong got up and walked out.

In the secret room of martial arts, Jiang Xiaobai lay cross-legged on the ground, his hands continuously changed his finger, and his thoughts of thunder and thunder turned to the extreme of his cultivation, and the nine-day thunder was brewing, and the flickering ignition all over his body was almost drawn into a line.

Zhao Chong, on the other hand, used his refining skills to refine and concentrate all the soul-cultivating stones. After his insights in the Kunlun Mountains, the refined artifacts will all have an existence called 'spirit' .

Although it is still very weak, it does exist, just like that wooden bird.

As the saying goes, although the sparrow is small and complete, this is just the beginning after all.

Zhao Chong sat cross-legged. On his left palm, a pale golden flame was released. He threw a fragment of the Soul Cultivation Stone into the flame. The power of the flame immediately lifted the Soul Cultivation Stone and melted it continuously. The little stars contained in it are like a hare that has escaped from the cage, fleeing up and down, but can't escape from the flames.

The residue from the calcination of the Soul Cultivation Stone was scattered on the ground along Zhao Chong's fingers. He continued to throw it into the calcination, and with his master peak realm, he finished refining the entire Soul Cultivation Platform, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Although it is not as hard work as focusing on refining weapons, one can imagine the pressure of putting all one's eggs in one basket.

A ball of matter was floating in Zhao Chong's palm, it was as black as ink, but it had some stars shining out.

This small group is like a starry sky, like a dream or a fantasy.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Chong, who was looking over and nodded slightly.

Jiang Xiaobai instantly stimulated the long-prepared nine-day thunder to the extreme, and the rough electric current came out of his body, like a big hand, suddenly rushing towards the Tianling acupoint on top of Lan Yingying's head.

At the same time, Zhao Chong injected the essence of the Soul Cultivation Stone in his hand into the electric current, like putting a combustion accelerant into gasoline, the electric light surged, and instantly climbed onto Lan Yingying's body, flickering repeatedly.


Lan Yingying's meridians twitched all over her body, and her hair stood on end straight upside down, as sharp as a thorn.

Her whole body soared, and her internal organs and bones could even be seen amidst the rolling current.

Under Jiang Xiaobai's Nine Heavens Thunder, her body was under the fierce attack, and at the same time, her body was resisting instinctively.

Both sides, like a battle.

One side is desperately attacking the city, and the other side is desperately defending the city.

In this competition of ideas, both sides will win or lose.

Finally, there was a gap in the Tianling acupoint above Lan Yingying's head.

Lan Yingying probably didn't expect that someone would open a gap in her celestial spirit cover that had been closed for more than 20 years.That bit of starlight was finally poured into it.

At the same time that the essence of the soul-nourishing stone was poured in, Jiang Xiaobai flew up instantly, grabbed Lan Yingying's body, made her sit cross-legged on the ground, and turned her hands into palms, using his own vitality to push the blood for Lan Yingying. She tried her best to absorb the essence of the soul stone, so as not to scatter too much of the essence.

In Zhao Chong's eyes, Lan Yingying at this moment is like an object, all the bones and veins have been formed in his eyes, and he tried his best to reconcile everything into the right track, but Lan Yingying's body resisted instinctively. , his progress was not very smooth.

But he is like a rickety tinkerer, although it is difficult, he is still sewing and piecing together the soul fragments.

The time passed bit by bit, and it lasted for three sunrises and sunsets. With the state of the two of them now, the consumption of vitality is somewhat insufficient. Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai has a lot of money now, and the primordial stone still has 80 yuan , directly took out a pile, one-handed the blood, and the other absorbed the power of the primordial stone, Zhao Chong did the same.

Outside the secret room, Kong Shang closed his eyes, but kept making tactic in his hands. Du Pingyuan's cheeks twitched a few times from time to time. Even though he had practiced Qi Cultivation Kung Fu for decades, he was still a little bit impatient.

Sheng Le simply turned around in circles, and Li Chan's beautiful eyes followed Sheng Le's body, as if hypnotizing herself to try not to count the time.

"No matter what happened before, there was still some news, but now it's good. It's been three days, and there is no news at all." Sheng Le pinched his fingers to show everyone.

"Don't spin it anymore, I'll faint if you spin it again." Du Pingyuan diverted his attention.

"Ouch." As soon as Sheng Le's fingers loosened, they immediately cramped. It turned out that this straightforward person would press down a finger every day, and he hadn't stretched it until now.

"Why is there no movement?" Li Chan raised her finger and listened closer. There was indeed no sound inside, and she couldn't help but look at each other.

In the secret room, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Chong, even with the supply of primordial stones, poured them non-stop for three days and three nights, and the veins on their foreheads popped up and throbbed continuously, apparently on the verge of collapse.

But the Soul Cultivation Stones have all been refined, success or failure depends on one action, the two of them will not give up just like this no matter what.

Suddenly, in Zhao Chong's line of sight, a little star appeared on the upper and lower ends of Lan Yingying's originally pink and white tailbone.

"Huh?" He couldn't help being slightly taken aback, according to the previous inference and calculation, shouldn't this happen?

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai noticed Zhao Chong's abnormality, and he was all focused on pushing the palace to get blood. At this time, he allocated a bit of mental power and probed into Lan Yingying's body.

It was almost visible to the naked eye, and there was a fine layer of goosebumps on Lan Yingying's neck.

It is really because of mental power exploration, it will be touched like touching a bone.

Like an active volcano that had been silent for a long time, it erupted suddenly after several slight tremors of the body.

"hold head high!"

In Lan Yingying's high-pitched cry, like the chant of a dragon, her whole body was trembling violently. The strong air flow suddenly pushed the exhausted Jiang Xiaobai and the other into the air, crashing into the secret room, and the smoke and dust exploded. .

Du Pingyuan struck out with a sword wind, sweeping away the smoke and dust, he flew like lightning, caught Jiang Xiaobai who flew upside down, and blurted out, "How?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded weakly, a satisfied smile finally appeared on his face.

Zhao Chong was miserable, there was no one waiting on the other side, he struggled a few times on the ground but didn't get up, but Sheng Le rushed over, grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up, Zhao Chong said helplessly: "I Speaking of Master Sheng Le, how can I be appointed as the instructor of the Academy of Instruments now, after being arrested by you, how will I face the students in the future?"

Sheng Le pouted, and threw him to the front: "Come on, you, what time is it, and you still pay attention to those things."

A crowd gathered in front of the door, and through the hole Jiang Xiaobai knocked out, one could see Lan Yingying sitting upright, her fingers changing from time to time, as if she had caught something but failed to catch it.

Everyone looked at each other, with surprise on their faces. No matter what, they finally saw hope.

But at this moment, a ray of sky light fell from the sky, covering Lan Yingying's head.


Everyone was shocked!

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