Dominate the world

Chapter 597 Infinitely close to waking up

Qilu Martial Arts University, a beam of light fell from the sky, and the thick secret room was completely unstoppable. The beam of light passed through the ceiling of the secret room, fell on Lan Yingying's head, and enveloped her.

Standing on the ground and looking up to the sky, even if you reach the end of your line of sight, you can't catch where the beam of light comes from.

It was as if this light came from the highest place in nothingness.

This scene made the students, various associations, Kong Shang and the elders all have expressions of astonishment, and the shock in their hearts could not be added.

"The vision of heaven and earth! It actually caused the vision of heaven and earth!"

But at the same time, a question reappeared in everyone's mind.

"So, what is the reason that caused this vision?"

All the people couldn't help but look at each other, each other's eyes were full of the color of wanting to find the answer among each other.

But in the end, everyone turned to the instigator of this anomaly, Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders, and said with a serious expression: "Sorry, our treatment method may be a bit irregular, but this situation is indeed unexpected, Lan Yingying's failure to wake up is also unexpected, my Experience and experience, completely unable to cope."

Everyone expressed their understanding of Jiang Xiaobai's explanation, and then looked at Zhao Chong. He was in the secret room, observing Lan Yingying's state. His face was serious, but not ugly.

He got up and said, "Sister Lan's recovery has reached [-]%."

"Hiss!" There was a sound of gasping for air, this value is already quite terrifying, after all, even the body of a normal warrior may not be able to reach such a level.

"But why didn't Instructor Lan wake up?" Li Changsheng asked everyone's question.

"This... I really don't know." Zhao Chong shook his head slightly, and then smiled, "But I can be sure that Sister Lan is infinitely close to waking up, all her consciousness has recovered, and she will even take the initiative to resist, maybe ...she just got lost in the dark and hasn't found her way home yet."

Zhao Chong's smile made everyone feel relaxed, but there was also sadness in it. Lan Yingying couldn't wake up, but in fact Zhao Chong was the saddest.

However, Zhao Chong still concealed the situation, that is the starlight on Lan Yingying's spine. With her cultivation base, it is currently impossible to cultivate to the spine, which is the area where the divine sense is located!

The reason why he concealed it was really just in case, some super strong people, who prefer such things that they don't understand, might be arrested and studied. Such things as blood are not uncommon.

He didn't want Lan Yingying to become a victim of someone else's experiment or martial arts advancement.


The roar of a martial arts fighter plane suddenly sounded in the sky. When everyone was startled, the fighter plane swooped down suddenly, and immediately made an extremely dazzling flip in the air, and then landed firmly on the ground. Looking at the logo, it belonged to the ninth elder of the Martial Arts Department. special plane.

Du Pingyuan hurriedly lowered his voice and introduced to Jiang Xiaobai. This person is called Ji Jiuzhan, and he is the only bloodline warrior among the martial arts ministers. He specializes in the study of bloodlines.

As soon as Zhao Chong's face changed, he laughed at himself for being a villain. Just with his status as a martial arts minister and the name of a blood warrior, he was enough to crush everything. If the other party had any thoughts about Lan Yingying, he would There is no effect even if you try your best.

Before the people arrived, the sound came first, and everyone in Du Pingyuan was waiting to go forward to greet them, when a hearty laugh came out.

"I heard from Jin Zhi that the old boy said that this Qilu Martial Arts University will probably be the strongest martial arts school in the entire Hua Kingdom in the future. I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that the lineup is really not trivial."

At this time, the door of the fighter plane opened, and a thin old man with a bald head and long beard stepped out. To the etiquette of Kong Shang, he waved his hand casually: "No, no, it's like this everywhere. Tired of watching." He pointed at Jiang Xiaobai who was saluting: "Are you Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Back to the elder, the student is Jiang Xiaobai, the dean of Qiluwu University." Jiang Xiaobai bowed deeply.

Ji Jiuzhan looked at Jiang Xiaobai, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, he nodded slightly, and said: "When Pang Ji returned to the Martial Arts Department, I laughed at him for a while. Student, going to a small Qilu to be the dean of the martial arts university, and being squeezed out of the position is simply the biggest joke in recent years. Now it seems that he has lost unjustly."

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai's mind came up with the cynicism and sarcasm of these old guys towards Pang Ji. Pang Ji looked like he couldn't bear his old face, but senior Pang Ji never showed any dissatisfaction in front of him. Xiaobai was in awe.

"Predecessors are absurd, the students just know some rogue tricks in the market." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"You, you, you are always so self-deprecating, you simply don't give others a way out..." Ji Jiuzhan shook his head, glanced at Li Chan, and then said to Jiang Xiaobai: "Pang Ji owes you a drink, if he No, I'll take you to his house."

"Senior Ji, you keep talking about Master, my face as a student is so dull." Li Chan grabbed the corner of Ji Jiuzhan's clothes and shook him for a while. Li Chan's words amused the old man. Smile, "You girl, you came from a famous family and grew up under Pang Ji's wings. You are like bean sprouts in a greenhouse. Although you are tall, you pinch it but it is all water. After you come back from the trial, your cultivation base has improved or something. I won't talk about it, the key is that you are still alive, I feel that Pang Ji can't escape after drinking."

"Why do you know everything?" Li Chan pretended to be sad and wronged.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Li Chan's appearance.

When did this high-cold goddess become what she is now?

The human setting collapsed!

Ji Jiuzhan laughed out loud, and took out something from his portable space token, "Stop pretending, I don't know what you're thinking about, a girl? It's not good to tie all your thoughts here before you get married. These are the thousand-year-old ice silkworm eggs I obtained in the extreme north, let's play with them."

The eyes of everyone in Du Pingyuan suddenly widened. Whether it is blood or silk produced by thousand-year-old ice silkworms, they are all priceless things. How many ice silkworms can be hatched from this small pile of silkworm eggs?

"Look at your unpromising looks." Ji Jiuzhan swept away Du Pingyuan and the others, "I went to the extreme north this time to draw an accurate map after the drastic changes, but I accidentally discovered a The ruins, I don’t know how many years of wind, frost and cold there are, and there is almost only a circle of foundations left in the ruins, but I still found something, and I preliminarily concluded that it might have been pushed back to 8000 years ago.”

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment. In his previous life, the country he lived in had a civilization of 5000 years.

But this number, Jiang Xiaobai knows, is far more than that, because there are many relics and legends, all of which show that it is a civilization of 8000 years, but hundreds of countries in the world have united to veto it, and they only admit that there are documents and actual excavations. The age of the artifact proof.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that the other party was obviously sore, but he slapped his face and refused to admit it.

After all, the other party only inspected dinosaur fossils and the like, and there was really no inheritance to investigate.

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