Dominate the world

Chapter 7 I'm That Powerful

Yang Lu may be an out-and-out goddess in the eyes of others.

For Jiang Xiaobai, he is no different from ordinary people. After all, Jiang Xiaobai in his previous life had read countless girls on Douyin Weibo and other software, and he was already invulnerable.

As for saving Yang Lu back then, it was entirely on my own whim that I wanted to be a strong monster slayer. Who would have thought that the monster was so powerful that it almost killed me.

In Yang Lu's heart, Jiang Xiaobai was desperate to save herself, but Jiang Xiaobai knew that he was simply playing off.

Everyone rumored that he and Yang Lu were a pair of immortal couples that everyone envied, and he swore that he didn't have any thoughts in his heart.

Therefore, in the face of Yang Lu's kind help, Jiang Xiaobai behaved like an out-and-out steel straight man.

"Zhang Hao, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will do what I say. I will give you a chance to challenge me after taking your body quenching liquid." Jiang Xiaobai went straight to Zhang Hao, and glanced at him lightly, "However, in my opinion , you are just trying in vain."

"Fart!" Zhang Hao glared angrily, staring at Jiang Xiaobai, his face couldn't help showing a ferocious look.

In fact, there was still inexplicable excitement in his heart, Jiang Xiaobai finally agreed to the competition.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai agrees to the competition, he can defeat Jiang Xiaobai openly and win back everything that belongs to him.

"Jiang Xiaobai, this time, I want to avenge my shame." Zhang Hao said, and then walked towards the ring.

"Good luck!" Jiang Xiaobai followed calmly.

"Little Bai, be careful!" Zhao Chong reminded.

Yang Lu frowned slightly, feeling worried.

She couldn't be more clear about Zhang Hao's strength, which was already close to nine hundred catties. Even if Jiang Xiaobai was not seriously injured and disabled, he was not as good as the other party, not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai had been wasted for several months.

When everyone was not optimistic, Jiang Xiaobai came to the ring.

At this time, Zhang Hao, who had already stood on the ring, hooked Jiang Xiaobai with a disdainful smile, full of provocation.

"It's so naive!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Hao and smiled irrefutably. "It seems you don't know anything about power."

"Hmph!" Hearing Zhang Hao sneer, his whole body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

There was a burst of anger in the air, and the next moment Zhang Hao was in front of Jiang Xiaobai.


Zhang Hao's fist had already come to Jiang Xiaobai, pointing directly at his head.

"The strength is good, but the speed is not enough." Jiang Xiaobai sideways gracefully, dodging Zhang Hao's attack lightly.

"This..." Seeing that the attack was dodged, Zhang Hao swung his fist again and slammed at Jiang Xiaobai.

The strength of nine hundred catties exploded completely at this moment, and after the fists were blasted, bursts of air explosions filled the ring.

"Senior Zhang Hao is so powerful! The power of this punch is beyond our ability to resist."

"Of course, don't forget that senior Zhang Hao already has a strength of nine hundred catties, and you only have a few hundred catties?"

"Jiang Xiaobai is in danger now. If I remember correctly, Jiang Xiaobai hadn't been abolished back then, and it was impossible for him to reach the strength of nine hundred catties!"

Everyone was deeply impressed by the power displayed by Zhang Hao.

When Zhang Hao in the arena heard the praise from the people around him, he felt elated, and his moves became more open and closed.

Like Zhang Hao and Jiang Xiaobai, although they are students in the martial arts genius class, they are only tempering their physical strength and have not learned any moves or exercises.

In this chaotic era, any kind of cultivation method is extremely rare and precious, even if you have money, you can't buy it.

For example, Zhang Hao and Jiang Xiaobai can only fight with some basic moves, and cannot use martial arts at all.


There was another explosion in the air, and Zhang Hao's fist speed increased again.

"The speed is doubled, it depends on how you dodge." Zhang Hao grinned, the power of this punch was close to his extreme.

Whether it is in strength or speed, there are no flaws.

The fist was like a fired shell, and it hit Jiang Xiaobai heavily.


Zhao Chong couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yang Lu's eyes showed a trace of worry.

This blow, looking at the entire Lei Ze Sanzhong, is almost invincible.

After Jiang Xiaobai saw Zhang Hao's attack, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Nine hundred catties of strength?" Jiang Xiaobai said lightly, then made a fist with his right hand, and suddenly bombarded it.

The two fists collided with each other, and there was a powerful collision sound, which could be clearly heard in the entire martial arts arena.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of bones breaking came out clearly.

After hearing this voice, everyone immediately looked towards the ring.

Jiang Xiaobai still stood indifferently, while Zhang Hao in front of him was half kneeling on the ground with his right hand drooping, his white bones pierced through the skin and were exposed outside.

At this moment, fine beads of sweat had already oozed out of Zhang Hao's face, his face was pale, and he looked terrified.

"You..." Zhang Hao endured the pain and stood up, "How is this possible!"

It was almost a perfect blow just now, and I thought it could easily injure Jiang Xiaobai.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai only punched himself, but seriously injured himself.

what on earth is it?

The students surrounding the arena burst into unimaginable cries when they saw everything in front of them.

"Hold the grass! What do I see?"

"My God! Tell me, it's not true! How could it be like this?"

"Impossible, how did Jiang Xiaobai seriously injure Senior Zhang Hao with one blow? This is too fake!"

No one believed what they saw.

It's true that Jiang Xiaobai is an arrogance, but in the past few months, Zhang Hao's progress has already surpassed that of Jiang Xiaobai.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai is still crushing Zhang Hao.

Could it be that all Jiang Xiaobai is practicing?

"Strength of a thousand catties?" Yang Lu's beautiful eyes rolled around, and she let out a coquettish call.

She saw the battle between the two of them just now. Zhang Hao has a real strength of [-] catties, which is already considered a good achievement in Lei Ze San, but Jiang Xiaobai's strength is not weaker than him at all. .

Especially when Jiang Xiaobai swung his fist, it reached the strength of a thousand catties.

Thousands of pounds of power!

What is this concept?

Even her, Yang Lu, after receiving the award from the Martial Arts University, has just reached the realm of breaking a thousand catties.

Jiang Xiaobai has been silent for several months, and he has reached a thousand catties!

The strength of a thousand catties is a threshold. If a student breaks through the power of a thousand catties, he can be admitted by Martial Arts University.

What exactly has Jiang Xiaobai experienced in the past few months?

Thinking of this, Yang Lu couldn't help thinking.

As for Zhang Hao in the arena, he was naturally unwilling to fail.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are cheating!" Zhang Hao suddenly roared angrily.

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