"Thank you, senior." Zhang Chulan saluted and thanked, and walked into the mountain gate.

Looking at Zhang Chulan's back, Wang Yuanzhou seemed to see his young self, for the sake of learning the sea, advancing bravely in the rapids, gentle and gentle, but with a murderous spirit, which is in the entire Wendao Academy, except for the already famous elders. They are indeed rare.

"Why don't we make a bet and guess where he can go?" Although Wang Yuanzhou was joking, his expression was extremely serious.

"I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, but I'm in this mountain. I'm afraid he won't be able to get out!" Hu Yunsheng sighed, and then he dug his ears like a scholar, feeling that something had been dug out, and he was relieved With a flick of the fingers.

"That's true. The artistic conception has reached a certain level. It can only be understood, not expressed in words. All we can do is to bless him." Wang Yuanzhou turned around and said, "Why don't we just play chess here and wait for him? "

"It should be so." Hu Yunsheng finally saw a seed belonging to Wen Dao, and he was not willing to go back easily.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan didn't know that he just arrived at the foot of Wensheng Mountain, which caused a wave of traveling among liberal arts students across the country.


Qilu Wuda.

Jiang Xiaobai received a letter from the Liu family, either from Liu Zongyuan or Liu Douer, or from the Jiangnan Liu family's signature.

"Invite me to visit Liu's house?" Jiang Xiaobai read the letter, and was startled slightly. He didn't see Liu Dou'er when he came back, so he found out after inquiring. It turned out that this girl was recalled overnight by the family for some reason, and there was only time. I took a leave with Kong Shang and hurried back.

Reminiscent of Liu Douer's actions and the invitation of this letter, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but have a question mark in his mind: "Isn't this a disguised way to show that the Liu family knows about himself and Liu Douer?"

"Could it be that my uncle is finally going to see his mother-in-law?"

Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about it here, and Li Chan, who was peeking at him, frowned and gritted her teeth. She pretended not to care and said, "I don't think things are that simple. Think about it, it's the Liu family. , a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River."

Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently: "So what, after all, Douer and I are in love with each other. Parents should not interfere too much in this kind of matter, right?"

Li Chan said: "Do you think that everyone can fall in love freely? The bigger the family, the more opinions there are. I still remember a cousin of mine who originally had a sweetheart, but the family beat mandarin ducks. There is no reason, just If you don't agree, then the cousin has to marry someone else. If not, the family members will kill that man."

"Your house is terrible." Jiang Xiaobai said speechlessly.

"Will a person be happy if he marries someone he doesn't like in this life?" Li Chan sighed and shook her head: "My cousin is soft-tempered and doesn't know how to fight. If it were me, I would definitely not agree. "

"No?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Are you willing to see your beloved be killed by family members?"

"So you have to become stronger!" Li Chan clenched her fists.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, and decided not to attack Li Chan. After all, no matter how powerful you are, can you do anything to your family members?

Li Chan didn't say anything more, she seemed to suddenly understand that Jiang Xiaobai had never stayed in a real family, and the degree of mutual rivalry was actually no less serious than the trial of the Yellow River Ancient Road.

Jiang Xiaobai is already preparing for the trip. He needs to tidy up, do hairstyles and so on, and then pick out a few gifts that best express his heart, and put them all into space tokens.

Jiang Xiaobai's new look made Li Chan look sideways, but when she thought that she was going to Liu's house, not Li's, she felt as uncomfortable as a cat's claws.

"If you go, you will be kicked out. For sure, I don't need to curse you." Li Chan drew circles in the corner.

But no matter what, Jiang Xiaobai's itinerary has arrived. He drove a martial arts fighter and set off for Jiangnan.

With his current state, there is actually no problem in flying in the air, but martial arts fighters can be regarded as a representative of status, and can be used to stop others. The more light you have, the more confident you speak.

He flew all the way, and when he passed over the ancient Yellow River Road, he took a look down. Although he couldn't see anything, he always felt nostalgic for the places he experienced. With a smile, he took out a primordial stone, and threw it into the martial arts fighter generously, and the speed further accelerated.

At this time, on the vast land of the ancient Yellow River Road, a piece of land swelled up, like a groundhog burrowing out of the ground, and immediately a figure jumped out. He immediately heard the roar of martial arts fighters, looked up, but His eyes were blinded by the blazing sun.

He was Ye Fan. He was in tatters like the most down-and-out beggar. After groping in the secret path for a long time, he finally saw the light of day again, but he was attracted by the fighter plane and almost blinded his eyes.

"What's the bullshit, my son's martial arts fighter is coming out, you are so inferior that you don't have the face to talk to me." Ye Fan half closed his eyes and raised his finger towards the sky, and then hid very wretchedly in the deserted beach overgrown with grass Among them, he wanted to rush back to the family as soon as possible.

Now he is probably powerless to resist any accidents.

The moment he left the ancient Yellow River Road, Ye Fan turned around suddenly, everything from the past came to mind, but the fish demon was dead, and his only enemy was that Jiang Xiaobai.

"Qilu Wuda? Wait for me." Ye Fan sneered ferociously, and then disappeared into the deserted beach.


The beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River is too numerous to enumerate.

The main entrance of Liu's house is very spacious, and it is no problem for four fighter planes to take off at the same time.

"Dou'er, did you grow up here?"

When the fighter plane was stopped at the side door, Jiang Xiaobai had this thought in his mind. He sorted out the token again and made sure that the gift was still there, so he got off the fighter plane with satisfaction. However, according to the agreed time, someone should Come and greet me.

"Hey!" A middle-aged man walked out of the corner door and waved his hand: "Get out of the way, don't stop here."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "I am..."

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly widened: "I told you to get out of the way, did you hear that? I have a fighter to go out soon, and if anything happens, your tiny shoulders can bear it!"

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai had already parked behind the side door, but he could only listen to others, so don't cause trouble and make it difficult for Liu Douer, that would be bad.

After Jiang Xiaobai boarded the fighter plane, he moved out again, and a martial arts fighter jet came out from the side door, which was a circle bigger than his own.

Jiang Xiaobai got off the fighter plane and handed the cigarette to the middle-aged man, and said in a friendly way: "Hey, you're so handsome."

The middle-aged man nodded, "Well, this is my chef. He went out to buy vegetables. Didn't you see the words "Kitchen Special" on the wing?"

Jiang Xiaobai: "..."

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