Dominate the world

Chapter 6 What I lost, I will take the chapter with my own hands

A girl with long black hair and wearing a plain white dress appeared outside the gate of the Martial Arts Arena and walked forward slowly.

When the girl walked by, the surrounding students subconsciously stepped back to make way for her to pass.

With every step he took, he exuded a fairy air that floated away from the dust, and lotuses grew under his feet, making the students around him hold their breath and concentrate.

Yang Lu, a student of the genius martial arts class, has become the idol of all the students since she was a freshman in high school. She used to be a genius girl on par with Jiang Xiaobai.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai and Yang Lu of the martial arts genius class were called peerless twins, a pair of lovers that everyone envied.

However, a few months ago, the trajectories of the two were very different.

After that assessment, Yang Lu was exceptionally admitted by the Provincial Martial Arts University. With the help of the school, she was promoted to the level of a quasi-martial artist ahead of time. She became an extremely dazzling existence with a lot of halos added to her body.As for Jiang Xiaobai, he fell into the clouds, was devastated, and became a waste in everyone's eyes.

"Why is she here?"

"That's right, shouldn't the goddess be at home and prepare to break through to the warrior realm?"

"It's only one step away from breaking through to the realm of warriors. The goddess is really my idol!"

Yang Lu's appearance caught everyone's attention.

She was supposed to practice at home, strive for a breakthrough, and become a warrior.

But now he appeared in the martial arts arena, could it be because of Jiang Xiaobai?

Thinking of this, some people couldn't help looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai still looked calm and composed, and did not show any joy because of Yang Lu's arrival. Judging from his expression, he seemed to be an ordinary person.

"Yang Lu, why are you here?" Seeing Yang Lu coming, Zhang Hao unconsciously straightened his clothes, stepped forward, and asked courteously.

"I'm just here to take a look!" Yang Lu didn't show much affection for Zhang Hao, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she looked at Jiang Xiaobai gently.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are too impulsive." Yang Lu came to Jiang Xiaobai and said softly.

"Impulsive?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled helplessly, "So you don't believe me either!"

"I thought you were here to cheer me on."

"I believe in you, but you just recovered now." Yang Lu said in an unquestionable tone. "Give up this competition and concentrate on practicing. One day, you will be able to beat Zhang Hao."

Then, she looked at Zhang Hao again: "Zhang Hao, you gave Jiang Xiaobai nine bottles of body quenching liquid, and I will return them to you. Today's competition, let it go."

Let it go?

After hearing Yang Lu's words, the surrounding students immediately widened their eyes.

This ending made them never expect it anyway. They thought Yang Lu was just here to watch the battle, but they didn't expect that she would stand by Jiang Xiaobai's side without hesitation just now.

He is even more willing to take out nine bottles of body quenching liquid to cancel this competition.

Are the two really having an affair?

"Yang Lu!" Zhang Hao heard, jealous.

He deliberately provoked Jiang Xiaobai to compete with him, on the one hand for his status in the martial arts genius class of No. [-] Middle School, and on the other hand, he wanted to win Yang Lu's heart.

There are many beautiful girls, but there are very few girls like Yang Lu who are as beautiful as a fairy and have high talents.

When Zhang Hao saw Yang Lu for the first time, he was addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

It was precisely because of this that he had a conflict with Jiang Xiaobai, and was then violently beaten by Jiang Xiaobai. Since then, Zhang Hao has used his family relationship to buy body quenching liquid, and even let the warriors in the family teach him .

Now, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of him, but it is stopped by Yang Lu.

"What? Are you questioning me?" Yang Lu's eyes gradually turned cold, and a cold breath was released from her whole body.

No matter how powerful Zhang Hao was, he could only have a strength of nine hundred catties, while Yang Lu was a quasi-warrior who could break a thousand catties.

"I..." Facing the mighty Yang Lu, even Zhang Hao had no choice but to bow his head.

Yang Lu, who has been admitted by Martial Arts University in advance, has already reached the realm of quasi-martial artist.

Although Zhang Hao has a strength of nine hundred catties, he is just a younger brother in front of Yang Lu.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you coward who only hides behind women's butts." Zhang Hao stretched his neck and said to Jiang Xiaobai.

Body Tempering Liquid Zhang Hao didn't particularly care about it, what he cared about was reputation.

He tried so hard to put Jiang Xiaobai under his feet, but now Yang Lu's appearance completely disrupted his plan.

"Hiding behind a woman's butt?" Jiang Xiaobai pursed his lips into a smile, "Are you envious or jealous?"

"I..." Zhang Hao was speechless, his eyes fixed on Jiang Xiaobai, expressing his anger.

Facing Zhang Hao's gaze, Jiang Xiaobai slowly came to Yang Lu.

"Yang Lu, it's not for you to intervene in this matter, I will take back what I lost with my own hands."

Yang Lu was startled, seeing Jiang Xiaobai's calm expression, she couldn't help muttering in her heart.

Zhang Hao's strong rise is more dazzling than that of Jiang Xiaobai before. Even Jiang Xiaobai will not be Zhang Hao's opponent at all according to his previous cultivation speed.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai said, what he lost, should he get it back with his own hands?

"He's very strong!" Yang Lu bit her lip and reminded again.

"I'm stronger!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled confidently.

"If it hadn't been the case last time, maybe you would be the one admitted now." Yang Lu said unwillingly, "I don't want you to see any accidents happen."

"It doesn't matter, it's all my own choice." Jiang Xiaobai didn't have much emotion.

In the assessment a few months ago, it was precisely because he protected Yang Lu from the monster's attack that Yang Lu escaped safely, while he fought desperately with the monster, and was seriously injured by the monster in the end. Avoiding the pursuit of monsters, fled into a desolate cave, and got the Tai Chi disc.

Since then, Yang Lu has always felt guilty, but because she was busy with the preparations after being admitted to the Martial Arts University, she never appeared in Lei Ze No. [-] High School.

When she heard the news of the competition between Zhang Hao and Jiang Xiaobai, she immediately rushed over without stopping.

It was just to protect Jiang Xiaobai, but unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai didn't appreciate it.

"You..." Yang Lu stomped her feet angrily, not at all as cold as before.

Yang Lu's expression fell into the eyes of the people around her, causing them to stare blankly.

This is their goddess Yang Lu!

On weekdays, these people would be excited for several days if they could say a word to Yang Lu, and if they could win a smile from a beauty, they would not be able to sleep for days and nights.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't give the goddess any face.

For a moment, everyone showed an expression of wanting to kill, wishing to swallow Jiang Xiaobai alive.

"Don't look at me like that, like you licking dogs, you are destined to have no future."

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