Dominate the world

Chapter 600 Please

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

Before the drastic change, all the articles and poems could cultivate sentiment or express the magnificent feelings in the heart. Everyone's comment angle and level are naturally different, so it is inevitable that some poems, although good, cannot win more. high position.

But now it is completely different. The heart of the literati can be shown through the spirit of writing. This is like a martial artist. If your punch is five hundred catties, then it is five hundred catties.

At the foot of Wensheng Mountain at this time, the staff of the Ministry of Culture and Dao opposite Zhang Chulan changed their expressions. They failed to go to the doctor, and even their recognized seniors also failed. What is this ordinary-looking young man who is not much better than a tramp? backing?

These people couldn't help stepping forward one after another. Although Zhang Chulan's poems are absolutely excellent in artistic conception, who among the literati would admit that his ability is not as good as others?So they all stepped forward.

At this time, in the middle of Wensheng Mountain, Wang Yuanzhou, the grand priest of Jixia Academy, was playing chess with Hu Yunsheng, the Minister of Wendao. Every step between the two was extremely slow, and every move had to be carefully thought out. The students next to him accompanied each other with great interest, but they didn't dare to point fingers and couldn't wait.

Wang Yuanzhou finally let go, and Hu Yunsheng seemed to have been waiting for Wang Yuanzhou to take this step a long time ago, and he immediately beamed with joy, "Commander, eat your engineers, haha, I will win this time!"

Wang Yuanzhou shook his head and sighed, "Elder Hu's skills are superb, I am really overwhelmed here, if you lose, you lose, and you don't regret chess."

"That's what I like about you. Simply put, you're not as hypocritical as others." Hu Yunsheng packed up the chess pieces, put them all on their backs, and said with a smile, "But having said that, your pair is really good. They kept talking, saying that you have to be in the position of the great sacrificial wine for a few more years, and in the current sacrificial wine, alas."

Wang Yuanzhou nodded, "There is no other way. In terms of killing and brilliance, martial arts can indeed shine in the shortest possible time, while literary arts require long-term learning and accumulation, otherwise it is just talking on paper. Moot."

"Accumulation..." Hu Yunsheng heard this word, thought about the current situation, but shook his head: "It's easy to say, but it's too difficult to do. Too many people don't have enough money and energy to support him to accumulate Enough is enough, martial arts are prevalent, and more and more good seedlings abandon literature and follow martial arts, and literature is getting more and more difficult."

Wang Yuanzhou was waiting for the match, when someone rushed over and reported: "The big sacrificial wine, it's not good, someone has matched your pair."

"Huh?" Wang Yuanzhou was slightly taken aback, "Matched my pair? Who used my pair?"

"It's Zhang Shangchang, the senior doctor. He stopped a loose person who was going to climb the mountain at the foot of the mountain. He used your pair, and it turned out..."

"What was the result?" Wang Yuanzhou grabbed the man's arm, and the thin body made the man's mouth twitch in pain.

"As a result, the doctor vomited blood all over."

"It was completely crushed!" Wang Yuanzhou's face was full of strange brilliance: "Just now I was talking about the decline of Wen Dao, did this actually send me a Chollima?"

! ”

Hu Yunsheng put down the chess piece and said with a smile: "This is really a rare thing, tell me quickly, how did the opponent get it right?"

The man hurriedly said: "Plant okra from spring to summer, harvest the seeds and store them in winter."

This person just read it out, although he still can't understand the deep meaning of the pair, but he has been able to release a wave of literary energy, which makes the wind in the mountains suddenly rise.

"Yo? It's really interesting." Hu Yunsheng looked around and couldn't help nodding, "Since this boy can match up with such a pair, he must have a lot of poetry in his belly. As the saying goes, there is a poetic spirit in his belly, so I don't want it. Take a look at this guy, Old Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Yuanzhou deliberated over the upper and lower couplets, finally shook his head, and laughed, "Good match, but in this way, my upper couplet is no longer worthy of his second couplet, just now Elder Hu was still sighing about Wen Dao, it seems I am a big sacrificial wine, I can retire earlier."

"Huh?" Elder Hu laughed and said, "This person gave up before seeing you? This is not like your old Wang's character. It's not so easy to be an elder. Let's go down the mountain and have a look."

Listening to the words, Wang Yuanzhou's heart brightened, he shook his sleeves, adjusted his appearance, and walked down the mountain.

It's just that they went down the mountain very fast, shrinking their ground into inches like turning over a book, and soon came to the foot of the mountain, but the scene in front of them was much more embarrassing than they imagined. After recovering from meditating on the spot, the brilliance of literary spirit lingered around them, and it was hard to hide their embarrassment.

And on the other side of all these people, there was only one person, who looked about [-] years old. Although there were some traces of weather on his body, he had a very strong scholarly spirit.

Wang Yuanzhou just glanced at it, and he felt happy. He was about to take a step, and Elder Hu beside him had already stepped out first. He looked at Zhang Chulan and said, "Let me introduce myself. My surname is Fu, Gu Yuefu, Fu Yun Sheng, I don't know what your name is?"

"It turned out to be Elder Hu. Disrespect and disrespect." Zhang Chulan had heard Master Kong Shang's introduction to Wendaoyuan, and said: "My name is Zhang Chulan, a liberal arts teacher at Qiluwu University."

"Qiluwu University?" Hu Yunsheng was taken aback for a moment, "You said you are from Qiluwu University?"

"Then, I've heard of you a long time ago." Wang Yuanzhou looked at Elder Hu beside him, and said with a smile, "He was the one who defeated Liu Wenzhao back then, and now the students still aim to defeat him in the future. , I am afraid that the gap is getting bigger and bigger."

Elder Hu nodded: "No wonder it sounds familiar. It turns out that we still don't know each other. Come and talk to me about your mental journey. Why did you want to climb Wensheng Mountain?"

Zhang Chulan said: "Looking at ancient and modern times, countless literati have written poems and lyrics with the inscription of Wensheng Mountain. Since the drastic change, the literary spirit contained in it is probably hard to find second place in the world. With a reverent heart, I want to enter it and travel."

Elder Gu said: "Then where have you traveled?"

Zhang Chulan talked eloquently. It has been more than a month since the defense of Los Angeles, to the conquest of Mount Tai, and then to travel around the world. However, he did not travel on a martial arts fighter plane, but was completely down-to-earth. He walked all the way and watched all the memories. After drafting the poem, I asked Elder Hu to look it over, "These are the emotions and feelings I express in the places I have traveled."

Who is Elder Hu? As the elder of Wen Dao School, one can see Zhang Chulan's poems and know that he has indeed experienced it. It took him more than a month to come to Wensheng Mountain.

He looked at the other students and said with a faint smile: "Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles at the same time, the two complement each other and are indispensable. If you have half his perseverance, our Wendao Academy will prosper."

"Please enter Wensheng Mountain." Elder Hu stepped aside.

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